Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.00.O.8
Credits: 3.00
Department: Ukrainian Language
Lecturer: Lytvyn O.H.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Know: • Principles and means of business speech. • Basics of keeping business documents in Ukrainian. • Features of the Ukrainian language as the state, its communicative and social functions. • The specifics of functional styles of modern Ukrainian literary language. • Basic principles of professional communication in the Ukrainian language. • Basics of terminology of their specialty. 2. Be able to: • Use speech culture skills and norms of the Ukrainian literary language. • Express opinions clearly and precisely. • Pronounce words correctly, use normative accents. • Apply the principles and means of professional communication. • Using the means of business and business broadcasting, prepare properly designed basic samples of business papers. • Use the information obtained to ensure business communication for applied purposes.
Required prior and related subjects: philosophy
Summary of the subject: The discipline involves the study of stylistic and practical aspects of modern Ukrainian literary language. Students learn to implement the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine and other legislative acts on the statehood of the Ukrainian language and its use in professional communication; acquire skills of normative written and oral communication in the state language, master the basic principles of speech culture, norms of the Ukrainian literary language; learn to logically and competently express opinions in the process of professional communication. study of the basics of business speech and maintenance of official documentation; understanding of the general requirements for oral professional communication; mastering the Ukrainian language etiquette, phonetic and orthoepic An important task of the discipline - mastering the means of official business style and scientific and technical terminology of the profession of oral professional business speech, accentual norms, means of melodiousness of the Ukrainian language. The study of the discipline involves knowledge of morphological norms and means of implementing grammatical categories of independent parts of speech, awareness of the peculiarities of the use of official parts of speech in professional business speech.
Assessment methods and criteria: Exam, Participation – 40 points, Graded work – 60 points
Recommended books: 1) Ukrayins"ka mova (za profesijnym spryamuvannyam): navch posibnyk-praktykum/H.L. Voznyuk, S.Z. Bulyk-Verkhola, I.P. Vasylyshyn, M.V.Hnatyuk, I.B. Mentyns"ka, I.D.Shmilyk. 9-e vyd.,dopovn. i vyprav. – L"viv: Vy-vo L"vivs"koyi politexniky, 2018.– 308 s. 2) Mykytyuk O. Kul"tura movlennya: osoblyvosti, zavdannya, cikavynky: navch. posibnyk/ Oksana Mykytyuk. – L"viv: Vyd-vo L"vivs"koyi politexniky, 2014. – 236 s. 3) Serednyc"ka A.Ya., Kun"ch Z.J. Ukrayins"ka mova za profesijnym spryamuvannyam: Navch. posib. / Za red. kand. filol. nauk H.L. Voznyuka. – K.: Znannnya, 2011. – 211 s. 4) Farion Iryna Movna norma: znyshhennya, poshuk, vidnova (kul"tura movlennya publichnyx lyudej). – Ivano-Frankivs"k: Misto NV, 2013. – 330 s.