Stress Management and Time Management in Public Organizations

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.08.E.113
Credits: 3.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: associate professor, doctor of philosophy I.M. Dorosh
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of the "Stress Management" training course is to form a system of knowledge regarding the diagnosis of stress, the identification of possible causes and negative consequences of stress, the specifics of their impact on professional activity and the personality of managers, and the assessment of the dynamics of stress response. Formation and development of stress management skills at enterprises, institutions and organizations; diagnosis of staff behavior strategies in stressful situations.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' integral competencies: - the ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of public management and administration or in the learning process, which involves the application of theories and scientific methods of the relevant field and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions; general: - the ability to identify, pose and solve problems; professional: - The ability to manage stress in public authorities, enterprises, etc
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the module, the student have to: 1.1. To have the basics of regulation of stressful situations at the enterprises, with the purpose of directing them in a constructive way. 1.2. To be able to identify stress-competence positions and ensure appropriate recruitment. 1.3. To perform diagnosis of stress and emotional intelligence of workers and provide opportunities for their rising and improvement. 1.4. To identify and analyze the propensity to choose specific coping strategies by the employees of the enterprise.
Required prior and related subjects: Administrative management
Summary of the subject: The special attention of scientists and practitioners to the problems of managing organizational and professional stress - stress management, is related to the urgent needs of new technologies for the development of stress resistance and staff stability. Stress management has become a "sad necessity" for modern managers who understand the importance of preserving personnel potential, personal health, and the dependence of the success of the organization as a whole on the ability to constructively resolve stressful situations. With the growth of competition and the intensity of development of modern companies, stress management is an integral part of an effective strategy for managing the personnel potential of organizations. Stress management in the organization is focused on prevention of stress in the workplace, development and application of methods of constructive resolution of stressful situations, development of technologies for quick recovery of strength and working capacity of personnel. Scientific understanding of theories and concepts of professional stress, diagnosis of stress resistance and stress response of personnel is a necessary component of formation of professional management knowledge of students. Therefore, an important place in the training of highly qualified bachelors and specialists in economics and management is given to the academic discipline "Stress Management".
Опис: Approaches to the definition of "stress" as a category of management. Basics of stress management in enterprises. Features of staffing of the enterprise in accordance with the stress-competencies of posts. Diagnostics methods of coping strategies and emotional intelligence of staff. Measures of increasing the personnel stress stability of the enterprise.
Assessment methods and criteria: current control (35%) control measure (65%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current monitoring of practical, seminar classes is carried out in order to identify the readiness of graduate students for classes in the following forms: ? a selective oral survey before the start of classes; ? frontal standardized survey by cards, tests within 5-10 minutes; ? frontal verification of homework; ? assessment of the graduate student's activity in the process of classes, submitted proposals, original decisions, clarifications and definitions, additions to previous answers, etc.; ? written (up to 45 min.) control work. Control questions are divided into: ? a) test tasks - choose the correct answers; ? b) problematic – creation of problematic situations; ? c) questions-replies - to identify cause-and-effect relationships; ? d) situational tasks - to determine the answer according to a certain situation; ? e) questions of a reproductive nature - determination of practical significance (for example, studied chemical phenomena); ? e) interactive quiz and game tasks. During the control of students' knowledge and skills, I adhere to the following requirements: ? individual nature of control; ? timeliness and systematic control; ? objectivity and fairness of assessment; ? taking into account the age characteristics of students; ? justified and reasoned assessment of works and answers; ? diversification of forms and types of control. The final control is an exam in written and oral form in accordance with the examination tasks approved at the meeting of the AFM department, with the aim of assessing the knowledge and skills of the graduate student. The oral form of control involves answering 5 random questions related to the course. A correct and complete answer is valued at 1 point.
Recommended books: 1). Drucker P. F., Machiavell J. A. Management / P. F. Drucker, J. A. MacIarello. [Per. with Eng.] - M .: OOO "ID. Williams ", 2010. - 704 p. 2). Cooper Cary L. Organizational stress. Theories, research and practical applications / Cary L. Cooper, Phillip J. Dave, Michael P. O'Drayscall / Per. from english - Kh.: Publishing House of the Humanities, 2007. 336 p.