State Competition Policy

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.07.E.103
Credits: 3.50
Department: Theoretical and Applied Economics
Lecturer: PhD in Economics, Assoc. Myhalchyshyn N.L.
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The formation of students' developed modern special knowledge about competitive policy as an organic component of the socio-economic policy of the Ukrainian state; acquisition of skills and formation of competencies necessary to perform functions in the sphere of management of the competitive process, strengthening the role of an economist-employee in antimonopoly bodies, state authorities and local self-government bodies.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general competences: ability to write and speak in Ukrainian and English (or other) languages; professional competences: the ability to analyze, monitor, forecast and evaluate the results of the implementation of the economic policy of state, regional, local authorities and local self-government bodies; the ability to represent public administration bodies in the media, various institutions of civil society; the ability to assess the effects of the macro-environment on the functioning of the state, industry, public authority, organization (institution). the ability to analyze and synthesize external and internal management information regarding the development and implementation of a competitive strategy for the development of the state, region, industry, and relevant business entities; the ability to assess the degree of compliance with the competitive rules of the interaction of economic entities on commodity markets, to detect and eliminate violations of competitive conditions.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the educational discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: possessing sufficient knowledge in the fields related to public management and administration, which will provide an opportunity to critically analyze the situation in the field of competition and identify key trends in its development. As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: apply knowledge of economic, social and technical characteristics, technological features of the formation and implementation of management tasks in the field of economic competition.
Required prior and related subjects: Microeconomics, state regulation of the economy, antitrust regulation, the theory of industrial markets
Summary of the subject: The main provisions of the state's competitive policy, structure, functions and relationships with other types of state policy are highlighted, taking into account foreign experience. The impact of the state's competitive policy on the competitiveness of the national economy, the state's innovation and investment development, the mutual influence of competitive, structural and industrial policies, the impact of globalization processes on competition and the consideration of the results of such influence in the formation and implementation of the state's competitive policy are considered.
Опис: Categorical aspects of competition policy. Competition policy: composition, structure, system Competition policy as a part of economic policy. Harmonization of competitive, structural and industrial policy. Conceptual framework of competition policy implementation. Competition policy in the context of globalization. The role of competition policy in improving the economy competitiveness. Competition policy as a factor of innovation-investment model of the national economy. Advocacy competition. Problems of development and implementation of competition policy. Competition policy: financial instruments and state aid. Research in the field of competition policy. External relations and competition policy.
Assessment methods and criteria: The main evaluation methods are implemented in such types of control of the level of achievement of students' learning results as current and semester control. Current control (PC) is carried out during lectures, practical and individual counseling classes in order to check the level of assimilation of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of the student. Current control is carried out by the method of conducting control works in the form of test tasks and individual tasks, holding discussions on the topics provided by the work curriculum, oral, written and written-oral express control. Semester control is carried out in the form of an exam. Evaluation of the student's learning results is carried out in accordance with the 100-point evaluation scale established at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic"
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Control work in test form No. 1 involves providing answers to 18 test questions and is conducted using a virtual learning environment. In case of providing all correct answers to 18 questions, the system calculates points in percentage ratio depending on the number of correct answers provided. 100% of correct answers are valued at 6 points. Tests in test form #2-3 involve providing answers to 21 test questions and are conducted using a virtual learning environment. In the case of providing all correct answers to 21 questions, the system calculates points in a percentage ratio depending on the number of correct answers provided. 100% of correct answers are valued at 7 points. Control work in the form of tasks-mini-cases No. 4 is evaluated in the maximum number of points in case of providing a complete, correct, justified answer to the question. Individual task on the topic of the student's choice, test papers No. 1 and No. 2 for students of the National Academy of Sciences are evaluated in the maximum number of points in case of providing a complete, correct, justified answer to the question.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points – (“excellent”) is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interrelationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems;87–71 points – (“good”) is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks;70 – 50 points – (“satisfactory”) awarded for weak knowledge of the component’s educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: 1. Myhalchyshyn N.L., Pushak G.I. Competition policy states: Lecture for students 030601 "Management" of professional direction 7.03060106, 8.03060106 "Management in the sphere of economic competition." - Lviv: Publishing House of the National University "Lvivska Polytechnika", 2014. - 76 p. - № 5917 of 28.10.2014 p. 2. Myhalchyshyn N.L. Analysis and monitoring of economic concentration: Manual. - Lviv: Publishing house "Manuscript", 2010. - 352 p. 3. State antimonopoly regulation: a textbook / V.D.Lagutin, Y.I.Borovyk, A.V.Vertyelyeva etc.; Ed. V.D.Lagutin. - K.: Kyiv. nat. tr.-economicaluniversity, 2015 - 480 p .// Myhalchyshyn N.L. - p. 172-204, p.412-423. 4. Myhalchyshyn N.L. The theory of monopoly and antimonopoly regulation: Lectures for students of basic direction 6.0502 "Management" of professional direction 6.050207 "Management of antitrust activity." - Lviv: Publishing House of the National University "LvivskaPolytechnika", 2006. - 84 p. 5. Androshchuk G.A., Shkliar S.V. Competition law: protection from unfair competition. Scientific-practical publication. / H.O.Androshchuk, S.V.Shklyar- K.: Justinian, 2012. - 472 p.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "Without restrictions", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at: St. Karpinsky, 2/4, 1st floor, room 112 E-mail: Websites:
Академічна доброчесність: The policy regarding the academic integrity of the participants of the educational process is formed on the basis of compliance with the principles of academic integrity, taking into account the norms "Regulations on academic integrity at the Lviv Polytechnic National University" (approved by the academic council of the university on June 20, 2017, protocol No. 35).