Thermal Power Plants

Major: Thermal Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.144.01.E.051
Credits: 7.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Mysak Stepan Galyanchuk Igor
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the types of thermal and nuclear power plants, energy performance condensing power plants, thermal power plants, the initial parameters and intermediate overheating steam, vapor and balance water supply process steam to the thermal power plants, heat for heating, deaerator and nutritional installation, energy performance equipment thermal power plants. • be able to perform the calculation of steam power plant concept, develop the main provisions of thermal power scheme, select technical supply, fuel economy, cleaning of flue gases.
Required prior and related subjects: • Turbines of Thermal Power Plants • Fuel , furnace and boilers of Thermal Power Plants • Methods of water treatment in thermal power plants and water treatment thermal generating plants.
Summary of the subject: Energy and the types of power plants. Energy Resources of Ukraine and the world, energy consumption. Types of power consumption, graphics load of power plants, types of power plants, technical and economic requirements for TPP. Types of energy consumption and graphics of load. Energy performance condensing power plants. Combined heat and power energy performance. Initial settings and parameters vapor intermediate overheating. Regenerative feedwater heater to the power station.Balances steam and water ways to replenish losses. Issuance of process steam for thermal power station. Supply of heat for heating. Deaerator and nutritious plant. Power Equipment features of power plants. Preparation and the method of calculating the principal thermal circuit steam power plant. The choice of power plant equipment. Fully deployed thermal circuit pipelines and power plants. Assembly main building of the plant. Water consumption for thermal power plants. Fuel and ash-and-slad economy of power plants. Cleaning and removal of flue gas from boilers. The master plan and operating performance TPP. Gas turbine power stations and parohazovi. New types of plants.
Assessment methods and criteria: • reports from practical work, reports from laboratory work, oral questioning (30%) • learning control (70 %, final control, test, written-oral form)
Recommended books: 1. V.Ya.Rygkin. “"Thermal power plants"”. Energoizdat, M., 1987 (in Russian) 2. Yo.S. Mysak, Ya.F. Ivasyk, P.O. Gut, N.M. Lashkovska Objects of thermal power plants. Mode and operation .Lviv: NU “Lvivska polytechnika”, 2007. – 256 p.(in Ukrainian) 3. V.Ya. Girshfeld, G.N. Morozov. "Thermal power plants". Energoizdat, M., 1982(in Russian) 4. D.P. Elizarov. Thermal power plant installation.. Energoizdat, M., 1982(in Russian) 5. A.G. Prokopenko, Yo.S. Mysak. Fixed, variable and starting modes of CHP unit. Energoizdat, M., 1990(in Russian) 6. P.I. Yanko, Yo.S. Mysak. Modes of operation of power boilers. – Lviv: Ukrainski tehnologii, 2004, - 272 p .(in Ukrainian)

Thermal Power Plants (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Thermal Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.144.01.E.052
Credits: 3.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Mysak Stepan Galyanchuk Igor
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Know the main types of nuclear and thermal power, energy performance condensing power plants and CHP; - Be able to perform the calculation principle of thermal steam power plant scheme, choose basic and auxiliary equipment TPP.
Required prior and related subjects: • Technical Thermodynamics; • Heat and Mass Transfer; • Boiler units of thermal power plants; • The turbines of thermal power plants;
Summary of the subject: Preparation and calculation principle thermal circuit TPP choice of main and auxiliary equipment. The calculation of basic energy characteristics of TPP.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control (30%): oral examination • Final control (70% of exam): course project defense
Recommended books: 1. Ryzhkin V.YA. «Teplovye elektrycheskye stantsyy». – Enerhoyzdat.,M. –1987s. 2. Mysak Y. S., Ivasyk YA.F., Hut P.O., Lashkovs?ka N.M. Ob?yekty teplovykh elektrychnykh stantsiy. Rezhymy roboty ta ekspluatatsiyi - L?viv: Vydavnytstvo Natsional?nyy universytet L?vivs?ka politekhnika, 2007. 3. Deev L.V., Balakhnychev N.A. Kotel?nye ustanovky y ykh obsluzhyvanye: prakt. posobye dlya PTU. – M.: Vyssh. shk., 1990. – 239 s. 4. Vnukov A.K. Eksperymental?nye raboty na paroheneratorakh. – M.: «Enerhyya», 1971.