Administering of Public Projects

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.00.O.035
Credits: 3.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Z. Siryk
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Mastering the basic concepts in the field of Administration of public projects and skills in using information technologies in professional activities in the public service.
Завдання: The study of the initial discipline involves the formation of competencies in the students of education: integral competencies: • the ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of public management and administration or in the learning process, which involves the application of theories and scientific methods of the relevant field and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions. general competences: • the ability to be critical and self-critical; professional competences: • study of the principles of planning and implementation of project actions, formation of a project team, use of information systems and technologies in project management, economic law, financial management in project management, project management in the field of regional development, protection of intellectual property rights in project management, planning of project activities, strategic management of project-oriented organizations, social and environmental safety of activities, project decision-making, as well as in-depth study of a foreign language.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying of the module the student has to: • To estimate and analyze influence of administrative decisions in the public sphere on public processes: employment, unemployment, rates of economic changes, inflation, income, etc.; • To define and develop expected and program documents of economic and social development, indicators of economic and social development of objects of public management; • To organize activity of services of bodies of public administration, functioning of information and communication system • To provide coordination of work of divisions of bodies of public management, and also interaction of public authorities, local government and public organizations; • Knowledge of bases of professionally focused disciplines of specialty 074 "Public management and administration";
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines - Public communications and interaction with the public, Public administration. Accompanying and subsequent academic disciplines - Territorial development planning, State and society development strategies
Summary of the subject: The prepared course presents the main goals and objectives and basic principles of public project administration. Students are offered an analysis of the state of regulatory and legal support for the development of the information society and the administration of public projects. Also considered are the main models of public project administration, its stages, prerequisites and problems of implementation, as well as state electronic information resources, trends in their development. Separately, the course presents the information infrastructure of public project administration and telecommunication and information-analytical systems in public administration, in particular the portal of public services. The course "Administration of public projects" is studied within the framework of one course by undergraduate students who study in the specialty "Public management and administration" of the specialization "Public management and administration". Studying the course "Administration of public projects" provides knowledge and forms the skills necessary for any manager, professional and specialist in the field of public management and administration, regardless of his place of work and position
Опис: Introduction to the course. General principles of public project administration Legal basis for implementation of public projects Experience in the implementation of public project administration Information support for the administration of public projects Management and marketing of administration of public projects Phases of implementation of public projects Completion of the administrative cycle in the process of implementing public projects The role of public project administration in the strategic development of communities
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control at practical, seminar classes is carried out in order to identify readiness for classes in the following forms: • a selective oral survey before the start of classes; • frontal standardized survey by cards, tests within 5-10 minutes; • frontal verification of homework; • evaluation of the graduate student's activity in the course of classes, submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, additions to previous answers, etc.; • written (up to 45 minutes) test. Control questions are divided into: a) test tasks - choose the correct answers; b) problematic – creation of problematic situations; c) questions-replies - to identify cause-and-effect relationships; d) situational tasks - to determine the answer according to a certain situation; e) issues of a reproductive nature - determination of practical significance (for example, studied chemical phenomena); f) interactive quiz and game tasks. During the control of students' knowledge and skills, I adhere to the following requirements: • individual nature of control; • timeliness and systematic control; • objectivity and fairness of assessment; • taking into account the age characteristics of students; • justified and reasoned assessment of works and answers; • diversification of forms and types of control. The final control is a written exam in accordance with the examination tasks approved at the meeting of the AFM department for the purpose of assessing the student's knowledge and skills.