Radio Measurements

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 6.172.00.O.17
Credits: 4.00
Department: Theoretical Radio Engineering and Radio Measurement
Lecturer: Assoc. prof., PhD Lazko Oksana
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know the structure and the main objectives of "State metrological system of Ukraine", "State standardization system of Ukraine"; • know regulatory, legal, organizational and technical basis of certification system; • know methods and ways of radio engineering variables measurement in wide range of their values and wide frequency band; • know the rules of measurements uniformity; • know methods of measurement results processing and determination of errors; • know perspective directions and trends in the radio measurements development.
Required prior and related subjects: • Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics: "Random Variables", "Confidence Intervals", "Coordination Criteria of Theoretical and Experimental Distributions" sections; • Basics of Electric Circuits Theory; • Signals Theory.
Summary of the subject: Subject and Tasks of Metrology, the State Metrological System of Ukraine. Metrology Basic Terms and Definitions. Errors and Mathematical Processing of Measurement Results. Measuring Signals and their Characteristics. General Characteristics of Measurement Tools. Measuring Converters. Expanding the Measurement Limits of Electromechanical Converters. Measurement of Currency and Voltage. Electronic Oscilloscopes. Measurement of Frequency and Time Intervals. Measurement of the Phase Shift. Measurement of pulse parameters, Signal Spectrum, Nonlinear Distortion, Modulated Signals Parameters. Measuring of Circuit Elements Parameters. Measurement of Microwave Devices Parameters. Measurement of Power. Measurement of Random Signal Characteristics. Measurement Automatization. Standardization Basics, State Standardization System of Ukraine. Certification System UkrSEPRO. Bar Coding.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control: written reports on laboratory works, oral discussion, control work (30%); • Summary control: control examination in written-oral form (70%).
Recommended books: 1. Поліщук Е.С. Метрологія та вимірювальна техніка / Е.С. Поліщук, М.М. Дорожовець, В.О. Яцук та ін – Львів. Видавництво «Бескид БІТ», 2003. 2. Саранча Г.А. Метрологія і стандартизація. Підручник / Г.А. Саранча – К.: Вид-во «Либідь», 1997. 3. Боженко Л.І. Метрологія, стандартизація, сертифікація та акредитація: Навчальний посібник / Л.І. Боженко - Львів: Афіша, 2006. 4. Полішко С.П. Точність засобів вимірювання / С.П. Полішко, О.Д Трубенко – К.: Вища школа, 1998. 5. Недоступ Л.А. Осцилографи і осцилографічні методи вимірювання / Л.Д. Недоступ – К.: ІСД ВО, 1994.