Enterprise Strategy

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.01.E.84
Credits: 4.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Khrystyna Yaroslavivna Zalutska
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: to know: economic substance of categories of business strategy, strategic pyramid, strategic business unit, business unit, portfolio analysis, strategic analysis, strategic resources, key success factors, competitive advantages, strategic alternatives, synergy strategic set, strategic business capacity, strategic control, strategic management and their connection with other categories of market economy; concept and economic substance of the models of formation, selection and implementation of business strategy; structure of the factors of external and internal environment of enterprise and mechanism of their impact on business strategy; methods of strategic analysis; matrices of portfolio analysis and peculiarities of their use when assessing strategic positions of enterprise; peculiarities of using different types of business strategies; methodological basis of the chosen strategies implementation; to be able to: set a mission, strategic goals and objective tree of enterprise; analyze external impact factors and diagnose the state of internal environment of enterprise; define strategic alternative options of business development and choose the most acceptable one among them; develop tools for qualitative provision of the strategy implementation process; independently manage company operation, taking into account strategies of its development within market economy; carry out current production planning within a formed strategic set on the basis of organization, motivation and monitoring of the company operation, taking into consideration factors of external and internal environments; to know how to use: methods of strategic planning, forecasting and control; methodology of development and implementation of business strategy.
Required prior and related subjects: Business Economics; Business Capacity and Development; Management; Marketing Economic and statistical modeling and forecasting Economic analysis Financial activity of business entities Formation of business model of the enterprise
Summary of the subject: Business strategy: general idea, evolution of concept; Company mission and goals; Assessment of external environment of enterprise; Analysis of company strategic potential; Matrix methods of business strategy formation; Business strategies; Strategy of company activity diversification; Strategies of external development of enterprise; Strategic alternatives and conditions of strategy implementation; Modern state and prospects of strategic management development in Ukraine
Assessment methods and criteria: • student papers with presentation of results, oral questioning, written individual work (30%) • summative assessment (70 % control check, exam): written form (50%); oral form (20%).
Recommended books: 1.Certificate No. 01472 on acknowledging the information resource in virtual environment of Lviv Polytechnic National University as methodological work. Compilers: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kh.Ya. Zalutska, Teaching Assistant O.L. Myshchyshyn. “Business Strategy” Electronic Guidance Complex. Lviv Polytechnic National University. 18.03.2016. 2. Zalutska H.Ya. Enterprise strategy: a textbook / H.Ya. Zalutska - Lviv: Raster-7 Publishing House, 2017. - 258 p. 3. Zalutska H.Ya. Enterprise strategy in figures and tables: lecture notes for students majoring in 051 "Economics" of all forms of education / compiled by: VV Kozyk, H.Ya. Zalutska, VP Zalutsky. - Lviv: Publishing House of the EPI Department, 2017. - 114 p. 4. Zalutska H.Ya. Enterprise strategy: method. instructions for performing an individual educational and research task for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 051 "Economics" of the field of knowledge 05 "Social and behavioral sciences" full-time education. / compiled by: H.Ya. Zalutska, VP Zalutsky, OL Mishchishin. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2019. - 23 p. 5. Zalutska H.Ya. Enterprise strategy: method. instructions for conducting practical classes for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 051 "Economics" of the field of knowledge 05 "Social and behavioral sciences" of all forms of education / compiled by: H.Ya. Zalutska, N.Yu. Мирощенко, О.Л. Mishchishin. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2019. - 53 p. 6. Zalutska H.Ya. Strategy of the enterprise: methodical instructions for performance of control work for students of a direction of preparation 6.030504 "Economics of the enterprise" of a correspondence form of training / compiled by: VV Kozyk, H.Ya. Zalutska. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. - 41 p. 7. Kh.Ya. Zalutska, V.V. Kozyk. Theoretical and applied principles of the strategic management system development of the modern enterprise : monograpf - Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2019, 73 p. 8. Podolchak N.Yu. Strategic management: textbook. manual / N.Yu. Podolchak. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2012. - 400 p .; 9. Dovgan LE, Karakay YV, Artemenko LP Strategic management. Teaching. way. 2nd type. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2011. - 440 p .; 10. Saenko MG Enterprise strategy: Textbook. - Ternopil: Economic Thought, - 2007. - 352 p .; 11. Sumets OM Enterprise strategy. Theory, situations, examples: Textbook. - K .: VD "Professional", 2005. - 320 p. 12. Mishchenko AP Strategic Management: Textbook. manual. - К .: Центр навч. lit., 2004. - 336 p. 13. Afanasyev MV, Seleznyova GO Enterprise strategy: Training manual. - H .: VD "INZHEK", 2007. - 272 p.