Technology and Audit of Foreign Economic Transactions

Major: International Economic Relations
Code of subject: 6.292.00.O.074
Credits: 4.00
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: Shulyar Roman Vitaliyovytsh
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline involves the formation of students' competencies: integral competence: INT. Ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems during professional activities in the field of international economic relations or in the learning process, which involves the application of theories and methods of international economic relations and international economics and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty. general competencies: GC4. The ability to apply knowledge to solve qualitative and quantitative problems, as well as to produce new ideas, to show creativity, the ability to think systematically. GC5. Ability to search and process information from various sources and analyze it, as well as the ability to adapt and act in a new situation. GC8. Ability to effectively use in practice various theories in the field of education and the formation of international economic relations. professional competencies: PC2. Basic knowledge in the field of international economic relations, necessary for the development of professionally oriented disciplines. PC4. Basic knowledge of basic regulations and reference materials, current standards and specifications, instructions, and other regulations in the field of international economic relations. PC13. Ability to use knowledge and skills to calculate indicators of production and economic and financial and economic activities of business structures in terms of international economic relations. PC14. Ability to master the methods and technologies of international transactions. PC17. Ability to perform basic diagnostics of the object under study based on using various diagnostic methodologies of leading international organizations. professional competencies of the profile direction: PC1.1. Ability to choose the most appropriate forms of foreign economic transactions. PC1.3. Ability to analyze competitive materials, write a competitive letter, provide economic justification for foreign economic transactions. PC2.3. Ability to use innovation project management skills internationally. PC3.1. Ability to understand and adhere to diplomatic protocol and business etiquette in negotiations. PC3.3. Ability to use information systems and technologies in the management of international economic relations in the field of media communications and IT. As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: knowledge: KW4. Knowledge of the peculiarities of the development of international investment and innovation activities, the principles of investment portfolio formation, methods of evaluating the effectiveness of portfolio and real investments. KW6. Knowledge of the procedure for preparation, conclusion, and implementation of foreign trade agreements, structure, content, standard forms of foreign trade documentation. KW8. Knowledge of the peculiarities of foreign trade agreements and contracts, international and national standards of audit of foreign economic transactions. KW19. Knowledge of theoretical-methodological and organizational problems that arise in the implementation of customs services. skills: SK8. Ability to communicate within the framework of social dialogue. SK14. Ability to conduct commercial negotiations on the conclusion of foreign trade contracts and cooperation agreements. SK15. Ability to audit foreign economic transactions based on the study of financial documents and reports.
Required prior and related subjects: -prerequisite: International Economics -co-requisite: Budgeting International Business
Summary of the subject: Concept and types of commercial transactions, export-imports operations re-exports, and re-imports operations, operations co-trading or operation of the natural exchange, transactions that involve the seller in the realization of goods offered by the buyer, the redemption of old products, deliveries to equipment, operations on tolling, or tolling, counter-trade transactions within the industrial cooperation agreement countervailing simple, complex compensation agreement, clustering, franchise products, and services. Planning and organizing foreign operations. Foreign stages of implementation. The pre-contractual preparation, market research foreign market, search, selection and installation of contact with a foreign partner, analysis and elaboration of competitive materials, drafting competition sheet, the calculation of import/export prices, the elaboration of the basic conditions of the contract, elaboration monetary terms of the contract, the economic justification foreign contracts. The conclusion and signing of trade contracts, preliminary negotiations, drafting and signing of foreign contracts, negotiations with the contractor, the general conditions of negotiation preparation for negotiation, time and place of negotiations. The initiative of conducting, composing, designing, and negotiating program participants' stay in the country, the draft estimates of expenditure of negotiations, the process of negotiations, cultural concepts and classification of business cultures, the signing of final documents and protocol events, recording the results of the negotiations. Control, external trade performance, and termination of the contract. Audit of foreign operations, legal regulation and scientific and methodological support of auditing foreign operations, the essential characteristics of auditing foreign operations, function and classification of auditing standards, audit model foreign operations, audit evidence, procedures, techniques and tests, working papers, and audit report, audit firm (auditor): legal regulation activities, rights, duties, and responsibilities of the audit of certain foreign operations: a general description of objects and the exercise, general description audited by specific foreign operations, audit the legality of the foreign operations audited book value of foreign currency exchange rate differences, audit buying and selling foreign currency audit of operations of import, export audit operations.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (40%): laboratory classes; - Final exam (60%): exam (written component) (50%); oral questioning (50%).
Recommended books: 1. Чернобай Л.І., Шуляр Р.В. Технологія та аудит зовнішньоекономічних операцій: Навчальний посібник. - Львів: Видавництво Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, 2010. – 300 с. 2. Козик В.В., Панкова Л.А., Карп’як Я.С., Григор’єв О.Ю., Босак А.О. Зовнішньоекономічні операції і контракти. Навч. посіб. -2-ге вид., перероб. І доп. – К.: Центр навчальної літератури, 2004. – 608с. 3. Усач Б.Ф., Душко З.О., Колос М.М. Організація і методика аудиту: Підручник. – К.: «Видавництво «Знання», 2006. – 295с. 4. Аудит: Підручник / за ред. проф. Ф.Ф.Бутинця. – Житомир: ПП «Рута», 2006. – 512с.