International and National Markets

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.00.O.017
Credits: 4.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: Senior Lecturer Нladun T.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know the basic functions, the concept and objectives of the global market, and especially the national market; scopes and basic theory of discipline; • be able to explore economic models of global and national markets; use the theoretical knowledge in various subject areas: management, economics, financial management; • be aware of the main directions of development and prospects of practical application of knowledge of the discipline.
Required prior and related subjects: -
Summary of the subject: Concept of development of international trade. The world market of goods and services. The world market as a subsystem of the world economy. The international division of labor. Defining features of formation of the world market. Features and formation of the national market. The objects of the world market and the national market. Infrastructure and institutional environment of the world market. Competition and monopolization of the market.
Assessment methods and criteria: practical training (30%) current control (70%).
Recommended books: 1. Burakovs'kyy I. Teoriyi mizhnarodnoyi torhivli. — K.: Osnovy, 2010. 2. Hlobal'na torhova systema: rozvytok instytutiv, pravyl, instrumentiv SOT: Monohrafiya. — K.: Vyd-vo KNEU, 2009. 3. Kovalenko Yu. O., Rumyantsev A. P. Mizhnarodna torhivlya posluha- my. — K.: Tsentr navch. l-ry, 2008. 4. Systema svitovoyi torhivli: Prakt. posib.: Per. z anhl. — K.: K.I.S., 2012.

International and National Markets (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.00.O.019
Credits: 3.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: Senior Lecturer Нladun T.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know the basic functions, the concept and objectives of the global market, and especially the national market; scopes and basic theory of discipline; • be able to explore economic models of global and national markets; use the theoretical knowledge in various subject areas: management, economics, financial management; • be aware of the main directions of development and prospects of practical application of knowledge of the discipline.
Required prior and related subjects: -
Summary of the subject: Concept of development of international trade. The world market of goods and services. The world market as a subsystem of the world economy. The international division of labor. Defining features of formation of the world market. Features and formation of the national market. The objects of the world market and the national market. Infrastructure and institutional environment of the world market. Competition and monopolization of the market.
Assessment methods and criteria: practical training (30%) current control (70%).
Recommended books: 1. Burakovs'kyy I. Teoriyi mizhnarodnoyi torhivli. — K.: Osnovy, 2010. 2. Hlobal'na torhova systema: rozvytok instytutiv, pravyl, instrumentiv SOT: Monohrafiya. — K.: Vyd-vo KNEU, 2009. 3. Kovalenko Yu. O., Rumyantsev A. P. Mizhnarodna torhivlya posluha- my. — K.: Tsentr navch. l-ry, 2008. 4. Systema svitovoyi torhivli: Prakt. posib.: Per. z anhl. — K.: K.I.S., 2012.