Cost Management

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.01.E.85
Credits: 5.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: PhD Mariya Kirzhetska
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying a discipline, a specialist must know: the main issues of functioning of the enterprise as a subject of management; the characteristic of the resource potential necessary for the vital activity of the enterprise and the indicators of its use; innovation processes, enterprise infrastructure, forms and methods of organization of production, economic mechanism of enterprise management, marketing strategy and tactics of financial regulation of activity; economic aspects of processes of development and transformations in the enterprise activity. The trained specialist should be able to: to evaluate the activity of the enterprise on the basis of the studied indicators of its production and economic activity; to orient in the processes of organization of production and its updating; to acquire skills of calculation and analytical work in the course of substantiation of forecast and plan indicators of the enterprise; to form a marketing strategy and to choose the appropriate tactics for its implementation; to make a choice of organizational-economic, organizational and legal forms that meet the goals of the enterprise in the specific conditions of activity
Required prior and related subjects: Business Economics Accounting
Summary of the subject: Cost management in enterprise management system. Organizational and methodological bases of cost management at the enterprise. Expenses of the enterprise: concept, content, classification. Basics of costing product calculation. Methods of calculation. Management of enterprise expenses on the basis of the study of the relationship "costs - volume - profit". Determination of the break-even point of the enterprise. The optimal ratio of enterprise costs. Effect of operating leverage. Impact of changes in the value of costs, prices and volume of production and sales of products to the amount of profits of the enterprise. Budget planning and control. Cost management at the centers of responsibility. Strategic cost management of the enterprise. Economic mechanism of enterprise expenses management. State regulation of expenses of economic activity. Cost management based on spatial analysis (reverse engineering) and engineering costing. Cost management by the "Kaizen" system. Operational cost management method. Cost management based on reengineering business processes. Cost management of the enterprise on the basis of outsourcing. Indicators for assessing the effectiveness of enterprise cost management.
Assessment methods and criteria: • survey seminars / workshops; assessment tasks and case studies on practical training; evaluation of the final work (25%); • Final examination (75%) (writing and oral form).
Recommended books: 1. Управління витратами: електронний конспект лекцій / Укл. Кіржецька М.С. - [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: -Львів: ВНС НУ "ЛП", 2020. - 75. 2. Управління витратами: Навч. посіб. / М. Г. Грещак, В. М. Гордієнко, О. С. Коцюба та ін.; За заг. ред. М. Г. Грещака. — К.: КНЕУ, 2008. — 264 с. 3. Партин Г.О. Управління витратами підприємства: концептуальні засади, методи та інструментарій: Монографія. Т- К.: УБС НБУ, 2008. 4. Цал-Цалко Ю.С. Витрати підприємства: Навч. посібник. — Київ: ЦУП, 2002. - 656 с. 5. Чорна М.В., Смірнова П.В., Бугріменко Р.М. Управління витратами : навч. посіб.навч. посіб. / М. В. Чорна, П. В. Смірнова, Р. М. Бугріменко , 2017. – 166 с.

Cost Management (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.01.E.87
Credits: 3.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: PhD Kirzhetska M.S.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Students should be able to: (1) systematize and analyze costs for enterprises in certain sectors; (2) acquire skills as a costs management (3) use tools and methods of costs management to improve financial position of the enterprise
Required prior and related subjects: prerekvizyty: Business Economics; Planning and control at the enterprise сorekvizyty: forming a business model of the company; cost management
Summary of the subject: (1) Characteristics of organizational structure and production company; (2) Formation costs in the field to which the sampled enterprises; (3) Overall expenses of the company; (4) Analysis of the cost of enterprise; (5) Functional methods of cost management; (6) Research of the cost structure of the formation of the operating results of the company; (7) Management costs by responsibility centers.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (40%); Final control (60%), credit (delivery of course work)
Recommended books: 1. Дойл Д. Управление затратами : Стратегическое руководство / Дэвид П. Дойл ; [пер. с англ. И.В.Козырь и Н.С.Сологуб]. — Москва : Волтерс Клувер, 2006. - 264 с. 2. Друри, К. Управленческий и производственный учет: / К. Друри; пер. с англ. – М.: ЮНИТИ -ДАНА, 2005. – 1071 с. 3. Практикум "Управління витратами" / М.Г. Грещак, В.М. Гордієнко, О.С. Коцюба, Ю.М. Лозовик. К: КНЕУ, 2011. - 190с. 4. Управлінський облік: Підручник /Г.О. Партин, А.Г. Загородній, Т.І. Свідрик, А.І. Ясінська, Т.М. Бойчук Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – 280с