Marketing and Commodity in Biotechnology

Major: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Code of subject: 6.162.01.E.058
Credits: 3.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph. D. Diana Baranovych
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • knowledge of marketing policy and strategies of inventory management for a sustainable profit level
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Economics and Organization of Biotechnology Production (Business and Management) • Marketing and Commodity in Biotechnology • Quality Control of Biological Products Co-requisites: • Economic Analysis of Biotechnological Production
Summary of the subject: Marketing. Basic concepts. Functions and subjects of marketing. The objectives of marketing activity. Principals of marketing. Model of marketing. Marketing information system. Comprehensive market research. Marketing product policy. Marketing price policy. Marketing policy. Marketing policy of communication. Marketing management. Development of commodity. Assortment. Concepts and classification. Properties and an assortment of goods. Assortment management. Commodity classification of Goods. Coding. Bar coding of goods. Types and means of information on the product.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current control - 30 points (control test, calculation-graphic work, individual tasks, rapid control of knowledge); • final control (test) — final test - 70 points.
Recommended books: 1. Tytarenko L.D. Teorytychni osnovy tovaroznavstva: Navchalnyi posibnyk. - K.: Tsentr navchalnoi literatury, 2003. - 227 s. 2. Vlasova A.V. Osnovy tovaroznavstva neprodovolchykh tovariv: Navchalnyi posibnyk. - K.: Tsentr navchalnoi literatury, 2006. - 208 s. 3. Hrysadov V.I., Orydoroha L.M., Vynnyk O.V. Farmatsevtychne i medychne tovaroznavstvo: Posib. dlia stud. vyshch. navch zakl. - Kh.: Vyd-vo NFAU; Zoloti storinky, 2002. - 160 s. 4. Osnach O.F. Tovaroznavstvo: Navchalnyi posibnyk. - K.: Tsentr navchalnoi literatury, 2004. - 219 s. 5. Praude V.R., Bilyi O.B. Marketynh: Navchalnyi posibnyk. — K.: Vyshcha shkola, 1994. - 256 s. 6. Ekonomika ta menedzhment: Navchalno-prykladnyi posibnyk. - Lviv.: DU "Lvivska politekhnika", 1996. - 829 s. 7. Skybilinskyi S. Marketynh: Pidruchnyk. - Lviv.: UKOOPSPILKA, 2000. - 640 s.