Motor Vehicle Transport Motor Vehicle Transport
Qualification awarded: The bachelor of Motor vehicle transport
Entry year: 2021
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 6 (First cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 6)
Field(s) of study: Transport services
Specific admission requirements: Admission to the training is carried out by competition, regardless of the sources of funding for training. Admission of entrants is organized by the Admissions Committee of the University, the Directorate of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: Provided that the previous level is obtained in another country, it is necessary to nostrification carried out by Lviv Polytechnic.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Full implementation of the educational-professional program (passing exams and tests, defense of the thesis, passing the state exam).
Characteristics of the educational program: The educational-professional program is based on well-known positions and results of modern scientific researches of educational and professional training and focuses on actual practical lines within which further professional career is possible.
Gained competence: Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of a specialty.
Profound knowledge at least in one of spheres of activity: service, diagnosing, repair.
Knowledge of information and communication technologies, implementation of the computer programs.
Knowledge and understanding of the complex specialized tasks and practical problems during professional activity in the field of motor transport.
The ability to study to perceive the received knowledge in a subject domain and to integrate them with already available.
The ability to produce new ideas to show creativity, ability to system thinking.
The ability to apply professionally – profiled knowledge and practical skills to the decision of typical tasks of a speciality; their interactions, including, means of information technologies.
The ability to decide the put tasks and to accept the appropriate proved decisions.
Effectively to work as individually, and in structure of a team.
Critically to estimate the received results of activity, and is argued to protect the accepted decisions.
Critically to analyse a situation of branch and to define the key tendencies of its development.
To apply knowledge to identification, formulation and decision of tasks of motor transport.
Academic mobility: Based on bilateral agreements between the university and universities of Ukraine; bilateral agreements between the university and higher education institutions of the partner countries
Work placement(s): Practical training of applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education involves the formation of professional competencies of the specialty necessary for further professional activity. The educational and professional program provides a comprehensive program of practical training, acquaintance of students with advanced motor transport enterprises in order to master the initial information in the field of "Road Transport", study the principles of organization of road transport enterprises taking into account rolling stock efficiency, including structural and road safety. profession, get an idea of ??the future specialty, consolidate theoretical knowledge
Programme director: D pH, Kachmar Roman Yaroslavovich
Occupational profiles of graduates: Organizes activity of functional divisions of the motor transportation enterprises. Analyzes the diagnostic information on a technical condition of automobiles. Introduces service services in sphere of auto service. Carries out account of parameters of efficiency of transport process.
Access to further studies: Obtaining the second (master's) level
Other program features: Adherence to the purpose, content of the educational program, methods, forms, means, technologies and mechanisms of realization of educational process to expected results of training; the presence of a consistent connection between the various stages of the educational process and the levels of higher education; innovation and integration of education and science; the possibility of adapting the structure and content of the educational program to changes in the needs and interests of stakeholders; adherence to the principle of academic integrity in the development and implementation of the educational program, integration of the educational process into the European Higher Education Area.