Industrial Marketing

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 6.075.00.O.053
Credits: 5.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Olha Kostiuk
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know: the essence and role of industrial enterprise marketing, tasks of marketing activities, features of industrial enterprise marketing, characteristics of industrial enterprise marketing entities, CCI classification, CCI characteristics, specifics of marketing activities in raw materials markets, machinery and equipment markets, other markets, procurement process industrial goods, methods of studying consumer demand and market formation of industrial products, forecasting the demand for CCI, the evolutionary nature of the relationship "supplier-consumer" in industrial markets, forms of cooperation between suppliers and consumers, the process of purchasing material resources, contracts and contracts supply, product range management, the impact of market conditions and competition on the planning of industrial products, prices and pricing policies of the enterprise, factors that determine the price level, their impact on the pricing policy of the enterprise, the role of the price factor in the country tags of industrial enterprise, features of pricing in the CCI market, factors influencing the choice of sales channel, management of sales channels, principles of work in terms of personal sales, style and technique of modern professional sales manager, the nature and main problems of industrial advertising, process advertising planning, other methods of promoting the CCI. • to be able to: use the basic techniques of industrial marketing, determine the capacity and market share of industrial enterprises, determine the capacity and market share of components, forecast the demand for CCI, strategically plan CCI marketing activities, determine the competitiveness of CCI, use models and methods of pricing in industrial markets and methods of sales and communication policies.
Required prior and related subjects: • Prerequisites: Marketing Management Macroeconomics Microeconomics Economic and mathematical methods and models • Co-requisites: block of discipline at the choice of the student
Summary of the subject: The essence of the problem and the marketing concept of industrial enterprises. Manufactured products. Market of the Manufactured products and features of marketing (В2В). Research in demand for industrial use. Establishment of cooperation with suppliers and customers. Market research in an industrial plant. Trading Policy and Coordination range of products. Pricing policy in the industrial market. Management of sales management and distribution of finished products. Communication policy of industrial enterprises.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (40%): written reports of practical work, oral examination; control module (60%): control tests, oral questioning. Final assessment (semester exam): testing, oral examination.
Recommended books: 1. Крикавський Є., Чухрай Н. Промисловий маркетинг: підручник 2-ге вид. Львів: Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2004. 472c. 2. Оснач О.Ф., Пилипчук В. П., Коваленко Л.П. Промисловий маркетинг: підручник К. : Центр учбової літератури, 2013. 364 с. 3. Погріщук Б.В., Ціхановська О.М., Янчук Т.В. Промисловий маркетинг: навчальний посібник. Тернопіль: Крок, 2010. 328 с. 4. Kostiuk O.S. Approaches to the formation of the system of logistics service of enterprises focused on industrial marketing. SINGLE EDUCATIONAL SPACE IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: колективна монографія / O. Kostiuk, E-SCIENCE SPACE, Warszawa, 2021. – 376 р. С. 150-170.