Physiology and Psychology of Labour

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.02.E.104
Credits: 4.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Ass.Professor Moroz L.I.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the module the student should: • to know: functions of the central nervous system in the process of work; physiological principles of rationalization of labor processes; psychological factors of work activity; methodology of human performance assessment; indicators and stages of fatigue; criteria of monotony of work; methodology of integral estimation of importance of work; criteria for designing modes of work and rest. • be able to: calculate muscle endurance ratios; evaluate the importance of work; to calculate the integral indicator of efficiency; evaluate the degree of fatigue of the employee; to calculate the integral indicator of the importance of labor; to establish optimal modes of work and rest.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: Personnel management; Management of labor potential. co-requisite: Labor economics and social and labor relations
Summary of the subject: Subject, object and objectives of the discipline. Central nervous regulation of labor activity. Physiology of human motor apparatus and rationalization of labor processes. Physiological reactions of the human body to workloads and working conditions. Psychological factors of work activity. Human performance and patterns of its dynamics. Industrial fatigue and fatigue prevention measures. Psychophysiological essence of monotony and ways of increasing the content of work. Psychophysiology features and principles of organization of camera work. The difficulty of work and the method of its evaluation Physiological bases of designing rational modes of work and rest. Psychophysiology of vocational guidance and professional selection. Psychophysiological bases of industrial training, formation of work skills and abilities. Organization of psychophysiological research.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control (20%)and Resulting control: testing, oral component (80%).
Recommended books: 1. Baklitsky I.O. Labor psychology [text]: textbook. / IO Baklitky. - 2nd, rework. and ext. - K .: Knowledge, 2008. - 655 p. 2. The Big Psychological Dictionary [text] / Edited by B.G.Meshcheryakova, VP. Zinchenko.- SPb .: Prime EUROZNAK, 2004. - 672 p. 3. MI Dyachenko, LA Kandybovich Psychology [text]: dictionary reference book / MI Diachenko, LA Kandybovich. - Minsk: Halston, 2005. - 399. - P. 7. 4. Quinn. N.N. Applied psychology [text]: textbook / N. Quinn. - 4th international edition - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 558 p. 5. Klimov EA Psychology of professional self-determination [text]: textbook. / EA Klimov.-Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007. - 512 p. 6. Korolchuk MS Psychophysiology of activity [text]: textbook. for students of higher education. institutions / MS. Korolchuk. - K .: Elga, Nika-Center, 2007. - 400 p. 7. Krushelnytska Ya.V. Physiology and psychology of work [text]: textbook. tool. / Ya.V.Krushelnytska. - K .: KNEU, 2007. - 232 p.