Market Infrastructure of Enterprises

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.00.M.073
Credits: 6.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Associate Professor of the Department of Human Resource Management and Administration, Institute of Economics and Management, Ph.D. in Economics - Boikivska Galyna Mykolaiivna
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. Have a system of knowledge about the market infrastructure of the enterprise and skills in the formation and regulation of its mechanisms. 2. To formulate the features of state regulation in the field of entrepreneurship, the mechanism of interaction between enterprises and credit and banking institutions, models of functioning of information systems to ensure the functioning of the enterprise. 3. Design measures to promote self-employment (support for entrepreneurship and small business, preferential taxation, promotion of vocational training, etc.). 5. Determine the level of unemployment. Establish the reasons for inaccurate measurement of the unemployment rate. 6. Apply in practice methods for evaluating the effectiveness of modern models of enterprise competitiveness management. 7. To formulate directions and principles of the state support of development of new models of the organization of industrial and innovative activity of the enterprises of Ukraine.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: 1. Management 2. Economics of the enterprise 3. Labor market Corrections: 1. Personnel consulting 2. Marketing 3. Labor economics and social labor relations
Summary of the subject: The discipline presents the basics of modern approaches and principles in the formation and analysis of the market infrastructure of the enterprise. The main approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of market infrastructure and its structural elements are considered, the main functions of the market infrastructure are characterized, based on modern research and development of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners in the field of enterprise management. The purpose of studying the discipline "Market infrastructure of the enterprise" is to provide students with the opportunity to master the system of knowledge about the market infrastructure of the enterprise and skills in the formation and regulation of its mechanisms, in particular, in determining the role of market infrastructure; disclosure of concepts of state regulation in the field of entrepreneurship, mechanism of interaction of enterprises and credit and banking institutions, models of information systems functioning of enterprise functioning, methods of evaluating efficiency of modern models of enterprise competitiveness management, main directions and principles of state support of new models of production and innovation activity of the enterprises of Ukraine.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (60%): solving situational tasks, oral interview, individual task. Final control (40%, control measures, differentiated credit): testing, theoretical questions, situational tasks, oral component. The form of the exam is written and oral. The option consists of tasks in solving which the student must demonstrate their knowledge and skills acquired during the study of the theoretical course and the implementation of practical classes in the discipline "Market Infrastructure of the enterprise".
Recommended books: List of references: 1. Батуріна М. Ринок: сутність, основні поняття і структура / М.Батуріна, В.Луков - К., 2005.- 384 с. 2. Герасимчук З.В. Організація та технологія торгівлі: навч. посіб. / З.В.Герасимчук, Л.Л.Ковальська, І.М.Вахович. - Луцьк: Надстир’я, 2005. - 324 с. 3. Голошубова Н.О. Організація торгівлі: підруч. - 2-ге вид., перероб. та доп. / Н.О.Голошубова. - К.: Київ. нац. торг.-економ. ун-т, 2012. - 680 с. 4. Інфраструктура товарного ринку / під ред. І. В. Сороки. - К. : НМУВО МОіН України, НВФ «Студцентр», 2002. - 316 с. 5. Наливайко А.П. Теорія стратегії підприємства. Сучасний стан та напрями розвитку: Монографія / А.П.Наливайко. - К.: КНЕУ, 2008 - 227 с. 6. Прокопенко О.В. Інфраструктура товарного ринку: навч. посіб. / О.В.Прокопенко, В.Ю.Школа, О.О.Дегтяренко, С.М.Махнуша.-К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2007.-296 с. 7. Simkiv, L. (2020). Rynkova infrastruktura: elementy ta znachennya v rynkoviy ekonomitsi [Market infrastructure: elements and significance in a market economy]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 144 (4) (pp. 3-7). DOI: [in Ukrainian]. 8. Савицька Н.Л. Торговельне підприємництво: навчально-методичнийпосібник /Н.Л.Савицька, І.Ю.Мелушова, A.В.Красноусов, К.С.Олініченко. Х.: Видавництво Іванченка І. С. 2017. 214 с. 9. Сафонова В. Є., Бобров В. Я. Основи ринкової економіки і підприємництва: підручник. Київ: Персонал, 2017. 530 с.