Customs Service of International Investment Activity

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.05.E.167
Credits: 3.00
Department: Foreign Trade and Customs
Lecturer: Zaverbnyj Andrij Stepanovytch, Doctor, Professor
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 4. Demonstrate skills to identify problems and justify management decisions. 18. Ability to demonstrate basic knowledge in the field of strategic, operational, innovation, anticrisis, financial, investment, anticipatory, creative management of organizations and their departments. 20. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international economic operations, their organizational, financial, resource, legal, logistical, customs, transport, forwarding, insurance, management support. 21. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international cooperation and business, integration and globalization, factors and parameters of the modern international economic environment, management systems of international economic and customs activities. 27. Ability to substantiate, diagnose and implement various types of international economic activity, ensure customs clearance, and declaration of goods.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Customs clearance of foreign economic transactions Customs service of international transport Co-requisites: Customs service of international investment activities (СP) Internship on the topic of bachelor's thesis Execution of bachelor's qualification work
Summary of the subject: Types and value of investments. Legal regulation of investment. Priority sectors of Ukraine's economy for foreign investment. The essence and procedure of customs clearance of foreign investments. Features of formation of the cargo and customs declaration and the preliminary declaration. Features of the formation of documents confirming the value of foreign investment. The essence of the bill as a form of non-cash payment for customs clearance of foreign investment. Privileges in taxation when making foreign investments in the authorized capital of the enterprise. Guarantees provided by law for foreign investment. The essence, features of filling and types of reporting submitted by enterprises selling foreign investment. Functions and role of customs brokers for the implementation of customs clearance of investments. Customs clearance of foreign investments with the use of customs warehouses. Customs clearance of foreign investment as a complete object. The role and place of investment in the development of economies of the most developed foreign countries. Features of the investment climate of industrially developed countries and measures to ensure investment attractiveness. Foreign experience in the organization of customs and customs processes. Liability for violation of customs operations with investments. Types of offenses in customs operations and liability for them.
Assessment methods and criteria: - current control (100%): performance of laboratory work (30%), control work (20%), solving tests and situational problems (20%), oral interview (20%).
Recommended books: 1. Завербний А.С., Двуліт З.П. Митне обслуговування міжнародної інвестиційної діяльності: конспект лекцій для студентів першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти спеціальності 073 «Менеджмент» усіх форм навчання. Львів: НУ «Львівська політехніка», ІНЕМ, каф. ЗМД. 2020. 21 с. 2. Босак А.О., Григор’єв О.Ю., Дорошкевич К.О., Тодощук А.В., Скибінський О.С. Економічна діагностика митної діяльності: навч. посібн.–лабор. практикум. Львів: «Міські інформаційні системи» 2021. 59с. 3. Колосюк А.М. Інвестування: методичні рекомендації. Луцьк: ПП «Поліграфія», 2020. 48 с. 4. Гудзь О. Є., Стецюк П.А. Інвестиційний менеджмент: навчальний посібник. Львів: ТОВ «Галицька видавнича спілка», 2020. 223 с.

Customs Service of International Investment Activity (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.05.E.170
Credits: 3.00
Department: Foreign Trade and Customs
Lecturer: Zaverbnyj Andrij Stepanovytch, Doctor, Professor
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 4. Demonstrate skills to identify problems and justify management decisions. 18. Ability to demonstrate basic knowledge in the field of strategic, operational, innovation, anticrisis, financial, investment, anticipatory, creative management of organizations and their departments. 20. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international economic operations, their organizational, financial, resource, legal, logistical, customs, transport, forwarding, insurance, management support. 21. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international cooperation and business, integration and globalization, factors and parameters of the modern international economic environment, management systems of international economic and customs activities. 27. Ability to substantiate, diagnose and implement various types of international economic activity, ensure customs clearance, and declaration of goods.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Methods of decision-making in foreign economic activity Customs service of international investment activities Co-requisites: Internship on the topic of bachelor's thesis Execution of bachelor's qualification work
Summary of the subject: Analysis of the dynamics of international investment activity by years and countries. Analysis of the legal field of foreign investment and its customs clearance Research of tax benefits when making foreign investments in the statutory fund of a Ukrainian enterprise. Characteristics of factors of investment and innovation-educational space of customs policy in Ukraine. Customs clearance of goods imported into Ukraine as a contribution of a foreign investor to the authorized capital of an enterprise with foreign investment. Customs clearance of international investment activities in Ukraine and the EU.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (100): thematic content (40%); making work (20%); verbal component (40%).
Recommended books: 1. Завербний А.С., Двуліт З.П. Митне обслуговування міжнародної інвестиційної діяльності: конспект лекцій для студентів першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти спеціальності 073 «Менеджмент» усіх форм навчання. Львів: НУ «Львівська політехніка», ІНЕМ, каф. ЗМД. 2020. 21 с. 2. Бобровська О.Ю., Савостенко Т.О., Кондрашихін А.Б. Публічне управління інвестиціями в умовах ринкових трансформацій: навч. посіб. 2-ге вид., допов. Дніпро : ГРАНІ, 2018. 238 с. 3. Дубініна А. А., Сорокіна С. В., Зельніченко О. І. Митна справа: Підручник. К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2010. 320 с. 4. Гудзь О. Є., Стецюк П.А. Інвестиційний менеджмент: навчальний посібник. Львів: ТОВ «Галицька видавнича спілка», 2020. 223 с. 5. . Босак А.О. Економічна діагностика митної діяльності: [навч. посібн. – лабор. практикум]/А.О.Босак, О.Ю.Григор’єв, К.О.Дорошкевич, А.В.Тодощук, О.С.Скибінський - Львів: «Міські інформаційні системи», 2021. – 59с.