International Virtual Investments and Payment Systems

Major: International Economic Relations
Code of subject: 6.292.02.E.096
Credits: 6.00
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: PhD., Assoc. TetyanaYasinska
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the applicant must acquire and develop the following competencies: integral: INT. The ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of international relations in general and international economic, in particular, as well as in the learning process, which involves the use of new theories and methods in conducting comprehensive research of world economic relations, is characterized by complexity and uncertainty; general: GC6. Ability to communicate in foreign languages. GC7. Skills in the use of information and communication technologies; special: SC6. Ability to analyze international markets for goods and services, tools and principles of international trade regulation. SC7. Ability to analyze theories and mechanisms of implementation of international monetary, financial and credit relations; professional: PCD2.1. Ability to analyze the peculiarities of international development investment and innovation activities, the structure of the world financial market, approaches to managing the international innovation process. PCD2.2. Ability to use the acquired knowledge for analysis features of the organization of trade in financial instruments in different national markets and the European market. The study of the discipline allows students to be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: learning outcomes: RT3. Use modern information and communication technologies, general and special purpose software packages. RT5. Have the skills of self-analysis (self-control), be understandable to representatives of other business cultures and professional groups of different levels (specialists in other fields of knowledge / activities) on the basis of valuing diversity, multiculturalism, tolerance and respect for them. RT20. Defend the national interests of Ukraine taking into account the security component of international economic relations. RT24. Justify the choice and apply information and analytical tools, economic and statistical methods of calculation, complex analysis techniques and methods of monitoring world markets; communication: С2. Ability to effectively form a communication strategy; autonomy and responsibility: AR2. Responsibility for professional development of individuals and / or groups of individuals.
Required prior and related subjects: - prerequisite: International Economic Relations, International Financing of Business Projects - co-requisite: Insurance of international investment and innovation operations
Summary of the subject: The course "International Virtual Investments and Payment Systems" focuses on the study of theoretical and practical material on the following issues: the essence of the concepts of "virtual assets" and "virtual investments", virtual means of payment as investment instruments, characteristics of leading cryptocurrencies, the process of cryptocurrency stock exchange, cryptocurrency market volatility, cryptocurrency market development prospects, the concept and procedure of ISO (initial coin offering) - initial placement of digital assets, concepts, types, functions and features of token issuance, comparative characteristics of tokens and cryptocurrencies, state regulation of virtual investment market, formation of the market of virtual assets in Ukraine, essence, value and legal basis of payment systems, elements of payment systems and basic requirements to them, tools of non-cash payments, organization of settlements, and also the organization of operation of electronic payment systems topics, organization of the international interbank financial telecommunications SWIFT, the essence of the automated payment system TARGET, the legal basis and mechanism of the electronic payment system, the principles of modern, most popular payment systems via the Internet, creation, implementation, improvement and maintenance of payment systems, features of services on the transfer of funds using the payment system, ways to improve the efficiency of banking services in the field of electronic transfers, security of payment systems, payment orders, claims, checks, letters of credit, promissory notes, collection orders, the formation of payment documents according to international standards.
Assessment methods and criteria: The student is evaluated in the following areas: the presence of specific skills, their depth, stability and flexibility; the degree of mastering the basic provisions of discipline and their creative application in solving situational problems and cases. The student is evaluated according to the four-point system. "Excellent" - the student has the full amount of educational material (he has firmly mastered all the program material, revealed his deep understanding, fully responded and substantiated his own conclusions, adopted a reasoned decision and skillfully used in practice, confidently completed the task) ; "good" - the student has mastered the educational material at a rather high level (in general knows all the program material, the question is answered freely, but not widely widely, correctly uses his knowledge in practice, etc.); "satisfactory" - the student has generally mastered the basic educational material, operates it not clearly and confidently, poorly defines the relationships and relations between objects and phenomena (reveals knowledge of only the main material provided by the program, is able to use its knowledge in practice, correctly performs receptions and actions, etc.); "unsatisfactory" - the student generally has a superficial understanding of the basic educational material, can not operate it. Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes: Maximum score in points: 100 points, of which: performance of laboratory works - 30 points; work in practical classes - 20 points; performance of situational tasks (cases) - 20 points; final testing - 30 points.
