Power Supply of Devices and Systems

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 6.172.00.O.71
Credits: 3.00
Department: Radioelectronic Appliances and Systems
Lecturer: PhD As. Prof. Volodymyr Storozh
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes: As a result of study of the module students must: - to learn bases of theory and practice in industry of power supply of radio engineering and radio electronic devices and systems; - to know principles of construction, functioning and engineering calculation of circuits of power supply of devices and systems; - to be able to carry out the choice of optimum variant of construction of the systems of power supply taking into account electromagnetic compatibility.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites and co-requizites: - prerequisites: higher mathematics, physics, signals and processes in the radio engineering, analog electronic devices, element base of radio electronics; - co-rerequisites: bases of television, bases of theory of the systems, methods and devices of acceptance and treatment of signals, methods and devices of generation and forming of signals, channels and systems of information, basis of commutation transfer, technical electronics.
Summary of the subject: Primary and secondary sources of power supply, system of assured and uninterrupted power supply, grounding, electromagnetic compatibility of sources of power supply, power supply of side apparatus.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (30%): writing reports from laboratory works, verbal questioning; final control (70%): control work, differentiated test.
Recommended books: • Storozh V. G. Electronic textbook "Electrotechnical devices RED" / V. G. Storozh. – Access mode: http://vns.lp.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=11926 • Chemes Ye. O., Yampolskyy Yu. S. Electrotechnical devices of radio electronic facilities: monograph / Ye. O. Chemes, Yu. S. Yampolskyy. - Odessa: Bakhva, 2014. - 563 p. : fig., tab. - Ref.: p. 541-547. • Bushuev V. M. Electrical power of devices and telecommunications systems / V. M. Bushuev, V. A. Deminskyy, L. F. Zakharov et al. - M.: Goryachaya liniya – Telecom, 2009. – 384 p. – 6 fig. • Budov O. F., Zarudnyy O. A., Chumakov V. I. Power supply sources of RED : textbook / O. F. Budov, O. A. Zarudnyy, V. I. Chumakov. – K.: SMIT, 2004.- 196 P.