Organization of Tourism industry (Fundamentals of Tourism Studies) (курсова робота)

Major: Tourism
Code of subject: 6.242.00.O.002
Credits: 2.00
Department: Tourism
Lecturer: Teodorovich LV - Associate Professor of Tourism
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The main purpose of the course work is: - systematization and consolidation of knowledge about the main types of tourist activity; - reflection of researches of concrete questions of sphere of service of tourists, development of skills of application in practice of the got theoretical knowledge; - formation and development of scientific thinking; - development of skills of independent research, observations and analysis of the enterprises of the tourism industry; - development of skills of registration of research work; - development of typical tours of a tourist enterprise.
Required prior and related subjects: Organization of tourism (Fundamentals of tourism), Geography of tourism and tourist country studies; Local lore; Organization of tourism (Organization of tourist trips and excursion activities)
Summary of the subject: The work includes the following sections: 1) Introduction which substantiates the relevance of the topic, its scientific and practical significance; the choice of the subject (object) of research is argued; the purpose and specific tasks of research in accordance with the chosen topic are determined; outlines the structure of the course work. 2) in the first section the general characteristic of the tourist enterprise is given. 3) in the second section - the actions of the tourist enterprise in the process of formation of a new tourist route with registration of all necessary technological documentation are defined. 4) in the third section features of technologies in the course of realization on various channels of sale of the developed round with registration of the corresponding technological documentation are defined.
Assessment methods and criteria: test
Recommended books: 1. Кифяк В. Ф. Організація туристичної діяльності в Україні / В. Ф. Кифяк– Чернівці: Зелена Буковина, 2003. – 312 с. 2. Куроченко І.О. Туризм. Організаційні засади. Інформація. Ін форм.-метод. Довідник. К.: Вид. Європ. ун-ту., 2005 – 200с. 3. Михайліченко Г.І. Практика організації туристичних подорожей: Навч. Пос./ Г.І. Михайліченко– К.: Київ. Нац.-торг. Ун-т, 2003. – 156с. 4. Сокол Т. Г. Організація туристичної діяльності в Україні: Навч. посіб./ Т. Г. Сокол – К.: Рокор, 2001. – 200 с. 5. Сокол Т. Г. Основи туризмознавства: Навч. посіб./ Т. Г. Сокол. – К.: РедЛайн, 1999. – 77 с. 6. Агафонова Л.Г., Агафонова О.Є. Туризм, готельний та ресторанний бізнес: Ціноутворення, конкуренція, державне регулювання. Навч. пос./ Л.Г. Агафонова, О.Є. Агафонова– К.: Знання України, 2002. – 358 с.

Organization of Tourism industry (Fundamentals of Tourism Studies)

Major: Tourism
Code of subject: 6.242.00.O.001
Credits: 6.00
Department: Tourism
Lecturer: Associate Professor Teodorovych L.V.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Owning the sufficient knowledge in areas related to tourism activities, which will enable to critically analyze the situationin the tourism sector and identify key trends in the development of tourism; - Understanding the tools and strategies that are relevant to the diagnosis and analysis of tourism developmentat a level that will allow job specialty, ability to use the oretical knowledge in practice in the formulation and implementation of tourism; - Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles under lying the toursm; - Ability to demonstrate knowled geofprofessionally oriented disciplines 242 specialty "Tourism": Fundamentals of tourism, the Organization of tourservices, tour organization, Geography, Tourism, TourismStudies, History of Tourism, Organization of animation activiti es of the hotelindustry; - The ability to demonstrate and apply knowledge of tourism and tourism activities; - Obtaining a dequate knowledge and understandings relating to 242 specialty "Tourism", the scale of which will be sufficient to successfully organize tourism activities, for mand represent the results of professional activity.
Required prior and related subjects: History of tourism, Legal regulation of the tourism industry, Analysis of tourism enterprises, Tourism Organization (Tour operating)
Summary of the subject: Tourism as a scientific and practical category, the tourism industry, tourism product as a result of agency-carrier manufacturing.
Assessment methods and criteria: - The current control (40%) are workshops, oral interviews and test; - The final control (60%) examination (written and oral).
Recommended books: 1. Кифяк В. Ф. Організація туристичної діяльності в Україні / Кифяк В. Ф. – Чернівці: Зелена Буковина, 2003. – 312 с. 2. Сокол Т. Г. Основи туризмознавства: Навч. посіб./ Сокол Т. Г.- К.: РедЛайн, 1999. – 77 с. 3. Організація туризму: навч. посібн. / за заг. ред. В.Я. Брича. – Тернопіль: ТНЕУ, 2014. – 448 с. 4. Віртуальне навчальне середовище НУ «Львівська політехніка»: Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс навчальної дисципліни «Організація туризму (Основи туризмознавства)» ( для студентів базового напряму підготовки 6.140103 «Туризм» (укладач: Божук Т.І.; реєстр. номер Е41-291-47/2016 від 18.04.2016 р.). 5. Організація туризму (Основи туризмознавства): методичні вказівки до виконання практичних робіт для студентів напряму "Туризм" денної та заочної форм навчання» / укл. Т.І. Божук. – рукопис.