Planning Territorial Development

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.01.E.058
Credits: 3.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: -
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Understand the tools and strategies for market analysis, the operation of private enterprise and public organizations; 2. Know and understand the methodologies and expert assessment activities, observance of regulations, formulate proposals for their improvement; 3. Apply knowledge to solve problems of synthesis and analysis systems that are characterize the chosen specialty.
Required prior and related subjects: • Forecasting and Macroeconomic Planning • Strategy of state and society development.
Summary of the subject: Planning and forecasting as methods of public administration. Basics methodology for planning and forecasting. Application of the theory of economic analysis in carrying out analytical assessment of the region. Legal support and organization of planning and forecasting work in Ukraine. State and regional target programs as instruments of regional development process. Institutional ensuring of the territorial development. The countries experience in development planning. Cross-border cooperation in solving perspectives of development planning. The role of investment and innovation in development planning.
Assessment methods and criteria: current control (45%) control measure (55%).
Recommended books: 1. Стратегічне планування місцевого розвитку. Практичний посібник / [Бер- данова О., Вакуленко В.]; Швейцарсько-український проект «Підтримка де- централізації в Україні – DESPRO. – К. : ТОВ «София-А». – 2012. – 88 с. 2. Карий О. Стратегічне планування розвитку міста / О. Карий. – Львів.: ЗУКЦ, 2007. – 317 с 3. Куйбіда В.С. Регіональний розвиток та просторове планування територій: досвід України та інших держав-членів Ради Європи: Збірник / В.С. Куйбіда, В.А. Негода, В.В. Толко- ванов. – К.: Вид-во «Крамар», 2009. – 170 с.

Planning Territorial Development (курсова робота)

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.01.E.061
Credits: 2.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: -
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Understand the tools and strategies for market analysis, the operation of private enterprise and public organizations; 2. Know and understand the methodologies and expert assessment activities, observance of regulations, formulate proposals for their improvement; 3. Apply knowledge to solve problems of synthesis and analysis systems that are characterize the chosen specialty.
Required prior and related subjects: • Forecasting and Macroeconomic Planning • Strategy of state and society development.
Summary of the subject: Planning and forecasting as methods of public administration. Basics methodology for planning and forecasting. Application of the theory of economic analysis in carrying out analytical assessment of the region. Legal support and organization of planning and forecasting work in Ukraine. State and regional target programs as instruments of regional development process. Institutional ensuring of the territorial development. The countries experience in development planning. Cross-border cooperation in solving perspectives of development planning. The role of investment and innovation in development planning.
Assessment methods and criteria: current control - 100%
Recommended books: 1. Стратегічне планування місцевого розвитку. Практичний посібник / [Бер- данова О., Вакуленко В.]; Швейцарсько-український проект «Підтримка де- централізації в Україні – DESPRO. – К. : ТОВ «София-А». – 2012. – 88 с. 2. Карий О. Стратегічне планування розвитку міста / О. Карий. – Львів.: ЗУКЦ, 2007. – 317 с 3. Куйбіда В.С. Регіональний розвиток та просторове планування територій: досвід України та інших держав-членів Ради Європи: Збірник / В.С. Куйбіда, В.А. Негода, В.В. Толко- ванов. – К.: Вид-во «Крамар», 2009. – 170 с.