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Assessment of students' knowledge in the discipline "Administration of public projects" is carried out in accordance with the working curriculum in the form of a semester control (examination), which involves the student's work throughout the academic semester and is presented according to its results at the end of the academic semester. The semester control includes the results of the current control (PC) of students' knowledge, 1 control measure (for students of the ZFN) and an exam. The current control of students' knowledge in the discipline "Administration of public projects" is carried out according to the following forms: a) during practical classes (for DFN and ZFN students): - survey of students on theoretical material; - testing knowledge of the studied theoretical material of topics; - assessment of task performance during class; - evaluation of students' activity during the discussion of discussion questions. b) according to the results of self-study tasks (control work for ZFN students): - assessment of performance of control work; - protection of control work during practical classes. The maximum number of points (20 points for DFN students and 12 points for ZFN students) when evaluating students' knowledge during a practical session is assigned according to the following criteria: - during surveys - for a complete and thorough answer to a given question on the topics of the discipline, for active participation in the discussion of debatable issues, for supplementing the answers of other students - during testing at the National Emergency Service of the Lviv Polytechnic for correct answers on the topics of the discipline. The actual number of points (PC+EC) received by the student is converted into a grade according to the national scale according to the following criteria: • Certified with a grade of "excellent" (88-100 points) is awarded for solid knowledge of the educational material contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied, in their relationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically and consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; • Certified with a grade of "good" (71-87 points) is presented for mediocre knowledge of the educational material, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) inaccuracies, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems ; • Certified with a rating of "satisfactory" (50-70 points) is presented for weak knowledge of the educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of its teaching, weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; • Not certified (26-49 points) - issued for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material, significant mistakes in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; • Not certified - the grade "unsatisfactory" (00-25 points) is given for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material, significant mistakes in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Assessment of students' knowledge in the discipline "Administration of public projects" is carried out in accordance with the working curriculum in the form of a semester control (examination), which involves the student's work throughout the academic semester and is presented according to its results at the end of the academic semester. The semester control includes the results of the current control (PC) of students' knowledge, 1 control measure (for students of the ZFN) and an exam. The current control of students' knowledge in the discipline "Administration of public projects" is carried out according to the following forms: a) during practical classes (for DFN and ZFN students): - survey of students on theoretical material; - testing knowledge of the studied theoretical material of topics; - assessment of task performance during class; - evaluation of students' activity during the discussion of discussion questions. b) according to the results of self-study tasks (control work for ZFN students): - assessment of performance of control work; - protection of control work during practical classes. The maximum number of points (20 points for DFN students and 12 points for ZFN students) when evaluating students' knowledge during a practical session is assigned according to the following criteria: - during surveys - for a complete and thorough answer to a given question on the topics of the discipline, for active participation in the discussion of debatable issues, for supplementing the answers of other students - during testing at the National Emergency Service of the Lviv Polytechnic for correct answers on the topics of the discipline.
Recommended books: 1. Administration of public projects. Reference summary of lectures/ S. V. Dzyuba, I. B. Zhilyaev, S. K. Polumienko, I. A. Ruban, A. I. Semenchenko. Under the editorship A. I. Semenchenko. Kyiv, 2012. 2. Handbook on public design for local authorities of Ukraine. Practical guidelines and best practices of local public design. Academy of Public Administration, 2014. 3. Public administration, textbook/author. number per total ed. Yu.V. Kovbasyuk, - K., National Academy of Sciences, 2014, - 352 p. 4. Tkachuk A. Local self-government and decentralization. Practical guide/ A. Tkachuk. - Swiss-Ukrainian project "Supporting decentralization in Ukraine DESPRO". - K.: "Sofia" LLC. - 2012. - 120 p. 5. Sendyuk M. A. Information systems in public administration: a study guide. / M. A. Sendyuk. K.: KIIEU, 2004. 339 p. 6. Public participation in the decision-making process at the local level: educational and methodological manual / State Enterprise "Ukrtechinform" Kyiv, 2013, 250 p.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "Without restrictions", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and teaching and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at: St. Karpinsky, 2/4, 1st floor, room 112 E-mail: Websites: Больше информации об этом исходном текстеЧтобы получить дополнительную информацию, введите исходный текст Отправить отзыв Боковые панели
Академічна доброчесність: The policy regarding the academic integrity of participants in the educational process is formed on the basis of compliance with the principles of academic integrity, taking into account the norms "Regulations on academic integrity at the Lviv Polytechnic National University" (approved by the academic council of the university on June 20, 2017, protocol No. 35).

