Aesthetics of Architecture and Attractiveness of Urban Space

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.06.E.087
Credits: 9.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Dyda Oleksandra Andriivna, Phd in Architecture, Associate Professor
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To teach applicants to consider and analyze the architectural environment as a complex multi-vector and multifunctional system in the sense of its visual-spatial interaction with an individual and society.
Завдання: General Competences: 01. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity. 02. Ability to identify, pose and solve problems. 03. Ability to adapt and act in a new situation. 04. Ability to communicate in the national language both orally and in writing. 10. The ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, their place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology, to use various types and forms of motor activity for active recreation and leading a healthy lifestyle. Professional Competences: 03. Awareness of the peculiarities of the development of historical and modern styles in architecture, urban planning, art and design of Ukraine and foreign countries. 07. Awareness of the basic laws and principles of architectural and urban composition, the formation of an artistic image and style in the process of designing buildings and structures, urban, architectural, environmental and landscape objects. 09. The ability to develop architectural-artistic, volume-planning, functional and constructive solutions, as well as execute drawings, prepare documentation of architectural and urban planning projects. 10. The ability to participate in the preparation of architectural and planning tasks for design, in the organization of the development of architectural and urban planning, architectural and environmental and landscape projects. 16. Awareness of the general theoretical, methodological and creative principles of architectural design. 22. Awareness of the specificity of regional and local prerequisites for architectural activity. 23. The ability to collect and systematize information about the current needs of the country, the urban community in the development of the architectural environment.
Learning outcomes: 01. Communicate freely on professional issues in national and foreign languages orally and in writing. 04. Evaluate the factors and requirements that determine the prerequisites of architectural and urban planning. 05. Apply the basic theories of design, reconstruction and restoration of architectural and urban planning, architectural and environmental and landscape objects, modern methods and technologies, international and domestic experience to solve complex specialized problems of architecture and urban planning. 06. Collect, analyze and evaluate information from various sources, necessary for making informed project architectural and urban planning decisions. 09. Develop projects, carry out pre-project analysis in the process of architectural and urban planning, taking into account goals, resource limitations, social, ethical and legislative aspects. 11. Apply artistic and compositional principles in architectural and urban planning. 16. Understand the socio-economic, ecological, ethical and aesthetic consequences of proposed solutions in the field of urban planning and architecture. 19. Organize presentations and discussions of projects of architectural urban planning and landscape environment. 21. To be aware of the specificity of regional and local natural, economic, ecological, social and other conditions for the adoption and implementation of urban planning and architectural decisions. 22. To take into account and interpret into specific spatial solutions the controversial interests of the state and the urban community, to develop participative alternative solutions in complex urban planning situations.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines -History of architecture and urban planning - Design of the architectural environment - Basics of landscape architecture -History of modern architecture Associated and subsequent academic disciplines - Basics of urban planning
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Aesthetics of architecture and the attractiveness of urban space" is designed to give students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in-depth knowledge on the issues of aesthetics and attractiveness in architecture, to promote the development of their architectural and aesthetic vision of buildings and space, to provide the ability to analyze the appearance of a separate building as a visually functional element architectural environment.The purpose of the discipline is to teach students to consider and analyze the architectural environment as a complex multi-vector and multifunctional system in the sense of its visual-spatial interaction with an individual and society. Man and society interact with the environment not only functionally, but also visually. Understanding this interaction and the ability to comprehensively analyze it is an important skill for the work of an architect. The lecture part introduces the main concepts and terms, reveals various aspects of the visual-spatial interaction of a person and the architectural environment. Theoretical classes provide an understanding of the various visual and content characteristics of the architectural environment and its individual elements, clarify the possibilities of operating with them and combining their action to achieve the desired effect. The theoretical course involves consideration of basic methods and techniques that allow students to develop a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the architectural environment and generate solutions to architectural problems, taking into account the visual and content context. During practical classes, students consolidate the theoretical material by performing research and project-conceptual tasks, learn to apply the learned methods and techniques for the analysis of a real architectural-spatial situation, and on the basis of the conducted research and the conclusions drawn, structuredly justify the proposed design solutions in written and oral form. The discipline is integrated with other professionally important disciplines - the basics of urban planning, the design of the architectural environment, the basics of landscape architecture, the history of architecture and urban planning, the history of modern architecture.
