Descritive Geometry and Engineering Graphics

Major: Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Code of subject: 6.185.00.O.014
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Technical Mechanics and Engineering Graphics
Lecturer: Bespalov Anatoly Leonidovich Aftanaziv Ivan Semenovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. Application of theoretical bases of construction of graphic models (images) and methods of projection for construction of graphic images and elements of spatial forms: points, lines, planes, separate lines and surfaces. 2. Ability to solve problems on the mutual affiliation and intersection of geometric bodies and surfaces, to determine the natural size of individual geometric shapes and distances between elements of space. 3. Build images (views, sections, January, axonometric projections, etc.) on drawings and sketches of parts, develop drawings of general types of assemblies and mechanisms, as well as detailing assembly drawings or drawings of general form in accordance with current standards in Ukraine. 4. Competently apply the dimensions on the working drawings and sketches of details. 5. Mastering the rules of execution and design of design documentation: drawings, diagrams accompanying their text documents. 6. To be able to competently apply the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the execution and reading of machine-building drawings. As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: Learning outcomes Methods of teaching and learning Methods of assessing the level of achievement learning outcomes PH1 - Ability to change the requirements of the theoretical course of the discipline when changing the requirements. Lectures, laboratory classes - information-receptive method, reproductive method, heuristic method, problem-solving method, independent work - reproductive method, research method Current control - performance and defense of practical graphic works, oral (individual) and frontal (general) survey PH2 - Ability to apply the acquired knowledge in performing specific practical tasks. Lectures, laboratory classes - information-receptive method, reproductive method, heuristic method, problem-solving method, independent work - reproductive method, research method Current and examination control. Methods of knowledge assessment: selective oral examination; tests; evaluation of activity, proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, etc. Exam - written work, oral component PH3 - Ability to adapt to new conditions, make independent decisions and initiate original research and innovation complex projects. Lectures, laboratory classes - information-receptive method, reproductive method, heuristic method, problem-solving method, independent work - reproductive method, research method Current control - performance and defense of practical graphic works, oral (individual) and frontal (general) survey PH4 - Ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge. Lectures, laboratory classes - information-receptive method, reproductive method, heuristic method, problem-solving method, independent work - reproductive method, research method Current and examination control. Methods of knowledge assessment: selective oral examination; tests; evaluation of activity, proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, etc. Exam - written work, oral component
Required prior and related subjects: № n / n Previous academic disciplines Related and subsequent academic disciplines 1 Geometry Informatics 2 Drawings Higher Mathematics (Linear Algebra) 3 Stereometry Course and diploma design
Summary of the subject: "Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics" - one of the disciplines that not only form the basis of engineering training of students, but most importantly, contribute to the development of their spatial imagination and independent technical creativity. The ultimate goal of studying the discipline is to master students' knowledge and skills necessary to present technical ideas with the help of drawings, as well as to understand the design and principle of operation of technical products depicted in the drawing. In general, the course "Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics" consists of the following sections: descriptive geometry, geometric, projection and machine-building drawings, computer graphics. The theoretical basis of this course is descriptive geometry - a science that studies ways to represent spatial forms on a plane and ways to solve geometric problems on the image of these forms. The knowledge and skills acquired in the study of descriptive geometry are the basis for mastering the course of mechanical engineering drawing and computer graphics, practical work of the course. The ultimate goal of the discipline is for students to master the means of constructing images of spatial objects on a plane - on a drawing or computer screen, gaining the necessary knowledge and skills to perform and read images of objects, working documentation for technical products. It should be noted that the full mastery of drawing as a means of expression of technical thought and production document is carried out throughout the study at the university. The knowledge and skills acquired during the study of the discipline are needed both for the study of general technical and special disciplines of the university, and in the future engineering activities of students. As a result of studying the discipline, the specialist must know: 1. Methods of designing geometric figures on the plane. 2. Rules of execution of design documentation: drawings, schemes, text documents. A trained specialist must be able to: 1. Solve geometric problems by methods of descriptive geometry. 2. Read design documents (drawings, diagrams): imagine the shapes of the components of products and the principle of their work. 3. Perform details of general drawings or assembly drawings.
Assessment methods and criteria: Achievements of learning outcomes are assessed according to the following methods: current control - implementation and protection of practical graphic works; oral (individual) and frontal (general) interview; tests; evaluation of activity, proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, etc. Examination control. 6. Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes The maximum score in points is 100 points Current control (PC) Examination control Together for discipline GR-1 2 GR-2 6 GR-3 7 GR-4 5 GR-5 7 GR-6 6 GR-7 6 GR-8 5 GR-9 6 Together for PC 50 Written component 40 Oral component 10 100
Recommended books: 1.Нарисна геометрія та основи архітектурної графіки: Навчальний посібник/ С.І. Пустюльга, В.Р. Самостян – Луцьк: Вежа, 2020. – 318 с. 2.В. Є. Михайленко, ?. Ф. Євстіфеєв, C. М. Ковальов, О. В. Кащенко НАРИСНА ГЕОМЕТРІЯ За редакцією заслуженого діяча науки України, доктора технічних наук, професора В. Є. Михайленка Затверджено Міністерством освіти і науки У країни Підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів 3-тє видання, перероблене 3.Нарисна геометрія : навч. посіб. з контрол. тестами / Ю. Я. Попудняк, А. Д. Малий, А. В. Краснюк, А. С. Щербак ; Дніпров. нац. ун-т залізн. трансп. ім. акад. В. Лазаряна. – Дніпро : ТОТЕМ, 2019. – 176 с 4.Нарисна геометрія та інженерна графіка [Текст] : метод. рук. до вивч. дисц. / Л.О. Цвіркун; Донец. нац. ун-т економіки і торгівлі ім. М. ТуганБарановського, каф. загальноінженерних дисциплін та обладнання. – Кривий Ріг : ДонНУЕТ, 2019. – 106 с. 5.Практикум з нарисої геометрії до курсу «Нарисна геометрія, інженерна та комп’ютерна графіка». Частина І: Навчально-методичний посібник/І.С.Афтаназів, П.П.Волошкевич, О.О.Бойко, А.Л. Беспалов. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2017. -193 с.