Heat Exchange of Nuclear Power Plants

Major: Nuclear Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.143.01.E.047
Credits: 5.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Tetiana Rуmar, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the designs of the basic heat exchange machines of nuclear power plants; • to know the construction materials used for heat exchangers; the engineering and thermal design sequence for heat exchangers; • to be able to perform the engineering and thermal design of heat exchangers; to select the structural dimensions of heat exchange machines; to design and select the heat technology machine; to perform the machine strength design; to use reference literature in the course of work; • to be aware of the main areas of energy saving.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites • Engineering and Computer Graphics; • Engineering Thermodynamics; • Heat and Mass Transfer in NPP Power Equipment; • Nuclear steam generators; co-requisites • Nuclear power plants.
Summary of the subject: Heat exchangers regenerative feedwater heating. Types of regenerative heaters, design schemes. Deaerators. Through a process of thermal deaeration. Types deaerator and their design. Evaporator and nuclear installations. Types of evaporators and their design. The inclusion of evaporative heat installations in the scheme of nuclear power plants. Coolers of oil. Condensing turbine unit. Structural features of capacitors, circuit connection. Separators superheater, scheme include steam and water flows. Structural features оf separators superheater.
Assessment methods and criteria: • formative assessment (30%): written reports on laboratory works, recitation; • summative assessment (70%, examination): control activities.
Recommended books: 1. Design and calculation of shell-and-tube heat exchange machines // Ivanchenko V.V., Barvin O.I., Shtonda Yu.M. - Luhansk: SNU Publishing House named after V.Dal. – 2006. 2. Thermal power plants (design and calculation of recuperative heat exchange machines of thermal power plants) // Boyko E.A. Krasnoyarsk: IPTs KTGU. – 2006. 3. Heat-mass exchange machines of thermal and nuclear power plants // Ilchenko O.T. - K.: Vyshcha shk., 1992. 4. Heat-recovery units of industrial enterprises // Ilchenko O.T. - Kharkov. - Vуsshaya shk., 1985.

Heat Exchange of Nuclear Power Plants (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Nuclear Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.143.01.E.049
Credits: 3.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Tetiana Rуmar, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the designs of the basic heat exchange machines of nuclear power plants; • to know the construction materials used for heat exchangers; the engineering and thermal design sequence for heat exchangers; • to be able to perform the engineering and thermal design of heat exchangers; to select the structural dimensions of heat exchange machines; to design and select the heat technology machine; to perform the machine strength design; to use reference literature in the course of work; • to be aware of the main areas of energy saving.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites • Engineering and Computer Graphics; • Engineering Thermodynamics; • Heat and Mass Transfer in NPP Power Equipment; • Nuclear steam generators; co-requisites • Nuclear power plants.
Summary of the subject: General principles for design and calculation of heat exchange machines. Thermal design of heat exchange machines. Hydraulic calculation of heat exchange machines. Strength design of heat exchange machines. Insulation thickness calculation for heat exchange machines.
Assessment methods and criteria: • recitation (30%); • summative assessment (70%, credit): defense of course project.
Recommended books: 1. Design and calculation of shell-and-tube heat exchange machines // Ivanchenko V.V., Barvin O.I., Shtonda Yu.M. - Luhansk: SNU Publishing House named after V.Dal. – 2006. 2. Thermal power plants (design and calculation of recuperative heat exchange machines of thermal power plants) // Boyko E.A. Krasnoyarsk: IPTs KTGU. – 2006. 3. Heat-mass exchange machines of thermal and nuclear power plants // Ilchenko O.T. - K.: Vyshcha shk., 1992. 4. Heat-recovery units of industrial enterprises // Ilchenko O.T. - Kharkov. - Vуsshaya shk., 1985.