Technical Operation of Automobiles, Part 2

Major: Motor Vehicle Transport
Code of subject: 6.274.00.O.073
Credits: 5.00
Department: Department of Motor Vehicle Transport
Lecturer: Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Pelio Roman
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Basic knowledge of the structure of road transport enterprises, the basics of freight forwarding, theory and safety of car traffic. Knowledge of the basics of technical operation and maintenance of cars. Gaining knowledge to resolve conflict situations in the process of formation and implementation of services Be able to use technical documentation on prevention and repair of cars. Have the basics of car production and repair technology. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages. Ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technology for effective communication at the professional and social levels. Ability to treat the work responsibly, to make decisions independently, to achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
Required prior and related subjects: Cars. Road transport enterprises. Technical Operation of Automobiles. Part 1.
Summary of the subject: Technology of maintenance and current repair of vehicles. Equipment and processes of maintenance of vehicles. Equipment and maintenance processes of the vehicle. Means for checking the technical condition of electrical and electronic equipment. Checking the technical condition of automobile transmission. The principle of the equipment to verify the technical condition of the car chassis. Methods of the vehicle storage and logistic facilities. Optimization of spare parts, components and tires.
Assessment methods and criteria: - current control (65%): oral examination, defense of control work, performance and defense of practical and laboratory work; - complex control work (35%).
Recommended books: Канарчук В. Є. Основи технічного обслуговування і ремонту автомобілів. В 3 кн. – Кн. 2 : Організація, планування і управління : Підручник / В. Є. Канарчук, О. А. Лудченко, А. Д. Чигринець. – К. : Вища школа, 1994. – 383 с. 2. Лудченко О.А. Технічне обслуговування і ремонт автомобілів: Підручник. ? К.: Знання-Прес, 2003. ? 511 с. 3. Форнальчик Є.Ю., Оліскевич М.С., Мастикаш О.Л., Пельо Р.А. Технічна експлуатація та надійність автомобілів: Навчальний посібник / За загальною ред. Є.Ю.Форнальчика.? Львів: Афіша, 2004.? 492с. 4. Технічна експлуатація автомобілів: Навчальний посібник / В.М. Дембіцький, В.І. Павлюк, В.М. Придюк – Луцьк: Луцький НТУ, 2018. – 473 с. 5. Положення про технічне обслуговування та ремонт дорожних транспортних засобів. ДЕРЖАВТОТРАНСНДІПРОЕКТ міністерство транспорту України, Київ 2001. 6.

Technical Operation of Automobiles, Part 2 (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Motor Vehicle Transport
Code of subject: 6.274.00.O.075
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Motor Vehicle Transport
Lecturer: Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Pelio Roman
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Basic knowledge of the structure of road transport enterprises, the basics of freight forwarding, theory and safety of car traffic. Knowledge of the basics of technical operation and maintenance of cars. Gaining knowledge to resolve conflict situations in the process of formation and implementation of services. Be able to use technical documentation on prevention and repair of cars. Have the basics of car production and repair technology. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages. Ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technology for effective communication at the professional and social levels. Ability to treat the work responsibly, to make decisions independently, to achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
Required prior and related subjects: The enterprises of motor transport; Technical operation of automobiles, part 1; Cars.
Summary of the subject: The problem of rational development of the industrial and technical base of enterprises of automobile and motor transport is one of the most urgent problems in ensuring the effectiveness of the rolling stock operation. The component of the formation of professional competence in the field of motor transport is the study of discipline "Technical Operation of Automobiles". The program provides for the development of technologies and equipment to improve the efficiency of production and quality of maintenance and repair of rolling stock. The course of the discipline is final in terms of professional training and involves the use of the whole complex of knowledge gained at the previous grade levels.
Assessment methods and criteria: final control (100% protection course project): Course project oral form (100%)
Recommended books: 1. Канарчук В.Е., Лудченко О.А., Чигиринець А.Д. Експлуатаційна надійність автомобілів: Підручник: у 2 ч., 4 кн. - К.: Вища шк., 2000. - Ч. 2: кн.3. 2. Форнальчик Є.Ю., Оліскевич М.С., Мастикаш О.Л., Пельо Р.А. Технічна експлуатація та надійність автомобілів: Навчальний посібник / За загальною ред. Є.Ю.Форнальчика.? Львів: Афіша, 2004.- 492с. 3. Лудченко О.А. Технічне обслуговування і ремонт автомобілів: організація і управління: Підручник. – К.: Знання, 2004. – 478 с.