Methods of Encoding Information in Telecommunication Systems

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 6.172.02.E.90
Credits: 4.00
Department: Telecommunication
Lecturer: PhD, Assoc.Prof Koval Bogdan
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Be able to organize theoretical knowledge for working with data systems; - Know the mathematical basis for the formation of codes, diagrams of standard encoders and decoders; - Be able to test communication channels; - Be able to design schemes encoders and decoders in accordance with the requirements of efficiency and optimal functioning of the transmission; - Gain skills in operation of transmission.
Required prior and related subjects: pre-requisites: - Informatics (by professional orientation); - Telecommunication systems of information transmission. co-requisites: - Infocommunication networks; - Optical and radio channels of telecommunications; - Basics of switching and distribution of information; - Theoretical foundations of telecommunications.
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Methods of encoding information in telecommunications" deals with the design of noise-preventing systems for transmitting information, the creation of mathematical models of codes, schemes of encoders / decoders of radio engineering and telecommunication systems. The methods of testing the characteristics of various types of communication channels are studied and the issues of designing hardware and software coding / decoding schemes are considered.
Assessment methods and criteria: Written reports on laboratory practicals, oral examination (30%); Term assessment (70% , exam): - written form (50%); - oral form (20%).
Recommended books: - Р. А. Бурачок, М. М. Климаш, Б. В. Коваль. Телекомунікаційні системи передавання інформації. Методи кодування. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. - Кузьмин И. В., Ключко В. И., Литвин В. А. Кодирование и декодирование в информационных системах. – К.: Выща Школа, 1985. - Цымбал В. П. Теория информации и кодирование. – К.: Выща Школа, 1992. - Кузьмин И. В., Кедрус В. А. Основы теории информации и кодирования: Учебник для вузов, 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – К.: Вища школа, Головное изд-во 1986. - Цымбал В. П. Задачник по теории информации и кодированию. – К.: Вища школа, 1976. - Кодирование информации (двоичные коды). Справочник / под ред. Березюк Н. Т., Андрущенко А. Г., Мощицкий С. С. и др. – Харьков, Издательство при Харьковском государственном университете издательского объединения „Выща школа”, 1978. - Кларк Д., Кейн Д. Кодирование с исправлением ошибок в системах цифровой связи. – М.: Радио и связь, 1987. - Digital Communications / S. Haykin. – John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1988. - Principles of Digital Communication and Coding / Andrew J. Viterbi & Jim K. Omura. – Dover Publications. – 1979. - The Mathematical Theory of Communication / C. E. Shannon & W. Weaver. – First Paperbook Edition, 1963.