Organizational Leadership Technologies

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.02.E.106
Credits: 4.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Vynnychuk Roksolana Oleksandrivna
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Students are expected to acquire following knowledges: - subject and tasks of the discipline "Technology of leadership in the organization"; - the basic theoretical principles and principles of development of leadership technologies in the organization; - theoretical and practical skills of identifying personal and organizational sources of the foundations of power in the organization and their effective application to the management system of the organization; - approaches to the formation of coordination of relations between the leader, staff and individual employee; - methods of forecasting, planning, organizing and controlling the activities of the leader in the staff; - toolkit for diagnosing the processes of developing leadership skills of personnel of organizations; - application of information and communication, organizational, legal and other methods of formation of leadership competences. Students are expected to acquire following skills: - to implement rational organization of their own work and work of subordinates, to allocate powers, to use effective systems of motivation and wages, to support organizational culture; - to form an idea about innovative technologies of management of human resources organization from the standpoint of the peculiarities of the functioning of management leadership as a special relationship between the head and subordinates; - use reserve capabilities of individuals and groups to achieve organizational goals; - to formulate in the subordinate leadership skills of thinking, behaviour and actions; - to adopt grounded strategic decisions in the field of personnel management.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Management, Personnel Management, Corporate Culture, Labor Economics, Management of Organizations. Co-requisites: Conflict Management, Talent Management, HR-branding, Knowledge Management.
Summary of the subject: The study of the discipline "Leadership Technology in an Organization" aims at building competencies in managerial leadership in a chaotic and unpredictable environment, which requires the use of modern approaches. The essence of management is to use the physical and intellectual abilities of others to achieve their own goals. The ability to use such abilities characterizes the leader as the leader of any team The discipline presents the framework of modern approaches and leadership principles that guide management activities and determine its effectiveness in the economic, private and public sectors. The main characteristics of leadership as the competence of managers in the context of best practices of human resources management and results orientation are considered, including taking into account the provision of favourable conditions of work, individual and organizational development and training, changes, etc. The discipline is intended for future management specialists, human resources management, public administration and civil servants and all stakeholders in issues of public leadership.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (40%): solving analytical tasks, oral questioning, tests. Final control (60%, control measures, exam): testing (15%), theoretical questions (15%), problem-searching and diagnostic tasks (30%).
Recommended books: 1. Розвиток лідерства / Л. Бізо, І. Ібрагімова, О. Кікоть, Є. Барань, Т. Федорів ; за заг. ред. І. Ібрагімової. — К. : Проект «Реформа управління персоналом на державній службі в Україні», 2012. — 400 с. 2. Нестуля О.О. Основи лідерства. Тренінг лідерських якостей та практичних навичок менеджера : навч. Посіб. / О.О. Нестуля, С.І. Нестуля,В.В. Карманенко. – К.: Знання, 2013. – 287 с. 3. Гошовська В.А., Пашко Л.А. Політичне лідерство : навч. посіб. – К.: НАДУ, 2013. – 300 с. 4. Ситник Й.С. Теоретико-методологічні засади інтелектуалізації систем менеджменту підприємств: монографія / Й.С. Ситник. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. – 248 с

Organizational Leadership Technologies (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.02.E.108
Credits: 3.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Vynnychuk Roksolana Oleksandrivna
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Students are expected to acquire following knowledges: - the basic theoretical principles and principles of development of leadership technologies in the organization; - theoretical and practical skills of identifying personal and organizational sources of the foundations of power in the organization and their effective application to the management system of the organization; - approaches to the formation of coordination of relations between the leader, staff and individual employee; - methods of forecasting, planning, organizing and controlling the activities of the leader in the staff; - toolkit for diagnosing the processes of developing leadership skills of personnel of organizations; - application of information and communication, organizational, legal and other methods of formation of leadership competences. Students are expected to acquire following skills: - to implement rational organization of their own work and work of subordinates, to allocate powers, to use effective systems of motivation and wages, to support organizational culture; - to form an idea about innovative technologies of management of human resources organization from the standpoint of the peculiarities of the functioning of management leadership as a special relationship between the head and subordinates; - use reserve capabilities of individuals and groups to achieve organizational goals; - to formulate in the subordinate leadership skills of thinking, behaviour and actions; - to adopt grounded strategic decisions in the field of personnel management.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Management, Personnel Management, Corporate Culture, Labor Economics, Management of Organizations. Co-requisites: Conflict Management, Talent Management, HR-branding, Knowledge Management.
Summary of the subject: The study of the discipline "Leadership Technology in an Organization" aims at building competencies in managerial leadership in a chaotic and unpredictable environment, which requires the use of modern approaches. The essence of management is to use the physical and intellectual abilities of others to achieve their own goals. The ability to use such abilities characterizes the leader as the leader of any team The discipline presents the framework of modern approaches and leadership principles that guide management activities and determine its effectiveness in the economic, private and public sectors. The main characteristics of leadership as the competence of managers in the context of best practices of human resources management and results orientation are considered, including taking into account the provision of favourable conditions of work, individual and organizational development and training, changes, etc. The discipline is intended for future management specialists, human resources management, public administration and civil servants and all stakeholders in issues of public leadership.
Assessment methods and criteria: Course project protection (100%)
Recommended books: 1. Розвиток лідерства / Л. Бізо, І. Ібрагімова, О. Кікоть, Є. Барань, Т. Федорів ; за заг. ред. І. Ібрагімової. — К. : Проект «Реформа управління персоналом на державній службі в Україні», 2012. — 400 с. 2. Нестуля О.О. Основи лідерства. Тренінг лідерських якостей та практичних навичок менеджера : навч. Посіб. / О.О. Нестуля, С.І. Нестуля,В.В. Карманенко. – К.: Знання, 2013. – 287 с. 3. Гошовська В.А., Пашко Л.А. Політичне лідерство : навч. посіб. – К.: НАДУ, 2013. – 300 с. 4. Ситник Й.С. Теоретико-методологічні засади інтелектуалізації систем менеджменту підприємств: монографія / Й.С. Ситник. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. – 248 с