Information Systems and Technology at the Enterprise

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.00.O.53
Credits: 4.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Vorobets Stepan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. knowledge and understanding of basic theoretical concepts that reflect the content of the processes of informatization of enterprise management systems; 2. knowledge and understanding of the processes of creation, implementation and development of information systems based on system analysis and standardization of their life cycle; 3. knowledge and understanding of trends in the processes of informatization of society, composition, structure and functionality of modern information systems, including ERP-class systems; 4. ability to work with software products designed to automate enterprise management processes; 5. knowledge and understanding of: - international and national standards for the creation of modern information systems and be able to apply them in the practice of management of financial and economic activities of enterprises; - concepts of ERP-systems and principles of their creation; - information business, information market, information service and information infrastructure of the enterprise, its information resources, which are important elements in the enterprise management system; 6. ability to work with software tools for business process modeling in systems for building information systems using international standard modeling tools; 7. ability to formalize professional knowledge, perform economic problems and solve them with the help of modern software tools; 8. ability to make management decisions based on intelligent computer tools.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: 1. Business Economics 2. Informatics Co-requisites: 2.Economic analysis 3.Economic and statistical modeling and forecasting 4.Substantiation of business decisions and risk assessment 5.Business process management systems
Summary of the subject: Information processes in the economy and the objective need for their automation Information resources in the enterprise management system. The concept of information systems, their types Information technologies, their development and classification Information support of IS (h_1). The concept of information support, its structure Information support of IP. (h_2) Devices external memory and data management software systems Information support of IS (h_3). The concept of data model. Overview of types of database models Information support of IS (h_4). Designing relational databases using semantic models: ER-diagrams Information support of information systems (h_5) (Fundamentals of OLAP - technologies). Information support of information systems Knowledge Base in IS (h_6) Telecommunication resources of IP. Fundamentals of LOM construction Internet technologies at the enterprise Information security in IS in enterprise IT management Methods of management accounting using a standard configuration of the software system 1C: Enterprise.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (protection of laboratory works) – 44; Protection of laboratory work №1. Modeling of business processes of the enterprise by means of AllFussion (Process Modeler) - 6 Protection of laboratory work №2 Modeling of information flows of the enterprise by means of AllFussion (Process Modeler) - 4 Protection of laboratory work №3 Design of logical and physical model of DB by means of ErWin - 8 Protection of laboratory work №4. Implementation of the information system of the enterprise by means of DBMS Access - 12 Protection of laboratory work №6. Statistical data processing - 4 Protection of laboratory work №7 Management and accounting by means of 1C: Enterprise - 6 Protection of laboratory work №8 Financial Management - QlikView - 4 Test control №1 - 24 points Test control №2 - 12 points. Individual work. For a certain subject area to build a business process model, information model, logical model of the database and implement applied business logic by means of DBMS ACCESS - 16 Bonus points - 4
Recommended books: 1. Інформаційні системи і технології на підприємстві. Навчальний посібник. Воробець С.Й., Козик В.В., Мищишин О. Л. – Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2016. 2. Спеціалізовані програмні системи для фінансового обліку та аналізу: 1С Підприємство & Audit Expert. Навч. посібник. Воробець С.Й., Кічор В.П., Яструбський М. Я.. – Львів.: ЛНУ ім.. І. Франка, 2015. 3. Інформаційні системи та технології : навчальний посібник. Бутенко Т.А. Сирий В.М. Харків, 2020 4. РЕАЛІЗАЦІЯ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОЇ СИСТЕМИ ЗАСОБАМИ НАСТІЛЬНОЇ СУБД MS ACCESS. / Укл. Воробець С. Й. та ін. Львів, НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2016.