Introductory Specialty Course

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.00.O.003
Credits: 5.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: Tsygylyk Natalia
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Формation of a theoretical knowledge and skills system in the field of "Public Administration and Administration" admission. Additionally, the development of contemporary theoretical and practical knowledge, abilities, and skills in participants regarding orientation in fundamental concepts related to the discipline of "Public Administration and Administration," as well as familiarization with the profession. Acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the areas of management theory and history, public administration, and the cultivation of practical skills in applying laws, principles, methods, technologies, and procedures in managing entities in the public sphere; fostering the abilities and competencies necessary for performing the functions and implementing the responsibilities of a manager (professional) in public administration entities, including government authorities and local self-government.
Завдання: The study of the educational discipline involves the development of the following competencies in learners: Integrative Competencies: Ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of public administration and administration or in the learning process, involving the application of theories and scientific methods in the relevant field, characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions. General Competencies: Ability to learn and acquire contemporary knowledge. Ability to preserve and enhance moral and cultural scientific values and achievements of society based on understanding the history and patterns of development of the subject area. Critical and self-critical thinking ability. Adaptation and action in new situations. Teamwork skills. Time planning and management skills. Ability to search, process, and analyze information from various sources. Ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing. Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups at different levels (experts from other fields of knowledge/activities). Professional Competencies: Ability for social interaction, cooperation, and conflict resolution. Ensuring a proper level of development and use of managerial products, services, or processes. Ensuring compliance with legal and ethical norms of behavior. Use of modern information and communication technologies in the preparation and implementation of managerial decisions. Use of an electronic document management system. Information-analytical support of managerial processes using modern information resources and technologies. Development of tactical and operational plans for managerial activities. Preparation of projects for managerial decisions and their implementation. Conducting applied research in the field of public administration and administration within a working group. Understanding and consideration of social, ethical, and economic aspects influencing decision-making in the field of public administration and administration, and the ability to apply professional-profile knowledge and practical skills to create a competitive environment and establish competitive relations in commodity markets.
Learning outcomes: RN 1. 3. To be able to behave as a socially responsible citizen in the sphere of public authority on the basis of service to people, respect for the profession, colleagues, the results of one's work in accordance with the codes of ethical behavior of the professional group. 4. The ability to apply appropriate methods of strategic and anti-crisis management, organizational, competitive and legal culture for the development and implementation of national and regional development plans in order to ensure the optimal development of the economy of the regions in the single economic complex of the state, improvement of the specialization of territories, establishment of optimal proportions, effective use of labor and natural resources and production capacities, rationalization of the placement of productive forces; 5. The ability to use information and communication technologies to ensure effective and high-quality provision of administrative services to the population and business in order to optimize and transparent the activities of public bodies and implement departmental information systems for planning and management reporting as part of the creation of a unified state system for monitoring the performance of state bodies; 6. To be able to organize the activities of the public administration body in order to ensure the economic development of the regions and the state; The ability to analyze and implement state and regional governance in the economic, competitive and social spheres, to develop and implement measures to improve management functions, taking into account modern state and management technologies, mechanisms for the development of civil society, development of enterprises, regions and the state; 9. To ensure effective management of the process of reconciliation of interests and coordination of efforts of the state and business as the main institutions of the market economy on the basis of new trends in economic development and achievement of defined strategic and tactical tasks.
Required prior and related subjects: Basics of administrative management Theory of entrepreneurship Microeconomics in the public sphere
Summary of the subject: The educational discipline "Introduction to the specialty "Public management and administration"" is taught to students with the aim of forming the basis for a thorough study of the basics of administrative management in public organizations, in particular in the formation of professional knowledge and skills in the field of managing the domestic economy, administrative management, acquiring knowledge and skill in the use of regulatory tools for the correction of economic interests, ensuring the balanced development of institutional sectors of the economy. The main task is to acquire theoretical knowledge on the theory and history of management, public management and develop practical skills and abilities in applying laws, principles, methods, technologies and procedures in the management of public sphere entities; formation of skills and competencies necessary for the performance of functions and implementation of the powers of a manager (specialist) of a subject of public administration, including for bodies of state power and local self-government.
