Physics, Part 3

Major: Electronics
Code of subject: 6.171.00.O.020
Credits: 4.00
Department: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science
Lecturer: docent, Ph.D. Kohut Zinoviy Oleksandrovych
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: is to acquaint students with basic physical phenomena and ideas, mastering the fundamental concepts, laws and theories of modern and classical physics, as well as the means of physical research, mastering certain knowledge that is fundamental and will facilitate further mastering of courses in general technical and special disciplines, as well as allow students to navigate the flow of scientific and scientific and technical information typical of the modern era, which will contribute to the formation of students' scientific outlook. The purpose of the Physics discipline is to familiarise students with the main types of modern equipment, develop their initial skills in conducting experimental research in the study of various physical phenomena and assessing measurement errors.
Завдання: The study of the discipline involves the development of competencies in students: integral competence: The ability to solve complex specialised tasks and practical problems characterised by complexity and uncertainty of conditions during professional activities in the field of electronics, or in the process of studying, which involves the application of theories and methods of electronics. general competences: GC9. Ability to work in a team. GC14. Ability to preserve and enhance the moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology, to use various types and forms of physical activity for active recreation and healthy lifestyle. special (professional, subject) competences: SC3. Ability to integrate knowledge of fundamental sections of physics and chemistry to understand the processes of solid-state, functional and power electronics, electrical engineering. SC6. Ability to identify, classify, evaluate and describe processes in electronics instruments, devices and systems using analytical methods, modelling tools, prototypes and experimental research results.
Learning outcomes: 1. Knowledge of physical laws and properties of substances and phenomena that give students the opportunity to use them in the field of electronics; 2. The use of the acquired knowledge and understanding to establish, formulation and solving problems in electronics; ability to apply knowledge and skills acquired to solve qualitative and quantitative problems in a real production; 3. Skills of experimental measurements of various physical quantities and evaluation of measurement errors. 4. Knowledge of the limits of the use of physical phenomena and laws of nature, physical and mathematical background, relationship with other phenomena; 5. Knowledge of effective methods and techniques for solving physical problems in the course.
Required prior and related subjects: • Calculus, • Linear algebra and analytic geometry, • Differential equations.
Summary of the subject: Bohr theory of the atom. Wave properties of microparticles. Schrodinger equation. Physics of atoms and molecules. Band theory of solids. The structure of the atomic nucleus. Radioactivity. Nuclear reactions. Elementary particle physics.
Опис: Atomic physics. Models of the atom. Prerequisites for the development of atomic physics. Atomic spectra. Thomson's model of the atom. Rutherford's experiment. Planetary model of the atom. Bohr's theory of the atom. Bohr's postulates and their experimental confirmation. Bohr's theory for hydrogen-like atoms. Disadvantages of Bohr's theory. Quantum mechanics. Corpuscular-wave dualism of matter. The de Broglie hypothesis. Experimental confirmation of the de Broglie hypothesis. Heisenberg uncertainty relation. Schrodinger's equation. The de Broglie wave function. Interpretation of the wave function. The general Schrodinger equation. Schrodinger's stationary equation. The principle of causality in quantum mechanics. Elementary problems of quantum mechanics. A particle in a rectangular one-dimensional pit with infinitely high walls. Behaviour of a particle on a rectangular one-dimensional potential barrier. The tunnel effect. Consistency of the tunnel effect with the law of energy conservation. Quantum harmonic oscillator. Quantum theory of atoms and molecules. Quantum theory of the hydrogen atom. The stationary Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom and hydrogen-like atoms. Quantisation of energy, momentum and momentum projection. Degenerate states of the electron and the multiplicity of their degeneracy in energy. Electron states in the hydrogen atom. Electron orbitals. Electron "clouds". Electron spin. Experiments of Stern and Gerlach. Many-electron atoms. The principle of indistinguishability of identical particles. Fermions and bosons. Pauli's principle. Many-electron atoms and Mendeleev's periodic law. X-rays and atomic number. Molecules. Characteristics of molecules. Ionic bonding. Covalent bonding. Dipole-dipole interaction. Metal bonding. Molecular spectra. Features of molecular energy spectra. Combination light scattering. The phenomenon of luminescence. Absorption and emission of energy by molecules. Forced radiation. Principles of operation of quantum generators. Elements of solid state physics. Physics of the solid state. Quantum theory of solids. Quantum statistics. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions. Heat capacity of a degenerate electron gas. Quantum theory of electrical conductivity of metals. The phenomenon of superconductivity. Zone theory of a solid. General concepts of energy bands in crystals and the main conclusions of the band theory. Dynamics of electron movement in a crystal. Splitting of energy levels in the atoms of a solid. Location of energy bands in a solid. Classification of solids by electrical conductivity. Metals and dielectrics in the band theory. Electrical properties of semiconductors. Intrinsic conductivity of semiconductors. Impurity conductivity of semiconductors. Photoconductivity of semiconductors. Contact phenomena in solids. Contact of two metals in the band theory. Metal-semiconductor contact. Contact of electronic and hole semiconductors. Semiconductor diode. Transistor. Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles. Nuclear physics. The atomic nucleus. Radioactive transformations of atomic nuclei. The composition of the atomic nucleus. Characteristics of the atomic nucleus. Mass defect and binding energy of the nucleus. Dependence of the specific binding energy of the nucleus on the mass number. Droplet and shell models of the nucleus. Radioactivity. Alpha decay. Beta decay. Types of beta decay. Gamma radiation.Nuclear reactions. The concept of nuclear reactions. Mechanisms and classification of nuclear reactions. Theory of nuclear fission. Chain nuclear reaction. Nuclear reactors. The atomic bomb. Thermonuclear fusion. Elementary particles.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory work with oral component - 20 points, practical tasks - 20 points; • control exam - 60 points: written form - 50 points, oral form -10 points.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Theoretical questions are intended to test students' skills in understanding the theoretical material. The answer should be complete and reasoned whenever possible. - The maximum number of marks (MCQs) for a question is awarded to a student who has fully covered the question; - 70-90 % of the MCQs - the question is generally covered, but there are minor inaccuracies or other shortcomings; - 50-70% of the marks - the question is not fully answered and/or there are significant errors; - 30-50 % of MCQs - an attempt is made to answer the question, but gross errors are made and/or the question is not covered in general. The same mark will be given if the student draws incorrect conclusions based on logical assumptions that contain correct reasoning; - 10-30 % of the marks - an unsuccessful attempt is made to answer the question, only some of the reasoning and/or formulas are correct; - 0 marks - none of the written formulas are relevant to the question, all the reasoning is incorrect or completely absent. The tasks are designed to test students' skills in practical solving of physical problems. Problems should be solved with as much explanation as possible and, if necessary, with a figure. - The maximum number of marks (MCQs) is awarded to a student who has completely solved the problem; - 70-90 % of the marks are awarded for a solved problem with minor inaccuracies; - 50-70 % of the marks - the student made a mistake(s) that affected the result, but the approach to the solution was correct; - 30-50 % of the MCQs - an attempt was made to solve the problem, but gross errors were made and the result was incorrect; - 10-30 % of the MCQs - an unsuccessful attempt to solve the problem was made and one or more correct formulas related to the problem were written down; - 0 marks - none of the formulas written down are relevant to the problem, or the student did not even attempt to solve the problem.
Recommended books: 1. Бушок Г.Ф., Венгер Є.Ф. Курс фізики. У 2 книгах. Книга 2. Оптика. Фізика атома і атомного ядра. Молекулярна фізика і термодинаміка. – 2-ге вид. – К.: Либідь, 2001 – 424с. 2. Курс фізики. Під редакцією Лопатинського І.Є., Видавництво Бескид Біт,2002. 3. Кучерук І.М., Горбачук І.Т. Загальний курс фізики. У трьох томах. Том 3. Оптика. Квантова фізика. Київ «Техніка», 1999. – 520 с.