Recommended books: 1. Віднійчук-Вірван Л. А. Платіжні системи: навчальний посібник / МОН України. – Львів: Магнолія 2006, 2008. – 190 с. 2. Івасів Б. С. Міжнародні розрахунки: підручник. – Тернопіль: Карт-бланш, 2004. – 224 с. 3.Ризики платіжних систем : Навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / В. П. Страхарчук; Нац. банк України. Львів. банк. ін-т. - Л., 2003. - 94 c. 4. Платіжні системи: Навчальний посіб. для студентів вищих закладів освіти/ В. А. Ющенко, А. С. Савченко, С. Л. Цо- кол, І. М. Новак, В. П. Страхарчук. – К.:Либідь, 2006. – 416 с. 5. Афонина С.В. Электронные деньги: Учебн. пособие. – СПб.: Питер, 2008. – 120 с. 6. Береза А. М., Козак І. А., Гужва В. М. та ін. Електронна комерція. Навч. посібник. – К.: КНЕУ, 2007. – 324 с. 7. Карчева Г.Т., Нікітчук С. М. Віртуальні інноваційні валюти як валюти майбутнього. Фінансовий простір. 2015. С. 24–30. 8. Лук’янов В.С. Зародження ринку криптовалюти в інформаційно- мережевій парадигмі. Актуальні проблеми економіки. 2014. No 8 (158). С. 436– 441. 9. Система біткоін: плюси і мінуси. Invest Program, 2015. URL: 10. Желюк Т., Бречко О. Використання криптовалюти на ринку платежів: нові можливості для національних економік. Вісник Тернопільського національного економічного університету. 2016. No3. С. 50-60. 11. Сословський В.Г., Косовський І.О. Ринок криптовалют як система. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. 2016. С. 236 -246. 12. Молчанова Е., Солодковський Ю. Глобальна сервісна природа сучасних криптовалют. Міжнародна економічна політика. 2014. No1 (20). С.60- 79. 13. Петрук О.М., Новак О.С. Сутність криптовалюти як методологічна передумова її облікового відображення. Вісник ЖДТУ. 2017. No 4 (82). С. 48-55. 14. Єлисєєва О.Є., Волошина О.В., Дідур С.В. Біткойн як елемент сучасної фінансової системи. Економіка і суспільство. 2018. Випуск No 18. С 45-49. 15. Athey S., Parashkevov I., Sarukkai V., Xia J. Bitcoin Pricing, Adoption, and Usage: Theory and Evidence. Stanford University Graduate School of Business Research Paper, 2016, No. 16-42, p.70. 16. Мечникова І.І., Масленіков Є.І., Данилов Р.І. Інноваційна економіка: теоретичні та практичні аспекти. Біткойн як інноваційний засіб інвестиційної діяльності суб’єктів наіональної економіки: монографія/ за ред. Масленікова Є.І. Херсон: 2016 Розд. 22, С. 392-404. 17. Gandal N., Hamrick JT, Moore T., Oberman T. Price Manipulation in the Bitcoin Ecosystem, Journal of Monetary Economics, 2017, p. 26. 18. Prat J. Wallter B. Bitcoin and the market for mining. An Equilibrium Model of the Market for Bitcoin Mining, 2017, p. 3-7. 19. Закон України «Про платіжні системи та переказ коштів в України» від 05.04.2001 р., No 2346III. 20. Ясінська Т.В., Найчук-Хрущ М.Б. Вплив пандемії COVID-19 на глобалізаційні процеси у світовій економіці. Східна Європа: економіка, бізнес та управління. 2021. №4 (31). C. 9-15. URL: 21. Системне забезпечення економічної активності та сталого розвитку суб’єктів підприємницької діяльності: колективна монографія / Т. В. Ясінська та ін., Харків: Видавець Іванченко І. С., 2020. 390 c.