Organic Chemistry

Major: Food Technology
Code of subject: 6.181.00.O.012
Credits: 7.00
Department: Organic Chemistry
Lecturer: D. Sc., Associate professor Oleh M. Shevchuk
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Students should know: - the basic principles of modern classification and nomenclature of organic compounds; - fundamentals of the modern theory of chemical structure and reactivity of organic substances, industrial, laboratory methods of synthesis and properties of the basic classes of organic compounds; the main methods of their mutual transformations, the main directions of technical use of their most important representatives in organic synthesis, food technologies and other fields of science and technology; - the main classes of organic compounds, specifically those used in food technologies, and are studied in further special courses "Analytical Chemistry", "Physical and Colloidal Chemistry", "Technical Microbiology", "Biochemistry", "Theoretical Basis of Food Technologies"; - methods for the production of organic compounds, in particular those used in food technologies or in the processing of agricultural raw materials; - basic methods of separation, purification and identification of organic compounds; - principles of environmental protection, saving of fuel and energy resources, integrated use of raw materials and introduction of new low-waste and non-waste technologies - rules of work in chemical laboratory, the technique of laboratory work and safety engineering; to be able to carry out independently qualitative analysis of organic substances and study of their properties.
Required prior and related subjects: InorganicChemistry, Physic, Mathematics
Summary of the subject: Fundamentals of the modern theory of the chemical structure of organic substances, the relationship of chemical structure with the reactivity and properties of substances; main principles of modern classification and nomenclature of organic substances; main classes organic substances - alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkadienes, oxygen-containing substances (alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, esters, particularly esters of glycerol, carboxylic acids), halogen derivatives, nitrogen-containing substances, substances with mixed functions (hydroxy- and aminoacids, proteins, carbohydrates), cyclic organic substances (alicyclic and aromatic); main concepts of polymerization and polycondensation; methods of synthesis and fields of applications of organic substances, particularily, application of natural and synthetic organic substances in food technologies, some methods of analysis of main classes of organic substances.
Assessment methods and criteria: Written reports on laboratory work, colloquiums (40%); Аinal control - exam: written and oral forms (60%).
Recommended books: Ю.О.Ластухін, С.А.Воронов. Органічна хімія. Вид. “Центр Європи”. 2004 р.. Бобрівник Л.Д., Руденко В.М., Лезенко Г.О. Органічна хімія.К.; Ірпінь:ВТФ “Перун”, 2002. – 544 с. Домбровський А.В., Найдан В.М. Органічна хімія.-К.:Вищ.шк. 1992- 503c. Курта С. А., Лучкевич Є. Р., Матківський М. П. Хімія органічних сполук.- Івано-Франківськ : Прикарпат. нац. ун-т ім. В. Стефаника, 2012.- 600 с. Органічна хімія. Теорія та практикум : навчальний посібник / А. П. Ранський, М. В. Євсєєва, О. А. Гордієнко; під ред. А. П. Ранського. – Вінниця : ВНТУ, 2011. – 210 с.