Опис: Content and essence of public management and administration: subject and tasks of the course Philosophy of power and the state: evolution of public administration Models and systems of public management and administration Environment of public management and administration: subjects, objects, resources Systems of state administration and local self-government Content, goals, principles, tasks, mechanisms and tools of the state administration system Content, goals, principles, tasks and tools of the local government system Territorial organization of power in Ukraine Economic foundations and social orientation of state administration and local government Public management and administration as a field of professional activity of employees The content of the professional activity of a public servant: management and decision-making
Assessment methods and criteria: During the course of the discipline, the following methods of knowledge, skills and abilities control are used: oral interview, individual interview during the defense of independent study of individual questions on the topic of research, examination of written works, test examination.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Work in practical classes - 30 points Control work - 10 points out of 100 Examination paper: written component – 50 points oral component - 10 points
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points – (“excellent”) is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interrelationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 87–71 points – (“good”) is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks; 70 – 50 points – (“satisfactory”) awarded for weak knowledge of the component’s educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: 1. Bakumenko V.D. State and administrative decisions: Study guide / V.D. Bakumenko. - K.: VOC of AMU, 2011. – 444 p. 2. Brych V.Ya. Psychology of management: teaching. manual / V.Ya. Brych, M.M. Korman. - Kyiv: Condor, 2013. – 384 p. 3. Vasylenko V.A. Theory and practice of development of management solutions: training. manual/ V.A. Vasylenko. - Kyiv: TsUL, 2013. - 420 p. 4. Interaction of state authorities and civil society: training. manual / for sciences ed. Yu. P. Surmina, A. M. Mykhnenko. - K.: NADU, 2011. - 388 p. 5. Vorona P. V. Local self-government of Ukraine in the context of the development of representative of power: monograph / P. V. Vorona. – Poltava: PUET, 2012. – 341 p. 6. Hanushchak Yu. I. Territorial organization of power. State and direction of changes: [monograph] / Yu. I. Hanushchak. - K.: Legal status, 2012. - 348 p. 7. State administration: textbook: in 2 volumes / Nat. Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine ; ed.. coll. : Yu. Kovbasyuk (chairman), K. O. Vashchenko (deputy chairman), Yu. P. Surmin (deputy heads) [etc.]. – K.; Dnipropetrovsk: NADU, 2012. - Volume 1. - 564 c. 8. Civil service in Ukraine: socio-legal and organizational aspects: education. manual / [author number : Yu. P. Surmin, T. V. Motrenko, R. A. Naumenko, and others. ; in general ed. R. A. Naumenko, L. M. Hoginoi]. -K. : NADU, 2011. – 204 p. 9. State regulation of innovative infrastructure at the regional level: monograph / for general ed. A. O. Degtyar. - Kh.: HarRI NADU Publishing House "Master", 2011. - 192 p. 10. Dzyundzyuk V. B. Public administration in the 21st century: trends and challenges [Electronic resource] / V.B. Dzyundzyuk // Actual problems of state administration. - 2013. - No. 1. - P. 9-17. - Access mode: 11. Dzyundzyuk V.B., Meltyukhova N.M. etc. Public administration in Ukraine: Education. Manual / [for general ed. V.V. Korzhenka, N.M. Meltyukhova. - H. : HarRI NADU Publishing House "Master", 2011. - 306 p. 12. Electronic manual on the theory and history of public administration. Part 2. / S. M. Konik and others. (Folder 3. Biblioteka. File: TIDU_El.Posib._Part 2.pdf) 13. Encyclopedia of public administration: in 8 volumes / Nat. Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine; scientific-ed. board: Yu. V. Kovbasiuk (chairman) and others. - K.: NADU, 2011. - T. 1-3. 14. Encyclopedia of public administration. In the 8th grade - .T. 8: Public administration / scientific editor. number : V. S. Zahorskyi [etc.] - Lviv: LRIDU, NADU, 2011. - 712 p. 15. Kigel V.R. Methods and models of decision support in the market economy / V.R. Kigel. - Kyiv: TsUL, 2013. - 202 p. 16. Kozak V. I. Public administration in the coordinate system of Ukrainian statehood [Electronic resource] / V. I. Kozak // Effectiveness of state administration. - 2015. - Issue 44(1). - P. 64-70. - Access mode: 17. Kolpakov V.M. Theory and practice of management decision-making: teaching. manual / V.M. Kolpakov. - Kyiv: MAUP, 2011. - 253 p. 18. Koltashev V. Political leadership [Electronic resource] / V. Koltashev. – Mode access: – Name from the title. screen 19. Maxwell J. Develop a leader in yourself / Trans. from Eng.. N. Gerbish. - K.: Bright Star Publishing, 2013. – 184 p. 20. Martynenko V. M. Democratic governance: problems of theory and practice / V. M. Martynenko // Public administration: theory and practice: coll. of science Ave. of the Association of Doctors of sciences in public administration. – Kh.: “DokNaukDerzhUpr” Publishing House, 2010. – No. 1. – P. 16– 22. 21. Management for public authorities: training. manual / edited by M. P. Butka. – Nizhin: Aspect Polygraph, 2011. – 360 p. 22. Moroz O. Yu. Public administration in Ukraine: problems of formation and efficiency [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Moroz // Effectiveness of state administration. - 2013. - Vol. 34.- P. 41-47. - Access mode: 23. Muravytska G. Public management and administration as methodological and informational system [Electronic resource] / H. Muravytska // Actual problems of the state management. - 2016. - Issue 2. - P. 25-30. - Access mode: 24. Obolenskyi O. Public administration: public sphere, public law and public politics - relationship of concepts [Electronic resource] / O. Obolenskyi, S. Lukin // State administration and local self-government. - 2013. - Issue 2. - P. 3-11. - Mode access: 25. Obolenskyi O. Public administration in conditions of formation and civilization development of Ukraine [Electronic resource] / O. Obolenskyi, N. Obushna // State management and local self-government. - 2014. - Issue 4. - P. 61-72. - Access mode: 26. Obushna N. I. Public administration as a new model of public administration organization in Ukraine: theoretical aspect [Electronic resource] / N. I. Obushna // Effectiveness state administration. - 2015. - Issue 44(1). - P. 53-63. - Access mode: 35. Fundamentals of regional administration in Ukraine: a textbook / for general ed. V. M. Vakulenko, M. K. ?
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