Assembling and Repair of Units of Thermal Power Plants

Major: Thermal Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.144.01.E.053
Credits: 5.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: associate professor, Ph.D. Kuznetsova Marta Yaroslavivna
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Know: - main indicators assembly of main and auxiliary equipment; - construction materials that are used during installation and repair and in the design of thermal power plants; - basic mechanisms for cargo installation works; - types of testing equipment, specific auxiliary equipment installation facilities heating; - sequence before starting the rotating mechanism after installation or repair. • Be able to: - to schedule installation and repair work (nets, linear); - to calculate cargo mechanisms ropes; - center rotors rotating mechanisms to balance working mechanisms discs that rotate; - expanding tubes heat exchange equipment; - choose the basic mechanisms for cargo installation of a heat power system and power station equipment; - work with reference books in the process, technical specifications and the process of repair, installation and equipment design.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: • Pumps, Ventilators, Compressors • Turbines of thermal power plants • Boiler Units of thermal power plants co-requisites: • Fundamentals of reconstruction and modernization of thermal power plants facilities
Summary of the subject: Basic concepts and study course. Structural materials and their selection during the design and installation of thermal power plants. Planning installation works. Graphs installation works. Technology installation. Design of process mounting. Basic indicators mounting block. Load lifting work. Organization assembly harvesting areas. Assembly work. Installation of boilers. Implementation of the installation of pipelines. Operations during testing mechanisms. Installation of turbine equipment. Implementation of the installation of pumps and heaters. Work on installing the turbine cylinders. Bearing Installation. Repairs for turbines and boilers. Repairs piping systems and valves. Work on repairing the turbine cylinders. Types of jobs at start and stop rotating machinery.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current control (30%): written reports on laboratory work • final control(70 %): control measure
Recommended books: 1. Lachinov N.V. Montazh i remont oborudovaniya kotelnyih tsehov krupnyih elektrostantsiy. – M.: Vyisshaya shkola, 1970. – 218 s. 2. Goncharov S.P. Montazh parogeneratorov teplovyih elektrostantsiy. – M.: Energiya, 1969. – 319 s. 3. Lachinov N.V. Remont kotelnyih agregatov. – M.: Vyisshaya shkola, 1976. – 293 s. 4. Abalakov B.V. Montazh parovyih turbin i vspomogatelnogo oborudovaniya. – M.: Energiya, 1966. – 307 s. 5. Zaydel V.A. Spravochnik po montazhu teplomehanicheskogo oborudovaniya. – M.: Energiya, 1971. – 560 s.