Опис: Lecture classes 1. Modern concept of architectural image. 2. Methods and techniques of complex analysis of the visual-spatial situation of the architectural environment. 3. Public objects as the basis of the composition of the architectural space. 4. Architectural objects as primary and secondary compositional elements of space. 5. Retrospective review of the role of architecture in shaping the image of architectural space. 6. Communicative function of architecture. 7. Architecture as a material manifestation of the features of space. 8. Positive and negative attractiveness of the architectural environment. 9. Antonym pairs in the formation of a recognizable image of architectural space. The role of spontaneous spatial elements. 10. The main factors that influence the formation of the attractiveness and aesthetics of the architectural environment. 11. The main principles of forming the attractiveness of architectural space. 12. Architectural attractiveness of space at intercity and interregional levels. 13. Architectural brand. The question of the existence of an architectural environment in virtual space. 14. Visual and content characteristics of building an architectural environment in Ukraine. 15. Modern searches for national visual-spatial identification of architectural spaces. Development prospects. Laboratory classes In classes, students work on performing calculation and graphic work, which is designed to give an opportunity to apply theoretical material in practice. 1. Seminar "Architecture of modern sacred buildings. World and domestic experience. Criteria for selecting a site for design". 2. Visual analysis of the architectural environment. 3. Completing the "Clause" task. 4. "Clause Protection" 5. "Defense of the clause" and discussion of the results 6. The search for a functional and planning solution for the temple. 7. Coordination of the proposed proposals with regulatory documents. 8. Development of object planning. 9. Search for a three-dimensional solution of the temple. 10. Development of a graphic presentation of the temple project. 11. Discussion and presentation of calculation and graphic work.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: conducting an oral survey in laboratory classes, individual consultations. Final control: control work (test form, online)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control: Clausura. – max 10 points; Clause protection. - max 10 points Explanatory note to the project. - max 10 points RGR - max 40 points Final control (control work): Testing - max 30 points
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points – (“excellent”) is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interrelationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 87–71 points – (“good”) is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks; 70 – 50 points – (“satisfactory”) awarded for weak knowledge of the component’s educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support 1. Dyda O.A., Khamar I.H., Datsyshyn YE.H. Proektuvannya sakral'noyi arkhitektury. Chastyna I. Khrystyyans?ki khramy skhidnoho obryadu. Metodychni vkazivky. – L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs/koyi Politekhniky – 2020. – 40 s. Recommended Literature Basic 1. Cherkes B.S. Arkhitektura suchasnosti. Ostannya tretyna XX – pochatok XXI stolit': navch. Posibnyk / B.S. Cherkes, S.M. Linda. – L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2010. – 384 s. 2. Panchenko T.F. Turystychne seredovyshche: arkhitektura, pryroda, infrastruktura. Monohrafiya / T.F. Panchenko. – Kyyiv: Lohos, 2009. – 176 s. 3. Cherkes B.S. Natsional'na identychnist' v arkhitekturi mista: monohrafiya / B.S.Cherkes. – Vydavnytstvo Natsional'noho universytetu «L'vivs'ka politekhnika», 2008. – 268 s. 4. Habrel' M.M. Prostorovyy pidkhid do obgruntuvannya arkhitekturnykh rishen': navch. posib. / M.M.Habrel', M.M.Habrel'. – L'viv: Spolom, 2016r. - 280 s. 5. Vechers'kyy V.V. Spadshchyna mistobuduvannya Ukrayiny: Teoriya i praktyka istoryko-mistobudivnykh pamyatko okhoronnykh doslidzhen' naselenykh mists'. – Kyyiv: NDITIAM, 2003. – 560s. 6. Dyda I.A. Ekolohichni osnovy tradytsiynoyi ukrayins'koyi arkhitektury. Monohrafiya / I.A. Dyda. – L?viv: Vydavnytstvo Natsional'noho universytetu «L'vivs'ka politekhnika», 2009. – 332 s. 7. Mistobudivne proektuvannya. Chastyna I: Misto yak obyekt proektuvannya: Navchal'nyy posibnyk / H.P.Petryshyn, B.S.Posats'kyy, YU.I.Kryvoruchko ta in. L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2016. – 328 s. 8. Mistobudivne proektuvannya. Chastyna II: Proektuvannya strukturnykh elementiv mista Navchal'nyy posibnyk / H.P.Petryshyn ta in. L'viv : Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2017. – 288 s. 9. Posats'kyy B.S. Prostir mista i mis'ka kul'tura (na zlami KHKH–KHKHI st.). L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2007. - 208 s. 10. Posats'kyy B.S. ta in. Arkhitekturnyy obraz mista: Navchal'nyy posibnyk. L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2019. - 140 s. 11. Tovbych V.V., Sysoylov M.V. Arkhitektura: mystetstvo ta nauka. T. 1. Stanovlennya ta rozvytok protsesiv i yavyshch arkhitektury. K.: Svidler, 2007. 1020 s. Supporting literature 1. Pabich M. O ksztaltowaniu museum sztuki. Przestrzen piekniejsza od przedmiotu. – Lodz: Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki Politechniki Lodzkiej, 2004. – 272s. 2. Dyda O.A. Perspektyvy formuvannya atraktyvnoho arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha v smt. Pidkameni (L'vivs'ka oblast') / O.Dyda// Visnyk Lvivs'koho natsional'noho ahrarnoho universytetu: Arkhitektura i sil's'kohospodars'ke budivnytstvo. – L'viv: vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koho natsional'noho ahrarnoho universytetu, 2015. - №16. – S. 135 – 140 3. Oleksandra Dyda. «Importance of spontaneous attractiveness for personalization of architectural environment of Lviv region small towns (Ukraine)» / Oleksandra Dyda, Housing environement №17 recreation within a city. Chair of housing environment faculty of Architecture Cracow University of Technology. Publication of the Chair of Housing Environment. 2016r. S.52-57. Загальна кількість сторінок – 135, ISSN 1731-2442 Normative literature 1. DBN B.2.2-12:2019 "Planuvannya i zabudova terytoriy" 2. DBN V.2.2-9:2018 “Hromads'ki budynky ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennya” 3. DBN V.2.2-16:2019 “Kul?turno-vydovyshchni ta dozvillyevi zaklady” 4. DBN V.2.2-40:2018 "Inklyuzyvnist' budivel' i sporud. Osnovni polozhennya" Information resources
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