Economics and Organization of Innovation Activity

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.01.E.76
Credits: 5.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Yemelyanov Olexandr Yuriyovych, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: knowledge of scientific concepts, theories and methods necessary to understand the patterns of functioning and development of innovation; knowledge and understanding of basic regulations and reference materials, current standards and specifications, instructions and other regulations in the field of innovation; knowledge and understanding of economic activities, business processes, economic mechanism of the enterprise; ability to choose and practically apply in the field of innovation techniques, methods and tools of management accounting, economic analysis, forecasting and planning, organization, economic incentives and control; ability to demonstrate knowledge of trends in scientific and technological progress and use its results to justify decisions to improve the efficiency of economic activity of the enterprise; possession of skills of calculation of economic efficiency of introduction of innovations at the enterprise, development of plans of technical development of firm; possession of skills to choose the best areas for the development of innovation processes in the enterprise; forecasting the life cycle of innovative products.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Investment Organization of production Co-requisites: Socio-economic development of the region
Summary of the subject: Innovations: formation and current trends. Essential characteristics of innovation processes. Firm innovation policy. Update of technical and technological base of the enterprise and products. Estimation of economic efficiency of introduction of measures on new technics. Innovation process management system. Modern organizational forms of innovation implementation. Risk management and financing of innovation processes. Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of innovative activities of the firm. Evaluation of economic efficiency of innovative projects. Innovation product quality management.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control – 25%; examination control – 75% (written and oral components).
Recommended books: 1. Заблоцький Б.Ф. Економіка й організація інноваційної діяльності. Начальний посібник // Б.Ф. Заблоцький. Вид-во: «Новий Світ – 2000», 2020. – 427 с. 2. Левченко Ю. Економіка та організація інноваційної діяльності. Начальний посібник // Ю. Левченко. Вид-во: Кондор, 2018. – 448 с. 3. Микитюк П.П. Інноваційний менеджмент. Підручник // П.П. Микитюк, В.Я. Брич, М.М. Шкільняк, Ю.І. Микитюк. Вид-во: Екон. думка ТНЕУ, 2019. – 518 с. 4. Тебенко В.М. Економіка та організація інноваційної діяльності. Начальний посібник // В.М. Тебенко. Вид-во: Видавничо-поліграфічний центр «Люкс», 2014. – 302 с.

Economics and Organization of Innovation Activity (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.01.E.80
Credits: 3.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Yemelyanov Olexandr Yuriyovych, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: ability to assess and form the innovative potential of the enterprise; ability to perform calculations of economic efficiency of implementation of innovations at the enterprise, to develop plans of technical development of firm; ability to choose the best directions for the development of innovation processes in the enterprise.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Investment Planning and control at the enterprise Spatial organization of business Motivation Labor economics and social and labor relations Co-requisites: Substantiation of business decisions and risk assessment
Summary of the subject: Assessment and analysis of factors that affect the level of innovation potential of the enterprise. Assessing the current level of innovation potential of the enterprise. Estimation of economic efficiency and expediency of introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise. Assessment of the strategic level of innovation potential of the enterprise. Formation of the strategic level of innovation potential of the enterprise.
Assessment methods and criteria: Project implementation – 80%; oral defense of the project – 20%.
Recommended books: 1. Заблоцький Б.Ф. Економіка й організація інноваційної діяльності. Начальний посібник // Б.Ф. Заблоцький. Вид-во: «Новий Світ – 2000», 2020. – 427 с. 2. Левченко Ю. Економіка та організація інноваційної діяльності. Начальний посібник // Ю. Левченко. Вид-во: Кондор, 2018. – 448 с. 3. Микитюк П.П. Інноваційний менеджмент. Підручник // П.П. Микитюк, В.Я. Брич, М.М. Шкільняк, Ю.І. Микитюк. Вид-во: Екон. думка ТНЕУ, 2019. – 518 с. 4. Тебенко В.М. Економіка та організація інноваційної діяльності. Начальний посібник // В.М. Тебенко. Вид-во: Видавничо-поліграфічний центр «Люкс», 2014. – 302 с.