Planning and Control of the Activities of Economic Entities

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.01.E.78
Credits: 4.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Petrushka T.O., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Know the basic principles, forms, methods and processes of planning and control of economic entities. 2. Know the features of the resource justification of economic entities. 3. Know the method of conducting the necessary technical and economic calculations; structure and technology of development of strategic and current plans for economic and social development of the enterprise; methods of planning new types of products. 4. Know the methods of developing a business plan. 5. Know the specifics of control of the production process and performers; basic control tools; functions of industrial enterprise control services; control efficiency and methods of influencing the objects of control of industrial enterprises. 6. Be able to choose the strategy of enterprise development by analyzing the market opportunities of the enterprise and its production structures. 7. Be able to master the method of production planning and perform calculations of targets required for independent work in the planning and economic services of the enterprise. 8. Be able to make current plans of the enterprise and business plan taking into account the actions of competitors. 9. Be able to control all stages of the production process; use methods and means of control to improve production efficiency, actions of executors of the production process, personnel of the enterprise. 10. Be able to achieve the required level of efficiency of the production process and its provision with methods of planning and control.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Business Economics Organization of production Co-requisites: Cost management Economics and organization of innovation
Summary of the subject: The essence of planning and especially its implementation in the enterprise. The system plans the company. Control and its species. Features of control in the company. Organization of effective control in the company. Business planning. Operational scheduling at the facility. Market research, planning marketing. Planning production volumes. Planning logistics of the company. Providing operating company production capacity. Plan staff and wages. Planning costs. Financial planning at the enterprise. Planning production infrastructure company. Planning organizational technical development of the company.
Assessment methods and criteria: practical training - 30% (in practical work, individual and collective work) exam - 70% (written and oral component), semester control (100%)
Recommended books: Михалюк Н. І. Планування діяльності підприємств : навч. посіб. / Н. І. Михалюк. – К. : Ліра-К, 2015. – 620 с. Планування діяльності підприємства: Конспект лекцій /укладач Т.В.Клименко . – Лозова: 2017. – 70 с. Планування діяльності підприємства: опорний конспект лекцій. Тернопіль. – 2016. – 92 с. Іванова В.В. Планування діяльності підприємства: навч. посібник. Іванова В.В. / – К.: Центр навчальноїлітератури, 2006. – 427 с. Загуцький У. Р. Планування і діагностика діяльності підприємств: навч. посіб. / У. Р. Загуцький, В. М. Цимбалюк, С. Г. Шевченко. – К.: Ліра-К, 2013. –320 с.