Boiler Units of Thermal Power Plants (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Thermal Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.144.01.E.049
Credits: 3.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: associate professor, Ph.D. Kuznetsova Marta Yaroslavivna
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Consolidating and deepening the knowledge obtained during the study of the discipline "Boiler installations of thermal power plants" and acquiring skills in the calculation and design of steam boilers using normative materials, educational and reference literature.
Завдання: General competences: 1) ability to apply knowledge in practice; 2) the ability to search and analyze information from various sources; 3) the ability to solve tasks and make appropriate decisions; 4) creativity, ability to system thinking; 5) responsibility for the quality of the work performed. Professional competences: 1) basic knowledge of scientific concepts, theories and methods necessary for understanding the principles of operation and functional purpose of thermal energy systems and their equipment; 2) basic knowledge of technical characteristics, design features, purpose and rules of operation of thermal power equipment; 3) basic knowledge of technical characteristics, design features, purpose and rules of operation of thermal power equipment.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: 1) the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the basics of professionally oriented specialty disciplines in the field of thermodynamics, theory of heat and mass transfer, theory of heat exchange devices, theory of heat engines, methods of analysis of thermal networks, processes of production, transformation and transportation of thermal energy, technologies of system analysis, efficient energy use; 2) the ability to demonstrate an understanding of the impact of technical solutions in the public, economic, social and environmental context. Skill: 1) calculate, design, project, research, operate, repair, adjust heat energy equipment typical for the chosen specialization; 2) search for information in various sources to solve specialty problems; 3) combine theory and practice, as well as make decisions and develop an activity strategy to solve the tasks of the specialty (specialization), taking into account universal human values, public, state and industrial interests; 4) evaluate the obtained results and justify the decisions made.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: • Higher Mathematics • Physics • Сhemistry • Engineering Thermodynamics • Heat-mass Exchange • Boiler Installations of Thermal Power Plants, part 1 co-requisites: • Heat-mass Exchange Machines of Industrial Enterprises • Heat Engines of Industrial Enterprises
Summary of the subject: The basis of the course project is the verification calculation of steam boilers, which are serially produced by boiler-making factories and used in industrial thermal power plants. During the implementation of the course project, the student must familiarize himself with the design of the boiler unit in detail, perform a thermal calculation of all heating surfaces and depict the cross-section and longitudinal section of the boiler unit on the drawing.
Опис: Calculation of the boiler unit. Determining the coefficients of excess air along gas flues. The calculation of the volume of air and products of combustion. Calculation of enthalpy of air and products of combustion. The calculation of the heat balance of the boiler. The calculation of heating surfaces. The calculation of geometric dimensions of the furnace of boiler. The calculation of heat exchange in the firebox of boiler. The calculation of convective heating surfaces. The calculation of superheater. The calculation of water economizer. The calculation of air heater.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of knowledge is provided by current (written component) and summative assessment. Current control involves the assessment of the following components: – the timeliness of the implementation of the course design work schedule; - modernity and justification of the decisions made; - correct application of analysis and calculation methods; - quality of design, compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents. The summative assessment involves the assessment of the following components: - degree of mastery of the material; - completeness of the analysis of possible options; - the degree of justification of the decisions made; - the ability to defend one's opinion.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: - written component (30%): quality of calculations and explanatory notes; - summative assessment (70%, credit): defense of сoursework.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Points for current and exam control are assigned as a percentage of the maximum grade for the educational material of the component based on the following criteria for evaluating the student's knowledge and skills: 100–88% – awarded for a high level of knowledge; 87–80% – awarded for knowledge of the educational material of the component above the average level, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions asked (a small amount of inaccuracies is possible); 79–71% – a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component is presented, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings; 70–61% – awarded for mediocre knowledge of the educational material of the component; 60–50% – awarded for weak knowledge of the educational material of the component; 49–26% – presented for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component; 25–00% – awarded for not knowing a significant part of the educational material of the component. Current and control testing is carried out in the National Security Service and the grade is automatically assigned for all test tasks. The exam is conducted in written and oral form (the exam test is valued at 70 points, the oral component - 10 points). The oral examination involves a sample question from different sections of the course and the completion of simple tasks.
Recommended books: 1. Misak Y.S., Ivasik Ya.F., Lashkovska N.M., Kuznetsova M.Ya., Pavlish A.M., Yakimiv E.M. Teploviy rozrahunok parovogo kotla / Metodichni vkazivki do vikonannya kursovoyi roboti. – Lviv: Vidavnitstvo Lvivskoyi politehniki, 2013. – 44s. 2. Teplovoy raschet kotelnyih agregatov (normativnyiy metod) / Red. N.V. Kuznetsov, V.V. Mitor, I.E. Dubovskiy, E.S. Karasina. – M.: Energiya, 1983. – 296 s.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "Without restrictions", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at: St. Karpinsky, 2/4, 1st floor, room 112 E-mail: Websites:
Академічна доброчесність: The policy regarding the academic integrity of the participants of the educational process is formed on the basis of compliance with the principles of academic integrity, taking into account the norms "Regulations on academic integrity at the Lviv Polytechnic National University" (approved by the academic council of the university on June 20, 2017, protocol No. 35).