Home/ Majors directory/Robotics and Industrial Engineering/Production Technology of Machine Parts, Part 1
Production Technology of Machine Parts, Part 1
Major: Robotics and Industrial Engineering
Code of subject: 6.131.07.E.078
Credits: 5.50
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Yurchyshyn Ihor
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: General competencies.
GC2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity.
GC3. Ability to iden-tify, pose and solve problems.
GC4. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
GC5. Determination and persistence in relation to assigned tasks and assumed responsibilities.
GC7. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.
GC12. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.
GC13. Ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of work performed.
Special (professional, subject) competencies.
SC1. Ability to analyze materials, structures and processes based on laws, theories and methods of mathematics, natural sciences and applied mechanics.
SC3. Ability to conduct technological and technical and economic assessment of the effectiveness of new tech-nologies and technical means.
SC4. Ability to make the optimal choice of technological equipment, complete set of technical complexes, to have a basic ideas of their operation’s rules.
SC9. Ability to present the results of its engineering activities in compliance with generally accepted norms and standards.
SC10. Ability to describe and classify a wide range of technical objects and processes based on a deep knowledge and understanding of basic mechanical theories and practices, as well as basic knowledge of related sciences.
Professional competences of a professional direction (professional line «Mechanical engineering technologies»).
PSC3.4. Ability to apply modern scientific achievements in the theory of cutting materials to determine the optimal of the functioning parameters of the parts processing, the selection of metalworking tools equipped with modern tool materials.
PSC3.5. Ability to take part in the design and detailed development of optimal manufacturing processes aimed at ensuring product quality.
PSC3.9.The ability to carry out a compromise choice of the technological process option for the production of the product, taking into account the assessment requirements regarding cost, quality, and labor safety.
Learning outcomes: General learning outcomes.
LO1. Select and apply suitable mathematical methods to solve problems of applied mechanics.
LO7. Apply regulatory and reference data to control the compliance of technical documentation, products and technologies with standards, specifications and other regulatory documents.
LO9. Know and understand related fields (fluid and gas mechanics, heat engineering, electrical engineering, electronics) and be able to identify interdisciplinary links in applied mechanics at the level required to meet other requirements of the educational program.
LO13. Evaluate the technical and economic efficiency of production.
LO14. To make the optimal selection of the main technological equipment and the complete set of technical complexes.
LO16. Communicate freely on professional matters orally and in writing in the national and foreign languages, including knowledge of special terminology and interpersonal communication skills.
Learning outcomes (professional line «Mechanical Engineering Technology»).
PLO3.1. Know the basic principles of the metal cutting theory, methods and technological equipping for shaping machine parts, areas of their application, physical, technical and economic indicators of machining methods, and other methods of shaping machine parts.
PLO3.2. To know the basic principles, tasks and requirements for the technological preparation of production, the basic regularities of building highly efficient technological processes of mechanical processing of machine parts, to be able to synthesize the technological processes of manufacturing products according to technical and economic indicators.
PLO3.3. Know the main technological characteristics of metalworking equipment, be able to make their rational choice for given production conditions.
PLO3.7. To understand the basics of the CAD methodology for the construction of cutting tools, equipment and technological processes, to be able to design and construct the means of technological equipment and draw up appropriate sets of design documentation using specialized CAD, to know and understand the possibilities and features of automating the design and technological preparation of the production of a mechanical processing enterprise.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous educational courses.
Cutting theory and metal-cutting instruments. Machine tools. Mechanical engineering technology and technical and economic evaluation of production.
Concomitant and next educational courses.
Technology of manufacturing machine parts, part 2. Technological equipment. Technological methods of billets of machine parts production. Computer-aided design of metal-cutting instruments, equipment and technological processes.
Summary of the subject: The course is designed to acquaintance with the main tasks of technological preparation of modern machine-building enterprise, study of processes that affect the accuracy of machine manufacturing and acquiring practical skills in the construction of highly effective technological processes of mechanical machining of machine parts.
Опис: 1. Introduction. Objectives and content of the course "Technology of Manufacturing Machine Parts, part 1" (The purpose and objectives of the course "Technology of Manufacturing Machine Parts, part 1", its place, role and importance. The main stages of mechanical engineering as a science. The content of the course "Technology of Manufacturing Machine Parts, part 1").
2. Fundamentals of technological preparation of production (The essence of technological preparation of production of modern engineering enterprise. Basic requirements for technological preparation production. Common problem of technological preparation of production).
3. Quality and precision in engineering (Machine quality. Quality indexes. The accuracy of machine. Accuracy indexes. Economic and achievable accuracy. Factors affecting the dimensional accuracy of parts in the forming process. Systematic and random machining errors).
4. Manufacturability of the product design (General concepts of article manufacturability of product. Types of manufacturability. The main factors that determine the requirements for design manufacturability. Evaluation of manufacturability. Manufacturability control process of drawings. General requirements for manufacturability design of billets, parts and assembly units. Qualitative assessment of manufacturability. Quantification of manufacturability. Basic rules of selection and calculation of the product design manufacturability parameters).
