Labor Relation Law and Social Dialogue

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.06.E.182
Credits: 4.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Associate Professor of the Department of Human Resource Management and Administration, Institute of Economics and Management, Ph.D. in Economics - Boikivska Galyna Mykolaiivna
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Know: - the conceptual apparatus of labor relations, its system and essence, the main institutions and sub-institutions; - the concept of the subject, methods and system of labor law; - features of local regulation of social and labor relations; - the procedure and features of the collective agreement, its parties and content; - basic principles of state employment policy; - features of the employment contract, its parties and their legal status; - the procedure for transferring, relocating and changing significant working conditions of the employee; - grounds for termination of the employment contract; - the concept of "working time" and "rest time"; - features of legal regulation of wages; - the procedure and conditions for disciplinary action; - grounds for the application of material liability. Be able to: - work with national and international regulations of Ukraine in the field of labor; - apply the acquired knowledge in solving practical problems; - find shortcomings and violations of international law and the legislation of Ukraine in the field of legal regulation of labor relations; - to analyze the existing case law in the field of dispute resolution between the parties to the employment relationship.
Required prior and related subjects: Pre-requisites: Organization of labor, HR audit, HR motivation. Co-requisites: HR consulting, Professional practical training, Bachelor's qualification work.
Summary of the subject: The study of the discipline "Labor Relations and Social Dialogue" aims to form competencies in the field of labor relations and skills in using existing legal norms in professional activities to independently solve problems in the field of labor relations related to their emergence, change and termination. The objectives of the discipline: expanding the range of theoretical knowledge of students in the field of legal regulation of labor relations; independent application by students of the provisions of the legislation in the field of ensuring the protection of labor rights of the subjects of labor relations; analysis of the existing judicial practice in the field of labor in resolving disputes between the participants of labor relations; analysis of the content of new legal acts; identification of shortcomings in the legislation governing labor relations.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (60%): solving creative tasks, oral questioning, tests. Final control (40%, control measures): testing, theoretical questions, problem-searching and imitation tasks.
Recommended books: 1.Кодекс законів України про працю : наук.-практ. комент. / за ред. В. І.Прокопенко. – Х. : Консум, 2003. 2. Конституція України : закон України від 28.06.1996 № 254к/96-ВР // Офіційний вісник України. ? 2010. ? № 72/1. ? Ст. 2598. 3. Величко Л. Ю. Сфера дії трудового права України в умовах євроінтеграції: актуальні проблеми теорії та практики. Харків: Константа, 2018. 392 с. 4. Іванов Ю. Ф. Трудове право України: навч. посіб. Київ: Алерта: Правова єдність, 2016. 222 с. 5. Кучера В. О. Трудове право України: навчальний посібник. Львів: ЛьвівДУВС, 2017. 564 с. 6. Ярошенко О. М., Прилипко С. М., А.М. Слюсар А. М. Трудове право: підручник. 2-ге вид., перероб. і допов. Харків: Право, 2017. 560 с.