Theoretical Foundations of Chemical-technological Processes of Nuclear Power Plants, part 1

Major: Nuclear Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.143.02.E.058
Credits: 5.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Tetiana Rуmar, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the scientific and mathematical principles that underlie nuclear energy; - Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the basics of professionally oriented disciplines of specialty in the field of nuclear reactor theory; basics of thermodynamics; - Be able to identify, classify and describe the operation of systems and their components; - Be able to apply knowledge and understanding to solve the problems of synthesis and analysis in systems that are characteristic of the chosen specialization.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites • Higher Mathematics; • Physics; • Engineering Thermodynamics; co-requisites • Hydro-chemical regimes of nuclear power plants • Technology of radioactive waste treatment
Summary of the subject: Chemical thermodynamics. Equilibrium in solutions. Phase equilibria in one-component systems. Thermodynamics of solutions. Chemical equilibrium. The theory of electrolyte solutions. Fundamentals of conductometry. Electrolytic dissociation. Conductivity of electrolyte solutions. The mobility of ions. Electrochemistry of electrolyte solutions. Basics of potentiometry. Phenomenon on the verge of "metal - electrolyte solution" section Thermodynamics of electrochemical processes. Corrosion of metals. Surface phenomena and adsorption. Surface tension. Thermodynamics of surface phenomena. Adsorption of gases and vapors. Adsorption from solutions. Surfactants. They are used to protect metals from corrosion.
Assessment methods and criteria: • formative assessment (30%): written reports on laboratory works, recitation; • summative assessment (70%, examination): control activities.
Recommended books: 1. Larin B.M. Theoretical foundations of chemical and technological processes at TPPs and NPPs: Textbook / Ivan. state. energy.un-t. - Ivanovo, 2002. - 268 p.