Labor Statistics

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.02.E.105
Credits: 5.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Ass.Professor Moroz L.I.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As result of studying discipline a student must: • know: the economic features of a market economy, the economic mechanism of the entrepreneurial structures in conditions of market economy of Ukraine as well as know the basic laws governing their activities; the stages of formation and development of human resources; the conducting analysis of performance and modern method of management by the entrepreneurial structures. • be able: to calculate the technical and economic indicators and solve problems in the field of the use of material and human resources; in business planning, management to identify indicators of economic evaluation of practical decisions; to take optimal decisions and evaluate performance of the businesses.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: Fundamentals of Economics; co-requisite: Management of labor potential; Conflict management.
Summary of the subject: theoretical principles of labor statistics; statistical observation; formation of an aggregate system of labor statistics indicators; recommended systems of indicators of labor statistics; requirements relating to labor statistics; labor statistics; main indicators of labor statistics; statistics on the size, composition and movement of the workforce; assessment of the availability of enterprises by the labor force; working time statistics; indicators of working time; indicators of variability, continuity, integral indicator of job loading; statistical methods for identifying reserves for improving labor use; workplace statistics; labor productivity statistics; measuring the level of labor productivity; analysis of the dynamics of labor productivity; wage statistics; composition of labor costs.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control: oral inquiry, test (30%); • Resulting control (70%). control measure: (exam) testing, oral component.
Recommended books: 1. Matkovsky S.O., Gal’kiv LI, Grinkevich O.S., Sorochak O.Z. Statistics: Tutorial. - Lviv: “New World - 2000”, 2016. - 430 p .; 2. Luginin O.E., Fomishin SV. National and International Economics Statistics: A Tutorial. - Lviv: “New World - 2000”, 2017. - 471 p .; 3. Feshur R.V., Kichor V.P., Barvinsky A.F., Tymoschuk M.R. Statistics: Tutorial / For Science. Ed. Feshur. - 4th edition, updated and supplemented. - Lviv: «Openwork Accounting Center, 2010. - 256 p .; 4. Baranik Z.P. Labor statistics: Educ. manual. - K .: KNEU, 2003. - 246 p .; 5. Baranik Z.P. Labor Market Statistics: Educ. tool. - K .: KNEU, 2005. - 167 p .; 6. Boginya D.P., Grishnova O.A. Fundamentals of labor economics. - K .: Knowledge-Press, 2000; 7. Golovko M.P., Pastukhov V.P. Employment of the population of Ukraine: socio-economic, legal and historical aspects. - K .: Academy of Labor and Social Relations of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine, 1998; 8. Grin, William G. Econometric Analysis / Trans. from English. A. Oliynyk, R. Tkachuk .; Science. Ed. Trans. O. Komashko; Before O.I. Chernyaka, - K .: Publishing house of Solomiya Pavlychko "Fundamentals", 2005. - 1197 p .; 9. Economic statistics: a textbook. / For Science. Ed. Dr. Econ. Sciences R.M. Motorina. - K .: KNEU, 2005. - 362 p .; 10. YA Vehyga, Z.M. Levchenko, I.D. Vatulia. Reporting of enterprises. Educ. Tool. - K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2008. - 776 p .; 11. Zdrok V.V., Lagotsky T.Ya. Econometrics: A textbook. - K .: Knowledge, 2010. - 541 p .; 12. Zahozhaya V.B., Popov I.I., Kovalenko O.V. Workshop on the basics of statistics. - K .: MAUP, 2001.