Hygiene, Human Diagnostics and Environmental Monitoring

Major: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Code of subject: 6.162.00.O.002
Credits: 9.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: dozent Petrina Romana docent Konechna Roksolana
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know the basic definitions, concepts and characteristics of water sources, soil, air, hygienic characteristics of food and health; • be able to provide hygienic and sanitary characteristics of environmental factors on the working environment adverse effects their impact on the human body and prevent their harmful effects • have an understanding of basic research methods and indicators of environmental factors on human health • understand modern concepts of health, norms of the state of organs and functional systems of the body, disease, etiology and pathogenesis. • know the basics and modern methods of diagnosing the condition of the human body.
Required prior and related subjects: • General level, • General and Inorganic Chemistry, • Biological Chemistry, • Toxicological Chemistry
Summary of the subject: Hygiene, environment and health. Hygienic rationing. The history of hygiene. Hygiene air. Hygiene and water supply of settlements. Hygiene and cleaning soil settlements. Food hygiene. Food poisoning and its prevention. Occupational hygiene. Healthy lifestyle and personal issues hihiyeny.Vyrobnycha sanitation. Disinfection. Disinsection. Disinfestation. environmental monitoring. Somatoscopy. Anthropometry. Methods for diagnosing the functional state of body systems.Cytological and cytogenetic methods of diagnosis.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports from workshops, oral interviews, reference work (30%) • final control (70% control measure, test): written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Даценко І.І., Габович Р.Д. Загальна гігієна з основами екології. –К.: Здоров’я, 1999. - 692 с. 2. Загальна гігієна: навчальний посібник /І.В.Сергета, Б.Р.Бойчук, С.О.Латанюк та ін. -Тернопіль: Укрмедкнига, 1999. -133 с. 3. Загальна гігієна: Посібник для практичних занять /За загальною ред. Даценко 1.1.— Львів: Світ, 2001. — 472 с. 4. Мізюк М.І. Гігієна: Підручник. – К.: Здоров’я, 2002. – 288 с. 5. Мізюк М.І. Гігієна: Посібник для практичних занять. – К.: Здоров’я, 2002. – 256 с. 6. Гигиена и производственная санитария / Л.С.Стрельников, В.В.Чикиткина, О.П.Стрилец и др. – Х.: Изд-во НФаУ, 2006. – 400 с 7. Lapovets L.Ye., Lebid H.B., Yastremska O.O. Clinical laboratory diagnostics - All-Ukrainian specialized publishing house "Medicine" - 2019. – 472 p.