Fundamentals of Automatics and Automation of Power Plants

Major: Nuclear Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.143.00.O.041
Credits: 3.50
Department: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D., Brylynskyy R.B.
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills and abilities sufficient for the successful performance of professional duties in specialty 143 "Atomic Energy", to prepare students for further employment and training in educational and professional programs.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: integral competence: INT - Ability to solve specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of atomic energy, characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions, using theories and methods of mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering sciences. general competences: ZK13- Ability to analyze and synthesize; professional competences: FK7- Ability to investigate and define problem and identify constraints, including those related to issues of legislation, nature protection, sustainable development, health and safety and risk assessments in the field of nuclear energy; FC9 - Ability to take into account the wider interdisciplinary engineering context in professional activity.
Learning outcomes: PR7 - Use scientific and technical literature, databases and other relevant sources of information for the development and justification of technical and managerial decisions in nuclear energy PR13 - Understand the non-technical (society, health and safety, environment, economy and industry) consequences of engineering practice PR14 - Manage projects in one of the areas of nuclear energy, taking responsibility for decision-making
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines: Higher mathematics part 1, part 2, part 3 Physics part 1, part 2 Theoretical foundations of heat engineering Associated and following academic disciplines: Mathematical modeling in atomic energy Nuclear power stations Heat and mass transfer in power equipment of nuclear power plants
Summary of the subject: "Fundamentals of automation and automation of energy facilities" is one of the important disciplines of the specialty "Atomic Energy" for the preparation of bachelors to ensure the efficient and reliable operation of thermal power plants, in particular at nuclear power plants. This subject enables students to learn the basics of automation and automation, primarily of energy objects, to gain knowledge about the elements of automatic control systems (ACS), about the classification of ACS, transitional processes in ACS, including typical, basic laws of regulation and the concept of law selection regulation and calculation of automatic regulator setting parameters based on time characteristics of regulation objects.
Опис: Basic concepts of automation, automation and mechanization, automatic and automated control systems. Degrees (stages) of automation: partial, full, complex. The structure of automatic control, regulation, signaling, protection, blocking and control systems.
Assessment methods and criteria: During the teaching of this discipline, the following methods of knowledge diagnosis are used: - oral and face-to-face survey of students during lectures and laboratory sessions; - at the final lectures of each section of the course, current control is carried out in the form of a test of students' knowledge of the material covered in the section. - verification of written works (protection of reports for laboratory works); - oral and written component of the exam.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Performance, design and defense of laboratory work - 30 points Performing calculation and graphic work - 20 points Test control of the lecture material - 50 points
Recommended books: 1. Basics of automation and automation: teaching. manual / Yevhen Pistun, Ivan Stasyuk. – Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2014. - 336 p. 2. Lysenko V.P., Golovinskyi B.L., Golub B.L., Rudenskyi A.A. Methods and means of modern automated management. Study guide, - Kyiv, NAU, 2007. - 76 p. 3. Bobukh A.O. Automated technological control systems processes: Teaching. manual. – Kharkiv: KhNAMG, 2006. - 185 p. 4. Automation and modeling of technological processes of NPPs and TPPs / V.A. Demchenko. - Odesa: "Astroprint", 2001. - 305 p. 5. Automation of technological processes and automatic systems management: Training manual / Baralo O.V., Samoilenko P.G., Granat S.E., Kovalev V.O. - K.: Agrarian education, 2010. - 557 p.