Bachelor Thesis Completion

Major: Motor Vehicle Transport
Code of subject: 6.274.00.O.078
Credits: 12.00
Department: Department of Motor Vehicle Transport
Lecturer: Supervisors of bachelor's qualification work
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: to have the conceptual scientific and practical knowledge necessary to solve specialized complex problems of road transport, to critically comprehend the relevant theories, principles, methods and concepts; apply specialized software and information technologies to study models of objects and processes of road transport, operational properties of road vehicles, engineering and technical and economic calculations, creation of design documentation and solving other problems of road transport; search for the necessary information in scientific and technical literature, databases and other sources; analyze and evaluate this information; to solve problems of formation of labor resources and professional development of personnel; identify reserves to increase the efficiency of employees of road transport facilities; make effective decisions, analyze and compare alternatives taking into account goals and constraints, quality assurance issues, as well as technical, economic, legislative and other aspects; analyze the information obtained as a result of research, summarize, systematize and use it in professional activities; to understand and apply in professional activity normative-legal and legislative acts of Ukraine, international normative documents, rules of technical operation of motor transport of Ukraine, instructions and recommendations on operation, repair and maintenance of road vehicles of motor transport, their systems and elements; analyze and evaluate road transport facilities, their systems and elements; plan and carry out measuring experiments using appropriate equipment, analyze their results; to develop and implement technological processes, technological equipment and technological equipment, means of automation and mechanization in the course of operation, at repair and service of objects of motor transport, their systems and elements; develop, design and implement in production documentation on technological processes of operation, repair and maintenance of road vehicles, their systems and other guidelines, rules and methods; to develop technical tasks and technical conditions for the design of road transport facilities, its systems and individual elements; to make plans of placement of the equipment, technical equipment and the organization of workplaces, to define structure and the areas of rooms, to calculate loading of the equipment and indicators of quality of production; to analyze technological processes of operation, maintenance and repair of objects of motor transport of road vehicles of motor transport as object of management; to participate in the development and implementation of engineering and / or production projects in the field of road transport, to determine the duration and sequence of work, resource needs, to predict the consequences of project implementation; to organize operation of road vehicles of motor transport, their systems and elements; to organize effective production activity of structural subdivisions of motor transport enterprises, small groups of executors (crews, sections, points), concerning operation, repair and service of objects of motor transport, their systems and elements; to develop technologies of production processes at all stages of a life cycle of objects of motor transport; to carry out technical diagnostics of road vehicles of motor transport, their systems and elements with the use of appropriate methods and means, as well as technical regulations, standards and other normative documents; collect and analyze diagnostic information on the technical condition of road vehicles; to organize the operation of the system of reporting and accounting (managerial, statistical, accounting and financial) of the objects and systems of motor transport; carry out administrative record keeping, documentation and quality management in accordance with regulations, instructions and methods; analyze the technical, economic and operational performance of road vehicles, their systems and elements; apply mathematical and statistical methods for the construction and study of models of objects and processes of road transport, calculation of their characteristics, forecasting and solving other complex problems of road transport; to present the results of research and professional activity to specialists and non-specialists, to argue their position. Communication: give answers, explain, understand explanations, discuss, report in the state language at a level sufficient for professional activity; give answers, explain, understand explanations, discuss, report in a foreign language at a level sufficient for professional activity. Autonomy and responsibility: the ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions; the ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge; take responsibility, show civic consciousness, social activity and participation in the life of civil society, think analytically, critically understand the world; ability to demonstrate an understanding of the basic environmental principles, occupational safety and health and their application.
Required prior and related subjects: All disciplines are provided by the educational-professional bachelor's program in the specialty «Roud transport» and practice on the topic of bachelor's work.
Summary of the subject: The applicant of higher education can choose the topic of the bachelor's thesis from the list of topics proposed by the Department, or offer their topic with the justification of its feasibility. The bachelor's thesis consists of an introduction, main part, conclusions, list of references, appendices. The main part consists of three sections, the content of which takes into account the specifics of the enterprise, on the basis of which the bachelor's work is performed: service station, trucking company, car repair company, trucking company for passenger or cargo transportation.
Assessment methods and criteria: When assessing the performance of a bachelor's degree, the level of theoretical and practical training of the applicant for higher education is taken into account, as well as the assessment of the supervisor and the reviewer for its implementation.
Recommended books: 1. Волков В.П. Теорія руху автомобіля : підручник / В.П. Волков, Г.Б. Вільський. – Суми : Університетська книга, 2010. – 320 с. 2. Автомобілі: Динаміка. Текст лекцій для студентів базового напряму підготовки 6.070106 «Автомобільний транспорт» / укл. Т. Г. Миськів, Ю. В. Пороховський.– Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2015.– 167 с. 3. Солтус А.П. Теорія експлуатаційних властивостей автомобіля: Навчальний посібник для ВНЗ. – К.: Арістей, 2010. – 155 с. 4. Сирота В.І. Основи конструкції автомобілів: Навч. посібник. – К.: Арістей, 2005. – 280 с. 5. Кисликов В.Ф., Лущик В.В. Будова й експлуатація автомобілів: Підручник. – К.: Либідь, 2009 – 400 с. 6. Абрамчук Ф.І., Гутаревич Ю.Ф., Долганов К.Є., Тимченко І.І. Автомобільні двигуни: Підручник. – К.: Арістей, 2005. – 476 с. 7. Гащук П.М., Миськів Т.Г., Нікіпчук С.В. Автомобільні двигуни. Тепловий та динамічний розрахунок: навчальний посібник. – Львів: Українські технології, 2006. ? 144 с. 8. Лудченко О.А. Технічне обслуговування і ремонт автомобілів: Підручник. ? К.: Знання-Прес, 2003. ? 511 с. 9. Форнальчик Є.Ю., Оліскевич М.С., Мастикаш О.Л., Пельо Р.А. Технічна експлуатація та надійність автомобілів: Навчальний посібник / За загальною ред. Є.Ю. Форнальчика.? Львів: Афіша, 2004.? 492 с. 10. Положення про технічне обслуговування та ремонт дорожних транспортних засобів. Державтотрансндіпроект Міністерство транспорту України, Київ, 2001.