Methods Of Receiving And Processing Signals Of Radio Communications and Television

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 6.172.03.E.107
Credits: 4.00
Department: Radioelectronic Appliances and Systems
Lecturer: Gnatchuk M.M.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The result of the module students should know: 2,1 Have knowledge and skills in the field of basic methods of receiving and processing signals; 2.2 Application of knowledge of the implementation of devices for receiving and processing signals in radio engineering systems; 2.3 Ability to apply methods of improvement qualitative indicators of radio technical systems; 2.4 Assimilation of modern methods of designing the main nodes of radio signal receiving systems; 2.5 Assimilation of methods and skills of experimental research of technical characteristics of devices and nodes of radio engineering systems. To be able to choose components and electronic equipment to perform the various functions, to calculate and design the structure of signal receiving and processing devices, to conduct tests, experimental and theoretical studies of the characteristics of components and nodes of signal receiving and processing devices, to formulate requirements for quality control and operational parameters of signal receiving and processing devices.
Required prior and related subjects: - Previous educational disciplines: Methods of signal generation and formation, Basics of electronic circuit, electrodynamics and propagation of radio waves and electronics, analog circuitry; - Accompanying and further educational disciplines Fundamentals of the theory of radio engineering systems, Digital methods of implementation of radio engineering systems, Digital signal processing.
Summary of the subject: In the process of teaching the discipline, the main methods of receiving, transforming and selection of information in the process of receiving and processing signals with analog and digital modulation are considered; ways of selecting a given band of the information signal; methods of signal spectrum transfer; detection of signals with various types of analog, pulse and digital modulation; study of the influence of radio interference and methods of reducing their effect on the received signal, study of methods of optimal receiving of radio signals.
Assessment methods and criteria: - current control (15%): reports on laboratory work, face-to-face survey (15%) - final control (70%, exams, testing).
Recommended books: Recommended learning resourses: 1. Справочник по учебному проектированию приемно-усилительных устройств /Белкин М.К. и др. –К.: Вища школа, 1988. 2. Проектирование радиоприемных устройств. / Сиверс А.П. –М: Сов. Радио, 1976. 3. Методичні вказівки до курсового проектування з дисципліни “Пристрої приймання та обробки сигналів”. ДУ”ЛП”, 1995. 4. Ю.В. Марков, А.С. Боков. Проектирование устройств приема и обработки сигналов. Екатеринобург, изд. Уральского университета, 2015. 5. Сборник задач и упражнений по курсу «Радиоприемные устройства». Под ред. Сифорова В.М. – М.: Радио и связь, 1984. 6. Справочник по учебному проектированию приемно-усилительных устройств /Белкин М.К. и др. –К.: Вища школа, 1988.