Theoretical Foundations of Chemical-technological Processes of Nuclear Power Plants (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Nuclear Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.143.02.E.065
Credits: 3.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Tetiana Rуmar, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the scientific and mathematical principles that underlie nuclear energy; - Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the basics of professionally oriented disciplines of specialty in the field of nuclear reactor theory, basics of thermodynamics; - Be able to identify, classify and describe the operation of systems and their components; - Be able to apply knowledge and understanding to solve the problems of synthesis and analysis in systems that are characteristic of the chosen specialization.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites • Higher Mathematics; • Physics; • Engineering Thermodynamics; co-requisites • Hydro-chemical regimes of nuclear power plants • Technology of radioactive waste treatment
Summary of the subject: The course project consists of interrelated parts (sections) of the relevant sections of the discipline: - determination of integral and differential dissolution heats; - determination of mutual solubility in a three-component system; - study of the electrical conductivity of electrolyte solutions; - determination of electrolyte activity coefficients; - conductometric and potentiometric titration; - study of kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous processes; - study of diffusion process.
Assessment methods and criteria: • recitation (30%); • summative assessment (70%, credit): defense of course project.
Recommended books: 1. Larin B.M. Theoretical foundations of chemical and technological processes at TPPs and NPPs: Textbook / Ivan. state. energy.un-t. - Ivanovo, 2002. - 268 p. 2. Physical chemistry. In 2 books. 1. Structure of the substance. Thermodynamics: Tutorial. for high schools / K.S. Krasnov, N.K. Vorobyov, I.N. Godnev et al.; Ed. K.C. Krasnov. - M.: Vyissh. shkola. - 2002, 512 p. 3. Physical Chemistry. In 2 books. Book 2. Electrochemistry. Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis: A Textbook. for high schools / K.S. Krasnov, N.K. Vorobyov, I.N. Godnev et al.; Ed. K.C. Krasnov. - M .: Vyissh. shkola. - 2002, 319 p. 4. Bilyi O.V. Physical Chemistry: A Textbook for Higher Education Students. - K.: TsUL, 2003. - 364 p. 5. Workshop on physical chemistry / Ed. IV Kudryashova. - M.: Vyissh. shkola. 1986, 495 p.