Spatial Organization of Business

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.01.E.74
Credits: 5.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Danylovych T.B.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: knowledge and understanding of the principles and methods of spatial differentiation of production costs; knowledge of how to optimize the impact of placement decisions on the activities of business entities; knowledge and understanding of algorithms of territorial anchor of the enterprise; knowledge and understanding of mechanisms for determining the optimal location of the enterprise; knowledge and understanding of technical infrastructure planning mechanisms; ability to justify decisions on location of the enterprise; ability to determine the differential rent and price for natural resources, depending on the location of producers and consumers of natural resources; ability to carry out territorial linking of business ability to determine the optimal location of the enterprise and its appropriate capacity.
Required prior and related subjects: Business Economics Investment. Organization of production. Project management. Formation of business model of enterprise.
Summary of the subject: Theoretical aspects of spatial organization of business. Principles and methods of spatial differentiation of production costs. Classification of production by factors of spatial organization of economy. Economic and mathematical modeling of the process of spatial organization of business. The influence of the state on the spatial organization of the economy. Features of spatial anchoring of business in agglomerations. Impact of transportation costs on spatial organization of business. Estimation and decision making in conditions of risk of uncertainty of location of enterprise. Features of spatial organization of business in preferential zones. Influence of location of natural resources on the spatial organization of business. Modeling of the process of formation of differential rent and prices for natural resources, depending on the location of producers and consumers of natural resources. Economic assessment of land and its spatial aspects. Comparison of project implementation options based on location costs.
Assessment methods and criteria: - practical work (45%); - final control (exam): written-oral form (55%)
Recommended books: 1. Instruments of regulation of spatial and economic development of Ukraine: monograph / for sciences. ed. TV Golikova; NAS of Ukraine, State Institution «Inst. and predicted. NAS of Ukraine. - K., 2014. - 244 p. 2. Spatial organization of economic systems: [monograph] / Stadnitsky Yu.I., Danylovych TB, Muzychenko-Kozlovskaya AV, Voitsekhovskaya VV, Vysotsky AL, Symak AV, Stadnitskaya Yu. .You. - Lviv: New World-2000, 2013. - 274 p. 3. Spatial Economics and Ecology [Text]: textbook tool. / OM Tkachuk and others. - Vinnitsa: VTEI KNTEU, 2017. - 236 p. 4. Methodical instructions for the organization of independent work and practical training in the discipline "Spatial Economics" (for students of correspondence form of specialty 051 - Economics) / Kharkiv. nat. un-t the city. master in it. OM Beketova; structure. : T. A. Pushkar, N.M. Sirenko. - Kharkiv: KhNUMG them. OM Beketova, 2018. - 50 p. 5. Tkachenko OO Potential of development of spatial integration of business in the regions of Ukraine: analysis and evaluation // Regional economy. 2018. №1 (87). Pp. 48-56. 6. Melnik MI Spatial forms of business organization as a factor of ensuring the competitiveness of the regional economy / MI Melnyk // Competitiveness in the conditions of globalization: realities, problems and prospects: materials of the Ninth International Scientific-Practical Conference / Sciences. ed. IV Sawh; Zhytomyr Branch of the Kiev Institute of Business and Technology. Zhytomyr, 2015, pp. 69-70.