5. Statistical methods of quality products research (Main numerical characteristics of random variables. The main distribution laws of random variables and their properties. The use of probability theory and mathematical statistics for solving mechanical engineering. The statistical control in engineering).
6. Bases and basing in mechanical engineering (Basic provisions and determination the basing theory. Classification of bases. Replacing of bases. The principles of unity, continuity and permanence of bases and conditions for their implementation. Basic principles of selection process and measurement bases. The basing error. General method of determination of basing errors in machining. Practical advice on choosing basing schemes. Typical marking basing schemes on operating sketches).
7. Basic theory of dimensional chains to meet the challenges of mechanical engineering (Basic techniques to achieve accuracy in engineering. Tolerances calculation of using different methods to achieve accuracy. Basic concepts and definitions of the dimensional chains theory. Classification of dimensional chains. Dimensional analysis of process. The error locking link of dimensional chain and paths optimizing its accuracy).
8. Achieving the required quality of machine parts during its manufacturing (Achieving the required accuracy of the size, roughness, shape and relative rotation surface details. Billet setting error. The error of technological system static setting. The error of technological system dynamic settings).
9. Ensuring the technological process effectiveness (Technological methods for improving productivity. Reducing the main time of machining by reducing the length of processing and the number of passes, selecting the best mode of cutting, combining transitions, joint machining of billets. The combined methods of reducing the main time. Reducing the support time. Reducing the time for installation and fixing parts, equipment control. Automation of technological processes. An integrated approach to the overall reducing the operating time. Reducing the preparatory-final time by increasing the number of fabricated products the right way or grouping similar, using the rapidly adjusting devices and other organizational measures. Typical technological processes . Group technological processes).
10. The main technical and economic principles of technological processes designing.
Assessment methods and criteria: Defense of Lab classes results (is occurring an orally). Defense of Practice classes results (is occurring an orally). Exam on course completion (the written component is composed of three-level theoretical tasks; an oral component is made on the results of written components for thorough evaluation of knowledge).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control. The current point is formed on the basis of the defense of reports for lab classes and practice classes in oral form by surveying the theoretical material according to the methodology and research results. The maximum possible number of points for the current control is 30 points (lab classes - 10 points and practice classes - 20 points).
Semester control is implemented by solving tests, which consists of tasks of 3 levels. The maximum possible number of points for the test is 60 points. Oral component, which is valued at 10 points, is introduced to give students the opportunity to supplement the answer to the controversial tasks of the semester control and improve their overall grade.
Recommended books: 1. Юрчишин І.І. Конспект лекцій з дисципліни “Технологія виготовлення деталей машин, частина 1”.
2. Технологія машинобудування. Посібник-довідник для виконання кваліфікаційних робіт: Навч. посібник / Юрчишин І.І., Литвиняк Я.М., Грицай І.Є. та ін. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2009. – 527 p.
3. Міренський І.Г. Основи технології машинобудування: Навч. посібник – Kharkiv: Тимченко, 2008. – 256 p.
4. Руденко П.О. Проектування технологічних процесів в машинобудуванні. – Kyiv: Вища школа, 1993. – 414 p.
5. Аналіз і відпрацювання конструкції деталі на технологічність. Guidance for practical classes of the course "Technology of manufacturing machine parts" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I., Lytvynyak Y., 2021. – 20 p.
6. Вибір та розрахункове обґрунтування технологічних баз при механічному обробленні. Guidance for practical classes of the course "Technology of manufacturing machine parts" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I., Lytvynyak Y., 2021. – 28 p.
7. Розмірний аналіз технологічного процесу. Guidance for practical classes of the course "Technology of manufacturing machine parts" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I., Lytvynyak Y., 2021. – 20 p.
8. Розрахунок точності механічного оброблення деталі при точінні: Guidance for practical classes of the course "Technology of manufacturing machine parts" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I., Lytvynyak Y. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2021. – 32 p.
9. Дослідження жорсткості токарного верстата статичним методом. Guidance for laboratory classes № 1Т of the course "echnology of manufacturing machine parts" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I., Hrybovska V. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2021. – 12 p.
10. Дослідження жорсткості токарного верстата виробничим методом. Guidance for laboratory classes № 1Та of the course "echnology of manufacturing machine parts" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I., Lytvynyak J. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2021. – 8 p.
11. Дослідження точності технологічної операції статистичними методами. Instruction for laboratory classes № 2Т of the course "echnology of manufacturing machine parts" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Lytvynyak J., Yurchyshyn I. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2021. – 16 p.
12. Дослідження впливу елементів режиму різання на шорсткість поверхні, отриманої точінням. Guidance for laboratory classes № 5Та of the course "Technology of manufacturing machine parts" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I., Lytvynyak J. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2021. – 12 p.
13. Electronic educational and methodological complex "Technology of Manufacturing Machine Parts, part 1" in the Virtual educational environment of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" https://vns.lpnu.ua/course/view.php?id=14506 / Developer: Ihor Yurchyshyn.