Biotechnology of Enzyme Products

Major: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Code of subject: 6.162.02.E.076
Credits: 3.50
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Professor, D. Sc. Viktoriia Havryliak
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know structure, general characteristics, classification and nomenclature of enzymes and enzyme preparations, a source of their obtaining; • know a general concept, molecular mechanisms and thermodynamic characteristics of enzyme act; • know the specificity of enzyme kinetics and enzymatic processes; • know pathways and mechanisms of enzymatic processes regulation; • know about using enzymes in the industrial enterprise; • know how to study and monitor the pollution; • know about immobilized enzymes.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Cell Biology Biochemistry Co-requisites: Foundations of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Biotechnology of Proteins
Summary of the subject: Definition of enzymes, their properties, nomenclature, and classification. Origin of enzymes and their significance. Enzyme structure. Groups of cofactors. Active and allosteric enzyme center. Classes of enzymes. Thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of enzymes act. Molecular mechanisms of enzymes act. Specificity of enzymes. The relationship between the velocity of enzymes reaction and substrate concentration. The equation of Michaelis-Menten. Lineweaver-Burk plot. Enzyme activity dependence on pH, temperature, concentration. Units and general principles of enzyme activity measuring. Regulation of enzymatic processes. Modifiers of enzymatic activity, activators, and inhibitors. Mechanisms of inactivation of the enzyme activity. Inhibition types. Activation of enzymatic activity. Co-enzymes and their classification by chemical nature, mechanisms of action and by the class of enzyme. Isoenzymes. Immobilized enzymes as an area of engineering enzymology. Carriers for the immobilization of enzymes. Methods of immobilization. Application of immobilized enzymes in biotechnologies, pharmaceutical, and food industry. Obtaining of enzymes. Source of enzymes.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Written report on practical work, oral questioning, individual research work – 30 points; • Final control (test) – 70 points (written form).
Recommended books: 1. Біохімія ензимів / М.М. Марченко, Л.В. Худа, М.М. Великий, Л.І. Остапченко. – Чернівці: Чернівецький національний університет, 2012. – 416 с. 2. Галкін Б.М., Іваниця В.О., Галкін М.Б. Інженерна ензимологія. – Одеса: ОНУ.- 2017. – 103 с. 3. Скляров О. Біохімія ензимів. Ензимодіагностика. Ензимопатологія. Ензимотерапія / О. Скляров, Я. Сольські, М. Великий, Н. Фартушок, Т. Бондарчук, Д. Дума. – Львів: Кварт. – 2008. – 218 с. 4. Основи біохімії за Ленінджером : [навч. посіб.] / Дейвід Л. Нельсон, Майкл М. Кокс; [пер. з англ.: О. Матишевська та ін.]. - Львів : БаК, 2015. - 1256 с.