
Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.00.O.17
Credits: 7.00
Department: Theoretical and Applied Economics
Lecturer: Pushak H.I., Goshovska O.V.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - know: • features of the subject of microeconomics as an integral part of economic theory and its main functions; • features of the mechanism of market equilibrium formation; • specifics of individual consumer behavior; • features of the behavior of the enterprise as a production and market system in the market, the nature of changes in the parameters of the production function in the short and long term; • features of pricing on the markets of factors of production in conditions of perfect and imperfect competition; • features of the formation of general economic equilibrium. - be able to: • characterize the peculiarities of consumer behavior in conditions of uncertainty; • apply analytical methods to assess the analysis of the enterprise in different types of markets in the immediate, short-term and long-term periods
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites:macroeconomics Co-requisites: economics of enterprise
Summary of the subject: Microeconomics. Basics of supply and demand. Consumer behavior and theory of marginal utility. Design of the consumer behavior at the market of commodities. Market demand. Production theory. Production costs. Profit maximization and competitive supply. Topic: Economy of market of perfect competition. Market power: monopoly and monopsony. Theory of oligopoly. Market of monopolistic competition. Markets of resources. Capital investment, time and capital markets. General equilibrium and economic efficiency.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (100%): execution and protection of control work 14%; laboratory work (28%) control thematic testing 28%; 30% survey.
Recommended books: 1. Poplavska Zh.V. Mikroekonomika. Teoriia i praktyka ukraiinskoii ekonomiky: Navch. posibnyk [dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl.] / Poplavska Zh.V., Krysa O.I; - K.: Alerta, 2016. – 284 s. 2. Mikroekonomika [Tekst] : Navchalnyi posibnyk. Chastyna 1 / [uklad.: N.M. Nilova, T.O. Semenenko, T.I. Honcharuk, D.V. Oleksich]; Derzhavnyi vyshchyi navchalnyi zaklad «Ukrainska akademiia bankivskoi spravy Natsionalnoho banku Ukrainy" m. Sumy, 2014 . – 170 s. 3. Mikroekonomika : Pidruchnyk / [A.P. Nalyvaiko, L.A. Azmuk, P.H. Banshchykov ta in.] ; za nauk. red. A.P. Nalyvaika. – K.: KNEU, 2011. – 446 s. 4. Bazilinska O.Ia., Minina O.V. Mikroekonomika [Tekst]: Navchalnyi posibnyk/ Za red. Bazilynskoi O.Ia. 3 - e vyd. vypr. – Kyiv: «Tsentr navchalnoi literatury», 2009. – 352 s. 5. Vatamaniuk O. Mikroekonomika. – Lviv: Intelekt-Zahid, 2014. – 378 s.