Transformation of Foreign Policy of Post-Soviet States

Major: International Relations
Code of subject: 6.291.01.O.040
Credits: 5.00
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: associate professor, candidate of political sciences Olexander Gorbach.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes (LO): LO 2. the ability to demonstrate basic knowledge related to the current state of affairs and the environment of international relations (legal, economic, informational), socio-political and socio-cultural processes at the national and international levels; LO 3. the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of highly specialized aspects of the historical development of the system of international relations and international order, current processes in the field of international relations, foreign policy and public communications, the place of Ukraine in modern integration processes in local, regional and global contexts. Skills (S): S1. substantiate and explain current processes in the field of international relations and foreign policy at the global and regional levels; S2. analyze, systematize and determine the priorities of Ukraine's cooperation with other states and international organizations; S10. apply creative abilities when interpreting events at the global, regional and local levels, taking into account the historical prerequisites for the emergence and development of specific situations in the field of international relations, Ukraine's interactions with other countries of the world. Communication (Com): Com 1. the ability to defend the national interests of Ukraine in communications, to be able to combine a humanistic, socially responsible and patriotic position. Autonomy and responsibility (AandV): AandV 1. the ability to argue the choice of mechanisms for solving professional problems, critically evaluate the obtained results and defend the decisions made; AandV 2. the ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge in accordance with the latest stages of the development of the theory of international relations, the formulation of new political science concepts and visions of the development of the international system.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Geopolitics and geostrategy; International Relations and World Politics. Co-requisites: Foreign policy of the countries of Western Europe; Central East and South East European Countries’ Foreign Policy.
Summary of the subject: The territorial and administrative structure, modern political processes in Russia. The geopolitical environment, foreign policy of the Russian Federation. The demographic situation in Russia. The geopolitical location, political and legal systems, the foreign policy of Belarus. Features of the political system of Moldova. The modern political developments in Moldova. The language situation in Moldova. The political system of the Caucasian states, the modern political processes. The geopolitical situation and the foreign policy of the Caucasus. National problems and conflicts in the Caucasus. Administrative structure, political and legal systems of the Central Asia. The geopolitical situation and the foreign policy of the Central Asia.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: (40%) questioning, presentations at the seminars, essay writing. Final control: (60%) exam (three-level testing).
Recommended books: - Doroshko M. Krainoznavstvo. Krainy SND i Baltii: navchalnyi posibnyk / Mykola Doroshko. – Chernivtsi: Knyhy – KhKhI, 2008. - Istoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn i zovnishnoi polityky: XX-pochatok XXI st. : Navchalnyi posibnyk / [V.F. Salabai, I.D. Dudko, V.Borysenko, M.P.Chub]. – K.: KNEU, 2006. – 368 s. - Istoriia suchasnoho svitu: sotsialno-politychna istoriia XV-XX st.: Navch. posibnyk / [Horban Yu.A., Bilyk B.I., Diachuk L.V. ta in ] ; za red. Yu. A. Horbania. – Kyiv: Vikar, 2003. – 435 s. - Marushchak M. Y. Istoriia dyplomatii KhKh stolittia: Kurs lektsii / M. Y. Marushchak. – Lviv: Viiskovyi instytut, 2000. – 403 s. Osoblyvosti suspilno-politychnoi modernizatsii krain postradianskoho prostoru : monohrafiia / za red. A.H. Bulvinskoho. – Kyiv : DU «Instytut vsesvitnoi istorii NAN Ukrainy», 2017. – 288 s.