Enterprise Potential and Development

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.01.E.82
Credits: 5.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Musiiovska Oksana Bohdanivna, Ph.D. in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding of basic concepts and categories of the discipline, based on systematic understanding. Knowledge and understanding of patterns, principles and features of formation, development and assessment of enterprise potential. Knowledge and understanding of the methodology and applied tools for estimating the value of the potential of the enterprise and its structural elements. Knowledge of approaches to the formation and evaluation of the potential of the enterprise in order to ensure its successful development through change and capacity building. Ability to form a list of key benefits and problems that need to be addressed. Ability to assess the potential of the enterprise and its individual components, to form the potential that can ensure its successful balanced development. Ability to plan ways to implement them based on identified reserves, and evaluate the effectiveness of implementation. Ability to identify opportunities and main directions of forming the potential of the enterprise for its development in accordance with the mission and objectives.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Enterprise Economic Activities Planning and Control of the Enterprise Investing Co-requisites: Enterprise Strategy Business Model of an Enterprise Formation Project Management
Summary of the subject: The essential characteristics of the potential of the enterprise. Structure and graph-analytical model of enterprise potential. Formation of enterprise potential: concept and general model. Features of formation of production potential of the enterprise. Competitiveness of enterprise potential. Theoretical bases of enterprise potential assessment. Methodical approaches to assessing the potential of the enterprise. Valuation of land, buildings and structures. Determining the market value of machinery and equipment. Intangible assets of the enterprise and methods of their evaluation. Labor potential of the enterprise and its evaluation. Business valuation. Applied aspects of enterprise potential assessment. Enterprise development: content, modern concepts and prerequisites. Methodical approaches to determining the reserves of enterprise development and its potential.
Assessment methods and criteria: practice work (30%) final control (exam): written, oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Довбенко В. І., Мельник В. М. Потенціал і розвиток підприємства : навч. посіб. 2-ге вид., виправл. і доповн. Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2011. 232 с. 2. Полінкевич О. М., Шостак Л. В. Потенціал і розвиток бізнесу: навч. посіб. Луцьк : Вежа-Друк, 2019. 592 с. 3. Сабадирьова А. Л., Бабій О. М., Куклінова Т. В., Салавеліс Д. Є. Потенціал і розвиток підприємства : навч. посіб. Одеса : ОНЕУ, ротапринт, 2013. 343 с. 4. Касьянова Н. В., Солоха Д. В., Морєва В. В., Бєлякова О. В., Балакай О. Б. Потенціал підприємства: формування та використання. 2- ге вид. перероб та доп.: підруч. К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2013. 248 с. 5. Грицуленко С. І. Потенціал і розвиток підприємства : навч. посіб. [для студ. напр. підгот. 6.030504 «Економіка підприємства» ден. та заочн. форм навч.]. Одеса : ОНАЗ ім. О.С. Попова, 2014. 99 с.