Administering of Public Projects (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.00.O.038
Credits: 3.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Sirik Zinoviy Orestovich Ph.D., assistant Tsyhylyk Natalia Valentynivna
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: RN 5. Know the standards, principles and norms of activity in the field of public administration. RN 11. Be able to search and summarize information, draw conclusions and formulate recommendations within its competence. RN 11. Ability to plan and implement project actions, form a project team, use information systems and technologies in project management, business law, financial management in project management, project management in regional development, protection of intellectual property rights in project management, project planning , strategic management of project-oriented organizations, social and environmental security, project decision-making, as well as in-depth study of a foreign language.
Required prior and related subjects: Public communications and public interaction. Public administration. Territorial development planning. Strategies for the development of the state and society.
Summary of the subject: Writing a course project by a student is one of the forms of studying the discipline "Public Project Administration" whose purpose is to generalize, deepen and consolidate knowledge through self-study by students of educational and special scientific literature. The course project is designed to consolidate theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills of conducting activities for the ability to independently administer public projects. The teacher controls the individuality of the work on the task in the process of consultation and defense of the course project.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of students' knowledge of the discipline "Public Project Administration" (CP) is carried out in accordance with the working curriculum in the form of semester control (credit) based on the results of the course project. The maximum score of the course project is 100 points for students of all forms of education. The actual number of points received by the student is translated into a national incale assessment according to the following criteria: • Certified with a grade of "excellent" (88-100 points) is awarded for solid knowledge of educational material contained in the main and additional recommended literature sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied, in their relationship and development, clearly, concisely, logically and consistently answer questions, the ability to apply theoretical principles in solving practical problems; • Certified with a grade of "good" (71-87 points) is presented for mediocre knowledge of educational material, including calculations, reasoned answers to questions, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) inaccuracies, the ability to apply theoretical principles in solving practical problems ; • Certified with a grade of "satisfactory" (50-70 points) is presented for poor knowledge of educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of its teaching, poor application of theoretical principles in solving practical problems; • Not certified (26-49 points) - exposed for ignorance of a significant part of the study material, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical principles in solving practical problems; • Not certified - grade "unsatisfactory" (00-25 points) is given for ignorance of a significant part of the training material, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the basic fundamentals.
Recommended books: 1. Administration of public projects. Reference syllabus of lectures / SV Dzyuba, IB Zhilyaev, SK Polumienko, IA Ruban, AI Semenchenko. For the order. AI Semenchenko. Kyiv, 2012. 2. Handbook of public design for local authorities of Ukraine. Practical guidelines and best practices of local public design. Academy of Public Administration, 2014. 3. Public governance, textbook / ed. zag. ed. Kovbasyuka Yu.V., - K., NAPA, 2014, - 352p. 4. Tkachuk A. Local self-government and decentralization. Practical manual / A. Tkachuk. - Swiss-Ukrainian project "Support to Decentralization in Ukraine DESPRO". - Kyiv: Sofia LLC. - 2012. - 120 p. 5. Sendzyuk MA Information systems in public administration: a textbook. / MA Sendzyuk. K .: KIIEU, 2004. 339 p. 6. Public participation in the decision-making process at the local level: a textbook / SE "Ukrtechinform" Kyiv, 2013, 250 p. 7. About information: Law of Ukraine of 02.10.1992 p. № 2657-XII VVRU.1992. № 48. - Art. 650. - [Electronic resource] Access mode: 8. On access to public information: Law of Ukraine of January 13, 2011 № 2939-VI. 9. On citizens' appeals: Law of Ukraine of October 2, 1996 // VVRU. 1996. № 47. Art. 256 10. About administrative services: the Law of Ukraine // VVRU. - 2013, - №32, - St. 409.- [Electronic resource] Access mode: 11. On electronic documents and electronic document circulation: Law of Ukraine of 22.05.2003 p. № 851-IV // VVRU. 2003. № 36. - Art. 275. 12. On the procedure for covering the activities of public authorities and local governments in Ukraine by the media: Law of Ukraine of September 23, 1997 №539 / 97-VR, as amended.// VVRU. 1997, - №49. St. 299, - [Electronic resource] Access mode: 1% 80 13. coursc = Y & COURSE ID "& TYPI7 Y - Organization of work with citizens' appeals. 14. - JIMP reports