Processes and Equipment of Biochemical Engineering (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Code of subject: 6.162.00.O.032
Credits: 3.00
Department: Chemical Engineering
Lecturer: PhD Hnativ Z.Ya.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the discipline is as follows: • study of the physical essence of the phenomena that confirm this process, the conditions and laws to which these phenomena correspond. • study the design of typical equipment. • teach students the methods of calculating equipment, its structure and construction. • to give the student the necessary knowledge for the formation of scientific thinking in them, which allows to combine production activity with scientific and technical developments.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: Integral competence (INT): The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions in biotechnology and bioengineering, or in the learning process that involves the application of theories and methods of biotechnology and bioengineering. general competences: ZK10. The ability to use professional knowledge and practical skills to solve specific tasks in the field of biotechnology and bioengineering. special competences: FC9. The ability to choose and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods for the implementation and control of processes and production of biotechnological products for various purposes. FC10. The ability to draw up technological schemes for the production of biotechnological products for various purposes. FC.11. The ability to draw up hardware schemes for the production of biotechnological products for various purposes.
Learning outcomes: Prepared specialist should be able to: • calculate and design hydromechanical processes and devices; • calculate and design thermal processes and apparatus; • calculate and design a mass-transfer processes and devices; • Identify methods and means of intensifying the typical process optimization, scale, and resource and environmental issues.
Required prior and related subjects: Physics Math Physical chemistry Mechanics
Summary of the subject: Typical course Projects topics 1. Design and calculation of heat exchanger tube (10 options). 2. Design and calculation of plate heat exchangers (10 options). 3. Design and calculation spiral heat exchanger (10 options). 4. Design and calculation of single hull film evaporator (10 options). 5. Design and calculation Multiple film evaporator (10 options). 6. Design and calculation of fluid bed dryers (10 options). 7. Design and calculation of drum dryers (10 options). 8. Design and calculation of the fixed bed adsorber with adsorbent (ion exchange plant) (10 options). 9. Design and calculation adsorber fluidized bed adsorbents (ion exchange plant) (10 options). 10. Design and calculation pyloochysnoyi equipment (10 options). 11. Design and calculation distillation units (10 variants). 12. Design and calculation nasadkovyh absorption units (10 variants). 13. Design and calculation extractors (10 options).
Опис: Typical topics of course projects: 1. Design and calculation of tubular heat exchangers (10 options). 2. Design and calculation of plate heat exchangers (10 options). 3. Design and calculation of spiral heat exchangers (10 options). 4. Design and calculation of a single-body evaporation plant (10 options). 5. Design and calculation of a multi-body evaporation plant (10 options). 6. Design and calculation of fluidized bed dryers (10 options). 7. Design and calculation of drum dryers (10 options). 8. Design and calculation of an adsorber with a fixed adsorbent layer (ion exchange unit) (10 options). 9. Design and calculation of an adsorber with a fluidized bed of adsorbent (ion exchange unit) (10 options). 10. Design and calculation of dust cleaning equipment (10 options). 11. Design and calculation of rectification plants (10 options). 12. Design and calculation of plug-in absorption units (10 options). 13. Design and calculation of extractors (10 options).
Assessment methods and criteria: Final control: differentiated test - 100 %
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Maximum score in points Credit control Together for the discipline 100 100
Recommended books: Основна література 1. Ханик Я.М., Дубинін А.І., Атаманюк В.М., Станіславчук О.В. Процеси та апарати хімічних технологій. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, 2005. – 192 с. 2. Кавецкий Г.Д., Васильев Б.В. Процессы и аппараты химической технологии. – М.: Колос, 1997. – 551 с. 3. К.Ф. Павлов, П.Г. Романков, А.А. Носков «Примеры и задачи по курсу процессов и аппаратов химической технологии». Ленинградское объединение, «Химия», 1976 4. Е.Н. Плановский, П.И. Николаев. Основные процессы и аппараты химической и нефтехимической технологии. 3-е изд. М.: «Химия», 1987, 540 с. Додаткова література 1. И.Л. Иоффе. Проектирование процессов и аппаратов в химической технологии. Л.: «Химия», 1991, 352 с. 2. К.А. Калунянц, Л.И. Голгер, В.Е. Балашов. Оборудование микробиологических производств. М., 1987. 3. А.А. Лащинский, А.Р. Толчинский, Основы конструирования и расчёта химической аппаратуры, М.-Л. Машггиз, 1963. - 470 с. 4. Г.А. Никитин. Биохимические основы микробиологических производств. Киев. «Вища школа». 1981 5. . Основные процессы и аппараты химической технологии: Пособие по курсовому проектированию / Под редакцией Ю.И. Дытнерского, М.: Химия, 1991. - 496 с. 6. Лабораторный практикум по процессам и апаратам пищевых производств. Под. ред. А.С. Гинзбурга. 3-е изд., М.: Агропромиздат, 1990, 256 с. 7. Руководство к практическим занятиям в лаборатории процессов и аппаратов химической технологии. Под. ред. Романкова П.Г., 5-е изд. Ленинград «Химия», 1979, 250 с.