Machine Parts and Lifting and Transport Equipment

Major: Motor Vehicle Transport
Code of subject: 6.274.00.O.067
Credits: 4.00
Department: Department of Technical Mechanics and Engineering Graphics
Lecturer: Yaroslav Novitskyi
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: In the discipline "Machine parts and lifting-transport equipment" the theoretical bases, calculations, typical designs, general questions of designing of machine parts and assembly units of general purpose and lifting-transport equipment are studied. The calculations of details are performed according to the criteria of workability for reliability and durability of work of parts and machines. When calculating and designing parts of machines and equipment it is expected to familiarize with standards, issues of unification of parts and modern trends in the development of machines. The purpose of teaching the course is to provide students with knowledge of the calculation and the basics of designing both general purpose parts and lifting-transport equipment as a whole. As a result of studying the discipline, the expert must know the methods, norms and rules of calculation, design of parts of machines that provide rational dimensions, materials, accuracy, reliability and durability of mechanical systems and aggregates, be able to choose standardized elements of lifting and transport equipment and compose of necessary products from them.
Required prior and related subjects: 1. Higher mathematics 2. Descriptive geometry and graphics 3. Theoretical mechanics 4. Resistance of materials 5. Material science 6. The theory of mechanisms and machines
Summary of the subject: Part I. MACHINE PARTS SECTION 1. CALCULATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF MECHANICAL TRANSMISSION 1. Mechanical transmissions. 2. Friction transmissions and variators. 3. Pass transmissions. 4. Cylindrical gears transmissions. 5. Conical gear transmissions. 6. Worm gear transmissions. 7. Chain transmissions. SECTION 2. CALCULATION AND DESIGNING OF CHAINS AND CHOICE OF GROUNDS. 1. Axles and shafts. 2. Rolling bearings. 3. Bearings of sliding. SECTION 3 ASSEMBLY. 1. Connecting machine parts. Classification. 2. Shallow connections. 3. Toothed (splice) joints. 4. Threaded (bolted) joints. 5. Welded connections. 6. Glued joints. SECTION 4. BASES OF DESIGNING OF MOTOR DRIVERS. 1. Characteristics of drives of cars. 2. Clutches of drives. 3. Reducers. Part II LIFTING-TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT (LTE) 1. Intermediate transport and lifting-transport equipment. 2. Flexible lifting bodies (chains and ropes). 3. Blocks, polyposts, asterisks and drums. 4. Load-carrying devices. 5. Brakes. 6. Mechanisms of lifting, rotation and movement of vocational education and training LTE. 7. Drive the mechanisms of the LTE.
Assessment methods and criteria: Semester score 100 points: Current control 30 points: 1. Laboratory classes 12 2. Practical training 6 3. Settlement and graphic work 12 Examination control 70 points: 1. Test control 60 2. Oral component 10 Total 100 points
Recommended books: 1. Григоров О.В., Аніщенко Г.О., Петренко Н.О. Металеві конструкції підйомно-транспортних, будівельних, дорожніх, меліоративних машин. – Харків. НТУ “ХПІ”, 2011. – 516 с. 2. Держаний нормативний акт про охорону праці (НПАОП 0.00-1.01-07) Правила будови і безпечної експлуатації вантажопідіймальних кранів. 3. Заблонський К.І. Деталі машин – Одеса., 1999. –404 с. 4. Іванченко Ф.К. Підйомно-транспортні машини: Підручник.–К.: Вища шк., 1993. – 413с. 5. Курмаз Л.В. Основи конструювання деталей машин. – Харків: Підручник НТУ “ХПІ”, 2010. – 532 с. 6. Малащенко В.О., Стрілець В.М., Новіцький Я.М., Стрілець О.Р. Деталі машин і підійомно-транспортне обладнання. Навч. посібник. – Рівне: НУВГП, 2017. – 347 с. 7. Новіцький Я.М. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс „Деталі машин і підіймально-транспортне обладнання”. 8. Павлище В.Т. Основи конструювання та розрахунок деталей машин. Львів, Афіша, 2003, - 557 с. 9. Підйомно-транспортні машини: Розрахунки підіймальних і транспортувальних машин. Підручник./ В. С. Бондарєв, О. І. Дубинец, М.П. Колісник та ін..– К. Вища шк.. 2009,734 с.

Machine Parts and Lifting and Transport Equipment (курсова робота)

Major: Motor Vehicle Transport
Code of subject: 6.274.00.O.067
Credits: 2.00
Department: Department of Technical Mechanics and Engineering Graphics
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна